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About anonymous from UK: Top 3 albums -

Re: Christmas (87,303) (87,306) by anonymous from UK
I met her via a meet and greet when she came to Cardiff. It was a cool experience, I mean you don't get much time with her, it's kind of a blink and you'll miss it sort of situation, but the picture I had taken with her is immaculate and I adore it. It was worth it for that pic alone. Just treat her as she is - a human being. It really is just an in, have pic, leave kinda thing, so you won't spend any significant amount of time with her for it to make you think less of her. One day I'd like to meet MC for real and actually hang out with her and chat about life things, not even necessarily about her music, but just like life. A guy can dream.
(Sunday 30 December 2018; 13:53)
Re: AIWFCIY #2 (87,272) (87,275) by anonymous from UK
152 units away from No.1? I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Am I the only one who feels there may be some kind of insider vendetta to stop this song getting to No.1? It's just so barmy to me that such a musical juggernaut never makes it. I don't want to become one of those crazy conspiracy theory people though so I think I'll just get me some sleep.
(Saturday 29 December 2018; 00:54)
Oh Santa (87,088) by anonymous from UK
Please can someone share the love with me regarding this song? I know it will never come close to AIWFCIY for millions of people, and maybe many on this board, that is to say the fans, but I have adored this song since its debut. It's so special, bouncy, full of life and excitable. It always gets me in the Christmas mood, and every time I hear it I feel so hapy and really, like a little kid. There is an unapologetic joy about the song, whereas I feel there's an element of sadness to All I Want (I know the melody is super happy, but really, I can feel a sadness in it somewhere), but Oh Santa is just pure bliss. All I Want will always be Mariah's legacy, and of course that song is as special to me as it is to so many others, but there's something different about Oh Santa, that sometimes I think it may even take the edge for me over the Titan song. Sing it with me. Oh Santa.
(Monday 17 December 2018; 10:36)
Re: Mariah, Jimmy Fallon and the Roots (87,049) (87,060) by anonymous from UK
I've loved this ever since listen one. It's absolutely magical, every time I watch and listen, I grin from ear to ear the whole way through. It's just pure, innocent bliss. Just what Christmas should be all about.
(Sunday 16 December 2018; 14:54)
Christmas decorations (86,931) by anonymous from UK
So today (much later in the month than usual - sometimes it's even November, I love Christmas.), I'll be commencing my annual tradition of putting on Merry Christmas by our one and only, and decorating the house. When I hear those first piano tinkles of Silent Night, surrounded by boxes of Christmas decorations, some new, some old, it really feels like Christmas. Once it's all done, I'll sit down and admire my handiwork with Merry Christmas II You playing, and especially Christmas Time is in the Air Again, gives me a very warm, happy feeling inside. Thank God for Mariah, complimenting and marking every occasion since 1990. Merry Christmas y'all.
(Friday 7 December 2018; 16:23)
One Mo' Gen and Portrait (86,871) by anonymous from UK
One Mo' Gen just seems to get better each and every time I hear it. I loved it from first listen but now it's fast becoming one of my fav MC album tracks ever. I don't know what it is about it that has hooked me so much, but wow. It's actually delicious, if audio can be described as such. Maybe I just need to get laid? Ahem, anyway, moving on.

Portrait is still my fav on the album. Narrowly pushing past One Mo' Gen. Again, not sure why, but it feels kinda sweeping and epic, like a true old school MC song, in the way only she can do old school. Or perhaps not old school, but timeless. The strings are stirring and whereas with her precious introspective songs I felt the pain, this one I can hear or feel (or both) a stoic determination and steadfastness I've not heard from MC before. This whole album, it's almost like I can tell she's in a good place, emotionally and spiritually. I don't feel an emotional dumping, if I can be so ineloquent. I feel more like I'm hearing stories and experiences, as opposed to having using music to expunge herself of hard feelings. In a nutshell, MC is telling us about things, calmly relating, instead of unloading and damn the consequences. Caution as an album is just gorgeous.
(Wednesday 5 December 2018; 02:17)
Re: Cohesion (86,687) (86,702) by anonymous from UK
It's called replying on a point by point basis, sweetheart, to demonstrate you're wrong, darling. I will read and reply to you when I need to call out your bullshit, honey. Cheers, cupcake.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 16:08)
Re: Cohesion (86,659) (86,678) by anonymous from UK
It's not propaganda to enjoy something and express enjoyment of it, that's not at all what propaganda is. Whether Caution sells one or one million copies, I love it so I don't really care. I don't form my opinion or interests on how many other people like something, if a person were to do that, they'd be pretty dull just following the herd, right? As I recall, you rave about You Don't Know What To Do (awesome song), which actually didn't do anything commercially. Now, as that's not supported by people with purchasing power, and really only exists to be listened to and discussed by fans, does that make it anything less than a great song? Is someone who doesn't like the song dull as dishwater, and as I like the song, does that make me suddenly more interesting? Whatever the sarcastic and sassy response, an opinion is always going to be just that, an opinion. And no amount of your attempts to belittle people who hold differing opinions to yours will change that, with your opinion meaning as much or as little as anybody else's.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 01:18)
Re: Cohesion (86,641) (86,645) by anonymous from UK
Let me translate it back - it means what it means. If it all sounded the same, different tracks wouldn't be favourites for different people. If you're not feeling it, fair enough, but when people feel it cohesive, or a strong "body of work", that's just exactly what they mean. They do not, I repeat, do not think it all sounds the same. Different people, different ears, different opinions. Nice attempt as per usual, though, to tell everyone the "facts".
(Thursday 29 November 2018; 11:25)
Caution (86,596) by anonymous from UK
After multiple listens, it gets better and better. The album is coherent and contained. I love it. I feel the least coherent album was Rainbow, I just never got on with it. Caution is defo going to be in my top five MC albums.
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 23:04)
Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,306) (86,313) by anonymous from UK
Actually feel it's an excellent post, and I read the whole thing. Thank you for taking the time to write it. But, and of course there's always a but, I have to respond.

