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About Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales: Top 5 MC albums:

1. Me. I Am Mariah
2. Emotions
3. Butterfly
4. E=MC2
5. Charmbracelet

Favourite track from the debut album (52,146) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
This album is a masterpiece of a debut, and as such I love all the songs on the album. However, I do of course have personal favourites. Aside from the majestic Vision Of Love (which I consider the greatest debut single of all time) and the heartbreaking Love Takes Time, I have always had a real soft spot for Sent From Up Above. It moves me every time and makes me feel good when I feel down. It's a beautiful song and a real hidden gem in the Mariah catalogue.
(Thursday 23 April 2015; 16:16)
Seriously (50,919) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Can we stop bashing this woman? Really. It's getting ugly now. Ok, she's not perfect, amazing. But just stop now. Anybody heard of unconditional love? It's a confusing concept for many, but let me make it simple - loving someone or something without condition. Through the ups and downs, the good and the bad. Whatever happens, I will love and cherish this woman until the end. "She should be, she should sing, she should wear." Over and over and over. To hell with it. She's a person, not a product. And don't give me the she's a product as she chooses to sell herself that way bollocks. She's an insecure, irrational human being. She's not perfect, never was, never will be. She has always had some of this about her, just before it was hidden. She's being scrutinised and abused 24/7, and people wonder why the insecurity raises its ugly head time and again. I say, give her kudos for still having the guts to be seen, to be herself. I hate the people constantly praising Madonna for reinventing herself. Who is Madonna? Who the hell knows? I for one don't give a shit. But I know who Mariah is, heart on sleeve, warts and all, ugly and obvious and beautiful transparency. Keep going Mariah. And please don't let anything or anybody get to you. Work on your craft, work on your body, work on your life. But I for one accept that you aren't perfect, and in my eyes, that makes you more perfect than them all.
(Monday 16 March 2015; 1:49)
Martyn (48,286) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Your post was spot on and fabulous. I apeopleaud you.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 16:47)
"The" performance (48,245) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
What the hell is up with this planet? Mariah is an incredible singer/songwriter, and, regardless of potential vocal issues that may or may not be repairable, she is an incredible artist for so many reasons. She is also worthy of being an idol; she doesn't do drugs, she doesn't fall out of clubs drunk, she doesn't bad mouth or belittle and she holds herself with a grace and class that is seriously lacking in so many others. I think the reason the world media hates on her so much is because they really do think she is perfect, or perceive her as so, and because they could never hope to reach even a tenth of her class they instead hate her. I'm sick to death of hearing Mariah-bashing. I will be one of her Warrior Lambs, and the naysayers be damned.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 23:46)
Goose bumps (47,629) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Listening to some of the renditions as the tour goes along has been giving me goosebumps. Incredible and what a return to form, a real power show to people who were less than impressed by this tour at the start (such as myself) that I should down and STFU. Incredible. Hero is a song I love, in much the same way Mariah does - it's an anthem of hers, once of her most famous, but not necessarily a lamb favourite in the face of her countless other phenomenal songs. But I seriously could have cried listening to her recent performance of that song. It blew me away and I thought it was beautiful, brilliant and confident. I love you Mariah.
(Monday 27 October 2014; 19:29)
Elena, Vision of Love (47,468) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
As previously mentioned, Vision of Love is my favourite ever song, and that video you posted was ethereal and other-worldly. Wow. This is why I am in love with this woman and will always consider her the greatest vocalist who has ever lived. That was divine. I had goose bumps galore. Nearly 25 year ago. Wow. My, my, time flies. Thank you for posting that. If you have a copy of it I'd be so grateful if you could send it to me.
