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About Trish from USA: Huge/lifelong MC fan from Seattle, WA. LOVE this site!

Reuniting? (39,785) by Trish from USA
I still have my fingers crossed for a Walter/Mariah reunion, and I'm hoping the shade at the end of the 2nd verse is for Kelly Price.
(Wednesday 13 November 2013; 22:40)
Letting go lyrics (39,753) by Trish from USA
I'm shocked so many people like the lyrics, I think they're horrid. The first verse just sounds all over the place. The adjectives in the chorus are filler and distracting "letting go ain't easy, it's just exceedingly hurtful, 'cause somebody you used to know is flinging your world around" sounds like something a 15 year old would write in about 5 minutes. I think the second verse is okay until "go to Mimi on your contacts and press delete". Mariah said we would all relate to this song and apply our own meaning to the words, but she made it undeniablely about a relationship and put her own name in the lyrics. Mariah seems to have lost touch with what "relatable" means. Understandable, she hasn't lived in the real world in a long time, but it gets more and more discouraging with each new album and single. With this song, and Almost Home, MC has had two chances to write lyrics everyone could relate to and she just keeps missing. I really wanted a song that meant something to me, that I could turn to when I needed a spiritual moment - not something that makes me think who says "flinging your world around"?
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 17:50)
Stevie, Q&A (39,676) by Trish from USA
I love that Mariah is working with Stevie. I hope it's an original that they wrote together, that would be a pairing of the two best song writers in all the land, and a dream of mine come true. I've always wanted her to write with Smokey Robinson too. I'm so excited for 11/11, I can't wait to hear the Art of Letting Go and hear all the answers to the questions raised on the message boards. 5 days!
(Wednesday 6 November 2013; 21:45)
Cover (39,596) by Trish from USA
I liked the fake cover Mariah Connection put on Facebook better. I'm a little tired of the bathing suit stuff too. I do like the background, (yes, I get the references) and of course I think M is beautiful, but I'm hoping for a thought provoking, deep, spiritual song and for me the bathing suit shot doesn't speak to spirituality/the art of letting go. Btw, it's okay to express opinions about art, that's the whole point of art.
(Wednesday 30 October 2013; 1:11)
Mariah's voice (39,551) by Trish from USA
I saw Mariah live at Cesar's Palace in 2003 from the front row. I was actually kind of nervous beforehand because talk of voice decline was around (sigh) 10 years ago, but ever since then I just roll my eyes when I hear it. That night I heard the best singer ever sing, and I know she was singing because I could hear her before the microphone and saw her spit sometimes. The live versions of Can't Take That Away, and My Saving Grace stuck out to me that night because they were so much better than the album versions. The conversations about lipping are tired. She's truly the greatest, and we are so blessed that a talent of her caliber (has there ever been a better singer let alone song writer?) is so good to her fans, and has her incredible work ethic. I'm so excited for 11/11. Perhaps you're just looking for something to talk about while we wait? But did she lip in 2005? Who cares?
(Thursday 24 October 2013; 17:42)
My All (39,480) by Trish from USA
I thought it was interesting that Walter A thought My All and Whenever You Call we're unfinished. Whenever You Call was my wedding song (in 2009) and has always been in my top 5 favorite Mariah songs (who can pick just one?), but I never really got My All, I always thought it was missing something. I love the remixes though! So excited to hear The Art of Letting Go. 11/11.
(Monday 14 October 2013; 18:00)
Looks like same ol' same ol' (39,339) by Trish from USA
I had high expectations for the new album, but with each new picture of Mariah in the studio my hopes are fading. I'm not opposed to a few collaborations or remixes with rap verses, but I was really hoping we'd get an album with a good chunk of songs co-written with Walter Afanasieff and maybe some more work with Marc Shaiman. I wish Mariah all the chart success in the world, but it'd be wonderful to have some truly meaningful classics that I'll still listen to in 10-20 years. There have also been some successful ballads out lately (Stay, When I Was Your Man) that Mariah could blow out of the water.
(Saturday 28 September 2013; 6:49)
Best MC album (39,027) by Trish from USA
Best MC album is Butterfly hands down. Lyrically every song was amazing, and I feel the quality of the production has never been as strong on albums since. The lyrics to Breakdown, Butterfly, The Roof, 4th Of July, Whenever You Call, Close My Eyes, Babydoll, and Outside were all incredible. Mariah poured herself into the making of the album and made every song on Butterfly perfect. Forgive me but the #1s from that album are the weakest songs on it, but I do love the My All/Stay A While remix. That album was mostly R&B but didn't isolate fans because the lyrics were relatable no matter who you were, and she gave us some of the prettiest pop ballads ever (Butterfly, Close My Eyes, and Whenever You Call specifically). I agree with everyone who loved MOAIA, I love the album (love H.A.T.E.U), but feel it is missing/aching for raw ballads that are full length Mariah originals.
(Saturday 17 August 2013; 5:57)
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