The world at large right now seems to celebrate superficiality, where real emotions, feelings and thoughts are derided and are marketed as uncool, unsexy, and frankly things to be scared of. The way the world is going is like what everyone is scared of - the human race worries robots and tech will overtake the world, so before we lose control and that happens, we'll make the humans the emotionless robots first, driven only by consumption, uncaring to the multitude of emotion that makes a human being, well, a human being.

Today, it's more about loving yourself and the things that make you feel good, even for a fleeting moment, even at the expense of others. It made me feel good, so tough luck, baby. The media and the arts seem intent to turn us into selfish, self-centred narcissists with no greater agenda than to self-preserve. So either you turn into a heartless machine or you perish.

Mariah is a deeply feeling, emotional and responsive human being, and that just doesn't sell anymore. It's not what the powers that be want us to be. They have realised they can make more money, control more people by stripping them of emotion and replacing it with crass, unfeeling, ultimately meaningless exchange of ideas. Very precious little is real anymore. It has been given over to people pretending they are always happy, optimistic, fulfilled people.

I guess ultimately what I'm saying with this post is, as much as you, I am sad Mariah can't be herself truly now, but if she were to be, she'd truly have no audience. Not that she does now anyway, but I think the way she is reacting is an overall reaction most of the human race is feeling toward on one hand being encouraged to acknowledge mental health and feelings yet at the same time being told any negative emotion or feeling is scary, bad and somehow wrong. Just my two cents, but again I loved your post and I feel the same as you about many aspects of it.
(Tuesday 20 November 2018; 20:31)
Portrait (86,027) by anonymous from UK
This album is impeccable, but how is nobody here raving about Portrait? I guess it comes from being so emotionally unstable huh? Whatever. It speaks to me on so many levels. If this song was on Daydream or Butterfly, I know it would be a forever classic. Mariah, Mariah... you've done it again. I love Caution, I love Glitter, thank you for opening your bleeding soul. Some of us aren't scared to bleed, and you doing it, wow. My favourite artist of all time will always be Miss Mariah Carey
(Friday 16 November 2018; 15:45)
Re: Pop vinyl (85,471) (85,478) by anonymous from UK
I bought this as well Joachim. There's a shop in my city that sells these figures, and I was very pleasantly surprised to see they stock the MC one. It's very cute and a bit of fun.
(Wednesday 31 October 2018; 17:58)
The Distance (85,157) by anonymous from UK
I've waited a while with this one, because at first I didn't have a clue what was going on with this song haha. GTFO, I was just hypnotised from first listen, and I listened to it quite literally about 15 times on repeat without realising. When I say hypnotised, I mean it. Then With You, which I just fell in love with practically straight away. Then we have The Distanace. After a few days, this song has really grown on me, and I can say (yes I'm going to say), I love it. As others have said, it's one of the first songs in a long time with a featured artist that doesn't feel tacked on or "just for the hell of it". One thing about it though, it does give me true high summer vibes, and with it turning rapidly colder in the UK, my dream of being at the beach or in the garden chilling to this song are sadly going to have to wait. Or, you know, I could just hop on a plane bound for Miami haha.
(Sunday 21 October 2018; 10:41)
Caution (84,918) by anonymous from UK
Hooray. A return to one word album titles. Kind of felt like a Mariah Carey trademark until TEOM. So far, I love the released songs, listen to them daily, and love this album title. So un-Mariah, yet so very Mariah. Figure that out. I know what I'm trying to get at haha.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 00:55)
Another point about With You (84,879) by anonymous from UK
This feels like one of the most "realistic love" love songs Mariah has ever written. The whole premise, meeting and promising things you don't realistically know you can keep, such as "promise to keep me warm", and what most relationships are about, just making it somehow or other "we all make mistakes sometimes but we middle through", no high drama of a great mistake happening and then forgiveness, redemption and happy ever after, but what again most of us do when we love someone, muddle through, seeing through the highs and lows. It's like a short story of a relationship, where the protagonist is deep into the relationship and remembering the beginning, the sweet taste of the honeymoon period is over, but regardless, still in love and happy to make their way through this crazy thing called life with another equally imperfect person. Just my thoughts on it anyway. Yeah, I really love this song haha.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 12:47)
Re: So sad (84,870) (84,876) by anonymous from UK
Thank you, Eric, accepted but not necessarily needed, but appreciated all the same. I will admit I was more than a little rattled when I read that message, but I guess it gave me a little taste of what it must be like for famous people, as their lives are taken and contorted and twisted, little embellishments added and life events altered to suit the agenda of the writer. I've been working on a lot of things lately, as one thing that was pointed out in that message about me that was true is that I did for the longest time feel there was something odd about me; I didn't ignore it, though, and I've sought support that I need and also working on improving myself in many ways, so I'm actually proud of myself for that. It might seem a bit "new age" millennial nonsense to some, but wanting to improve yourself and inspire positivity and happiness in the world is both noble and difficult actually, as there are many negatives trying to disuade you.