(Friday 17 October 2014; 0:04)
Conclusion (47,285) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
After the past few days of this whole unfortunate incident on this message board, I just want to clarify something before I can move on to more positive areas once again. Firstly, to anyone in their mind thinking I should no longer be a fan, please read through all my posts before the past few days and see just how full of positivity and defence of Mariah they are. Also, I have been coming to this board since I was 13; I'm now 25. I have all MCs albums on CD and iTunes (and a good deal on vinyl) and also all her concert DVDs, VHS etc. Also two frames pictures of her on my wall. Secondly, I come to this board as a safe place as a fan where I can discuss my feelings regarding Mariah and her voice, artistry, current affairs etc. I come here to voice concerns as well as praise for Mariah. I would never make any negative comment on any other Internet forum or real life, and I am proud to tell people that I am a huge Mariah fan, even when facing ridicule (and believe me - saying you're a Mariah fan in the UK gets you nothing but stick). My harsher messages were more a reaction to the frankly hideous responses some people here received which shocked me. I come here to discuss with other fans and also to hear and give opinion. I just wanted to make it clear that I am and always will be a massive fan of Mariah's, her status as my idol will never go and I will never abandon her even if I criticise. I am very much looking forward to moving on to more positive times.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 10:13)
I have never (47,232) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I have never said anyone is delusional and I wouldn't say that. And nor do I need to justify my opinions and feelings to you. I am expressing concern for someone who is my idol. I really love Mariah and always will, I just don't want her to take this lying down.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 2:42)
Andrew and others of his ilk (47,167) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Excuse me, they are huge fans. Why else would they seek out a Mariah Carey fan board. How helpful do you think it is to MC to tell her every time she opens her mouth it's phenomenal? I used to because that's what I heard. And I've heard a million Hero renditions over the years as we all have. And as far as I was concerned, they didn't sound as good as 1993 Mariah but guess what? Her other vocals did. Including for other songs like Vision Of Love which is coincidentally my favourite song of all time. My second favourite song of all time is The Art Of Letting Go. I think Mariah is incredible. Andrew isn't posting these things because he hates MC, he's posting because he loves Mariah, knows she's capable of better and hates hearing her throw away 24 years with pitiful performances. You think this doesn't happen? Hardly anyone speaks about Whitney being amazing anymore, they talk about how awful she was at the end. Not because they hate her, but because people can't actually believe such incredible talent can just disappear. I love WH but to me, MC is the greatest artist ever and always will be. Please stop attacking Andrew for his opinions. And before any of you all dare attack me, read through my past posts and read this, I love Mariah Carey more than life. I only give my opinion because I know she is better than what she is showcasing. Divorce or no divorce, she has a job to do and people to impress. If she feels she can no longer do that, I respectfully ask she bows out.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 1:21)
Ps (47,162) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Nobody here is complaining about number ones. I think none of us give a shit about that. We just want MC to sound as she does on her record like she used to. And if she visits this board and feels hurt, I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt her, ever. She means the world to me. In fact, I'd love of she read these messages as they're intended. Either sort out your vocals and if you can't, tell us, tell the world. Then your legacy can be saved. But this pretending and acting like everything is as it always was is ruining her. Nothing else is. Just pretending. She has/had an incredible voice, no pretending required. If you can't do it anymore, just tell the world. And if she can do it and just chooses not to, well, I have no problem saying to her "stop now, nonchalance is killing your career". I love her so much. That's what I want you to all get in your heads, and if MC reads this I want her to know I love her more than life. And these comments are meant to help, not cause distress.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 0:19)
Mean? (47,159) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I'm more than slightly irritated by this. Telling someone it's spectacular when it isn't is much more "mean" as far as I'm concerned than telling someone you love that they can do better. Acceptance of mediocrity is not "kindness". It is selfish. If you can blindly stand aside, play these songs in her current voice and sell them as incredible to your friends, that's not only dishonest but a kick in the gut to what MC was and is about. I believe in her and always have. I have supported every decision and decried every derision but I feel now enough is enough. Mariah is a premiere vocalist, if a premiere vocalist can no longer deliver honestly, she steps down gracefully and let's others do their thing. I love Mariah. I love Mariah. I can't say it enough. How dare anyone tell me I don't. I have and still love this woman until the day she dies. This is not her best, this is not what her voice has become. She can still sing exactly like she was 18 of she chooses to but she has become complacent. Those truly faithful to her will tell her "Whatever happens, whatever you're going through, you have a job to do, and you're amazing at it, now shine." That's what happens in my job. Am I a famous singer? No. So I'll never understand the intricacies of famous life. But I know a job is a job. And if you're no longer good at it, you mentor. See footballers. Don't call me mean. I love this woman. But if she can't give the best, I'd rather see her not give anything.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 0:12)
Loyalty (47,151) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Is different to having an opinion on an event happening right now. If I get absolutely drunk and make a fool of myself, will my friends be a bit pissed at me? Absolutely. If they are true friends, will that destroy or even slightly damage our relationship? Absolutely not. The same here. Regarding MC's current vocal state, I think it's just not good. I am not rich. Why would I pay to see my idol basically single-handedly destroy her legacy? Let's have some perspective. If a non lamb but someone who has always loved MC's music went to a show now, they would think it was less than stellar and tell all their friends she is a phoney. Which she is not. We're all here because we know MC is the real deal with the best voice of all time. But currently that is not what is on display. Overall, if you asked me how I feel and think of MC, I would happily and easily tell anyone that I think she is the greatest vocalist and one of the greatest song writers of all time. But I cannot say that what I've heard from the show was good when it was not. I love Mariah, I believe in Mariah, and I believe she can get back to where she was vocally. But obviously something is amiss. And pretending that everything is incredible when it is not is not kind or supportive. It's the same as letting your friend go out wearing something hideous and doesn't suit them just to not hurt their feelings. I know the lines are blurred because she's famous but c'mon. Based solely on latest performances, it's bad.
(Sunday 5 October 2014; 21:52)
Ashamed (47,143) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I am not ashamed to have the opinion that I found the vocal to be amateur at best and drunk karaoke at worst. Why should I be ashamed? I still adore and support MC and I will not be flagging up last nights performances as ones to be listened to to embarrass MC. But guess what? I am entitled to an opinion, and as much as I love this woman, my opinion truthfully is that the vocals were awful. I tell my friends and family that certain clothes they wear are awful. Should I be ashamed? No. Because I'm honest and more importantly I love them. As I love MC. But I'm not going to pretend that she sang greater than anyone who ever sang because she didn't. And considering what she could do it was atrocious. I'm a staunch supporter but I'm not deaf. Ashamed? Absolutely not. I'm a lamb but I'm not going to gives kudos where none are deserved.
(Sunday 5 October 2014; 20:59)
There are no words (47,136) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Everybody knows I am the eternal optimist and the loudest to shout to show Mariah support. But the snippets of the concert? I have only this to say, based on what I've heard, if she tours Europe I won't be buying a ticket. If I take friends and family to see her, who I have constantly and consistently praised as the greatest singer of all time, I would be utterly mortified if they heard that. I love you so much Mariah, but I can't live in fantasy land. It's actually truly heartbreaking.
(Sunday 5 October 2014; 17:15)
Butterfly (46,887) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
This one song cements Mariah as one of the greatest lyricists of all time. It sums up so perfectly a feeling and a situation and in such few words. It's overwhelming. My husband and I are separating and indeed moving on from each other. I love him with all my heart and he feels the same, but I feel like one of the wild horses who needs to run unbridled before my spirit dies. Why did I marry him then? Because I loved him, and thought that came above everything. But I need to go away for a while and discover me or else I'll never be able to truly give myself to the person I love. Basically though, Butterfly is an incredible song, and proves just how deeply not only Mariah feels but how she can translate those deep feelings into lyrics and melody. Thank you once again Mariah for helping me through my heartbreak. Felix, I love you and always will.
(Monday 22 September 2014; 0:41)
Dear everyone (46,348) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
So many things happen in our lives. Christmas and birthdays, love and heartbreak, illness and death. It's all part of life. One thing I get strongly from listening to Mariah is that she's a strong woman. Someone who is able to express themselves, either via speaking to a friend or writing a song, is a strong person. It means they aren't burying their head in the sand. Acceptance is part of grief, and grief is normal and healthy. I believe Mariah is stronger than the sum of what we know of her, and she will be fine. For bless, Mariah, and we're all here for you. As a final note, I just want to say, whenever a marriage breaks down, usually it's both parties have a part to play and "the blame game" is not helping anyone. Let's just support our idol and not get involved with blaming she or he. It's not our life, or business. Whatever either says is their own version of events. We can have our own opinion, I just politely suggest being non-judgemental.
(Monday 25 August 2014; 0:04)
Mariah's legacy (46,199) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I've been thinking and feeling this for a while now so I thought I'd share it with you guys to see what you think. There is a vulnerability to Mariah's voice and lyrics that is missing in either Whitney or The Beatles, there is so no dancing skill to dazzle the audience like Michael Jackson and no chameleon ability to transform like Madonna. But I feel Mariah is greater than the aforementioned and the greatest artist of all time and here's why. Mariah can say more with a line of a song or intonation of voice than some can in a career of albums. She can appear so in control yet so distant from her own music at the same time. She appears confident yet unsure of her talent in the same sentence. In my opinion, Mariah is the closest to a "real" person than any artist ever. This diva stuff, it is the way I can imagine someone who pretends they have talent to act. Mariah has talent. The overuse of the voice is someone constantly trying to prove they have an incredible voice. Mariah's voice is the best. The lyrics that cry out "I just want to be loved" are sincere. Mariah is so close to how most people feel about this crazy life, to how they truly feel, confused and trying to make sense of life, that they berate rather than embrace her. Many musical genius have been condemned as throwaway in their lifetime. I believe Mariah's legacy will prove her worth, so I suggest not to worry about the future. I suggest we fans show our love in the present whilst she is still alive.
(Thursday 21 August 2014; 22:07)
PJW re: WBT (45,931) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
You're right that she hasn't come close to it. She's far surpassed it.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 20:38)
To clear things up (45,819) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I get the impression that some people here think of me as a yes person with no real views or opinions of my own, and that I think every single thing Mariah does is just too good for belief and nobody should ever express a negative opinion. But let me make things clear. I understand, accept and know that Mariah is not perfect. Are there things that I would do differently if I were in her shoes? Absolutely. There are some things or decisions she makes that I do not understand at all and think "why?". There are songs of hers I don't particularly enjoy, some performances make me shudder and some behaviours I find downright bizarre at times. But guess what? These things make me love her even more. She is so flawed it's unreal, just as we all are, but the incredible and beautiful things she does make up for that and then some. I respect everyone's right to an opinion even if I don't agree, and sometimes I feel that opinion needs a counter as I feel it is too harsh or unfair. But what I don't do is attack or name call or post vicious, malicious or rude comments. I do not think Mariah is perfect, but I don't need or want her to be. I love her for her unconditionally. I'll take real and the flaws and the tantrums and the diva moments over faked niceties and false displays of humility any day. And let me make one more thing clear - it's hard to post positively on here, as you get attacked for not slating what someone else thinks is not good enough. Just some food for thought.