I've been coming to this message board since I was about 13 years old, so since about 2002. I was a very active poster years ago under my birth name, and haven't visited pretty much daily ever since. Even if I don't post, something draws me to this website - I guess it feels comfortable and familiar which is a nice feeling. I know the last few years have not been what most Mariah fans would've wanted for her, but can we all work with what we have and of course critique but not the really quite aggressive and vicious disgust and rage that has been rampant here for the last few months/years or so. Nobody is saying everything is perfect and amazing, but really, if it isn't, is adding more and more negative energy into the mix going to improve anything at all? Hope everyone has a great start to their week.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 12:16)
With You (84,851) by anonymous from UK
I genuinely can't get this song out of my head. When I first heard it, I thought it was beautiful and I really loved it, but I felt it almost seemed like an extended interlude from one of her albums. Upon further listens, however, it just gets better and better, and it really does seem timeless, sitting just outside of an era in a place of its own. I find myself singing the verses under my breath when out and about, and when I listen to it, I just love it more and more. It might not be the chart topping wonder some hoped for, but it's a Mariah Carey song in the truest way, and I'm so happy with this direction she's taking, as I also love GTFO, which also sticks in my head.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 22:26)
Re: Angry Andrew (84,840) (84,850) by anonymous from UK
And here we are with your favourite term - emotionally unstable. Which, I take it, you use to refer to anyone with emotion other than venom and criticism. No, I'm not going to "get my sass on" with you, Andrew. Your last post clearly demonstrated how mean spirited and unkind you are. I actually thank you for your attempt to publicly humiliate me this way, as it shows me that you have to be careful who you talk to and what you say, and also as an opportunity to have certain aspects of my life posted in a very unflattering light (and not entirely correct, I'll just add), and for me to choose to not allow you to affect me. A nice person? If that last message shows anything, no, you're really not. And I stand by everything I said in my original post, which is actually supported by your follow up attack on me. Have a nice weekend.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 22:20)
Re: Angry Andrew (84,816) (84,827) by anonymous from UK
I haven't and wouldn't insult anyone on this board. I used the word "like", as in, giving an example of how I feel those messages come across. Why would I skip those posts? They're here to read, and here for me to respond as I choose. Just as we're all free to respond to what we choose and post what we like, within reason and the rules of this board.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 10:14)
Angry Andrew (84,801) by anonymous from UK
I think I understand what I think you're doing, but at this point, and it's been a long time coming, it feels that you're making yourself ill with all this bile you keep regurgitating. I used to find your messages almost amusing, but now you just come across like the angry drunk on the park bench who screams obscenities at people as they walk by. We get it, you think she's pathetic the way she is now. You think anyone who has a different opinion to yours is pathetic and/or delusional. That's fine. But it really does appear that if someone is causing you to be this angry and hateful, for your own sake it might be best to call it a day coming to a fan site (I would use capitals for the word fan but, ya know, rules and all) and being like the crazy person in the room, screaming at everyone that they're clearly not as clued up as you as they can't see or feel what you do as your perceived reality. It's not a conspiracy, it's not that deep. I'd like this board to feel like a fan site again, and I'd just like to say, Mariah has inspired me in her various guises over the years, and her resilience is astounding. I love you, Mariah.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 18:28)
Randy and Joachim (84,739) by anonymous from UK
Now I just couldn't leave it there. Mariah was embarrassed by Whitney at the Oscars? Now that is completely your opinion, don't even. Don't state that like it's a fact. Whitney has a bigger voice, yes. But in my opinion (remembering pretty much all this is about an opinion) Mariah has the purer and more beautiful tone, so no, there were no mic problems etc, Mariah sang beautifully and from the heart, no embarrassment whatsoever. Joachim, thank you for saying what I really should be saying, but am just too damn tired to say. If Randy lists the problems that people make excuses for once more and says "did I get them all", ignoring what you've just said once more, I may spontaneously combust. So let's spell it clear for you, Randy - Joachim is saying everyone is different. That's point one. He is saying some people have it all their lives, some people don't, that's point two. He is not making excuses about anything, he is simply stating that people change/deteriorate/get better/etc differently, just because person a keeps it doesn't mean the same for person b, c and d. That's point three. Have I explained it simply enough for you now? Good.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 08:59)
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