(Monday 4 August 2014; 20:32)
My label (45,806) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Mr Optimist? Hmm, "Lately they've been calling me the eternal optimist. I like it." All jokes aside, whatever people want to say about me is none of my business, however I do apologise to professional musicians who feel wounded or exasperated about my enjoying the performance.
(Monday 4 August 2014; 16:56)
Meteorite live (45,785) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I'll start off by saying it's one of the best songs on the album and so unexpected. It's like Mariah doing a Madonna better than Madonna does her. As for the performance, I don't know if it was lipped and I'm not sure I care. I loved watching this, I had a smile on my face the whole time, and the final whistle gave me life. Whenever I see Mariah now, I'm no longer watching an artist rise and fight her way to the top. I'm seeing a legend. And I fall in love with her all over again. Thank you Mariah. You are phenomenal.
(Monday 4 August 2014; 9:42)
MIAM (45,295) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Regardless of performance, this album is one of Mariah's greatest achievements, and there has clearly been so much effort and love put into this collection of songs. Whether she wants out of the label or not is frankly of little interest to me. I just hope nobody feels validation in calling the album poor to justify their belief that Mariah wants to leave the label. I'm sure it's true that she wants to leave at this point, but before she did, she created a diamond out of dung.
(Thursday 10 July 2014; 15:15)
Our idol (45,283) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Hey Bill. What you wrote in your reply was so good to read. I think everyone on this board can read that and feel that it applies to them as as well. When you revisit Mariah's past in performances or interviews, you can fall in love with her all over again. I know sometimes my own fan status wanes a little, but I catch an interview or hear a song and think "How could you ever believe you could fall out of love with this woman." I know Mariah is not the exact same as she was back then, but I know that she was and still is that girl we fell in love with. Even now when I see her, I still see the same infallible determination and fire in her eyes. It's all about the eyes. They still sparkle with so much intensity and I think "She's still here." It's my idol, our idol, Mariah. She may be older, a lot wiser, have larger breasts, bigger ego etc but she is still that same person. I believe that because I see it, always in the eyes. And I think Mariah would be so sad to read that people had given up on her/failed to see her. She's always wanted to be "seen" as she is for who she is (Looking In). And sometimes we all need a brief little reminder, to help ourselves remember. It's our Mariah. The last of the truly talented living legends, the superstars. And I think we'll all be with her for always.
(Tuesday 8 July 2014; 22:24)
Miss Carey, Mariah (45,161) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
Well, this is turning out very interestingly. First of all, on this message board, many fans come out and say how they're tired of Mariah, her behaviour, her antics, her nonchalant attitude towards everything other than her hair, her persona, her phrases and some even expressing nothing but disdain towards her music over the past 17 years. Some even appear to become annoyed with other fans who don't feel all these negative things about Mariah. And now, not only her fans, but the media at large seems out to get her. The only thing I can say regarding these observations and what they are amounting to (which I feel is mass bullying) is this. Mariah, I love you and thank God for you and for you being who you are every day. You have changed and improved my life in so many indirect (and probably sometimes direct) ways that I can't imagine life without you in it. Just like you, I have a life and love and friends and hobbies, but unlike you I have you to look up to. So successful and so talented, so beautiful, so strong and yet so fragile, I admire you so greatly that you are able to withstand this constant attack coming from everywhere. I don't know if Mariah ever reads this board, but I just need to say, please don't change. People like me rely on you to keep the faith, and to really mean it when you say it's ok to be just you, yourself. You. You are Mariah. Me. I am Anthony. Thank you and please don't change. Ever.
(Monday 30 June 2014; 0:35)
Top 5 (44,790) by Anthony Basco from Cardiff, Wales
I love the album as a body of work, truly I think it is phenomenal. But I want to play this top 5 game haha which is kinda hard for me to do, but here goes.
5. Meteorite
4. Dedicated
3. Cry
2. Supernatural
1. Make It Look Good
Ok, this was too difficult. Already I feel bad about missing out some amazing songs. So take this top 5 with a pinch of salt. I love them all. Special mention - if The Art of Letting Go had been included in the album proper, it would be 1. Vision of Love and The Art of Letting Go are my two favourite songs ever.
(Monday 16 June 2014; 0:23)


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