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About John from USA: Huge Mariah fan since "Honey" in 1997. Have all albums and listen to her regularly.

I had a funny Mariah dream last night (37,405) by John from USA
I dreamt that "Obsessed" became a number one hit in 2013. Not only did she get her 19th number 1, she became the first artist in history to have an old song that wasn't a number 1 get to that spot. Somehow we as fans pulled through for her and downloaded the song a million times haha. So random, but I woke up with a smile and thought I'd share with you guys. I do think Mariah is unfortunately past her prime, but I still believe (every pun intended) she has a few more hits in her. She just needs to make good music and get out there.
(Friday 15 March 2013; 15:34)
Almost Home video (37,353) by John from USA
I just saw the full video. I have to say, I really love it. The scenes from the movie were synced up very well with the song, and I love how classy and elegant (finally) she looked. I hope this song at least becomes at strong buzz single (top 20-ish), if not her 19th #1. It's the best pop single she's put out in a long time, and is catchy as hell. First song since TEOM that didn't have to go through a "growing on me" phase. Please Mariah, get out there and promote like it's 1990 or 2005 lol.
(Friday 8 March 2013; 19:25)
Oh Mariah (36,845) by John from USA
I love how all the articles about the Christmas Rockefeller performance are all talking about her cleavage. Why can't it just be about the music? Why can't she just cover it up, especially for a holiday performance? I mean, c'mon, you're a mom now.Cover it up a little lol.
(Wednesday 28 November 2012; 20:40)
Edward/quality of recent albums and videos (36,610) by John from USA
I know what you mean. Most of her videos lately have been garbage. All she does is do the same MySpace poses and touches her breasts. No meaning behind them at all. She's become like a cartoon version of herself. I feel like she's just completely lost her way with her career. I'm hoping and praying that her next album isn't a snoozefest like MOAIA and actually gets good promotion (besides her just being on AI). I feel like this next album will make or break her. If she has any aspirations to remain somewhat relevant and score even another top 10 radio hit or two, this next album can't flop. And she needs to consistently promote it, unlike the last 2 studio albums. I'm sure there are a lot of fans on here that will call me out for being negative, but I know Mariah is capable of much higher quality music and videos that she has come out with lately. I'm still getting over her audacity (that's right, audacity) to release the main version of "Triumphant" as a single (where she was the featured artist). I hope all the hate she got for that was a wake up call.
(Friday 26 October 2012; 16:39)
I Only Wanted (36,604) by John from USA
Agree with the others on here. I think "I Only Wanted" (and "BOTH") were the only 2 songs from Charmbracelet that I instantly loved the second I heard them. Some say "I Only Wanted" is like "My All" part 2, but I actually think it's better. Amazing lyrics have stayed with me over the years: "Farewell, fairweathered friend, abandonment returns to taunt me again", and "Once more, into the wind the embers scatter and the chill settles in". I love that song.
(Thursday 25 October 2012; 14:48)
Meriweatherc86 / E=MC2 (36,600) by John from USA
I agree 1000%, and I have always maintained your stance. E=MC2 was a fantastic album, better than the (IMO overrated) TEOM. I sometimes feel like E=MC2 was her last chance to have an epic era. She looked amazing (best she had since 1995), the general public was into her, the album had a strong start and first single... but then she fell off the face of the Earth and released "Bye Bye" as the second single. And promotion quickly became nonexistent. Sigh. If only "Migrate" had been released. I hope she has something good up her sleeve for this next album. Sorry to be negative, but it's hard to be an MC fan right now.
(Wednesday 24 October 2012; 14:16)
The Dream again? Seriously Mariah? (36,545) by John from USA
Mariah, sweetie, my favorite singer of all time (a precarious status now), are you chasing The Beatles or not? Do you realize that Rihanna (someone whom I'll never understand her popularity) is chasing your crown? Lol, please please please, do something new for this new album. This album will make or break you. We do not need WBT part 7, or MOAIA part 2. Everyone is tired of the mid-tempo jams featuring a thousand rappers. We want to hear you. Please do an album with full-voiced uptempos and power ballads.
(Friday 19 October 2012; 16:12)
Triumphant #1 Dance hit (36,493) by John from USA
So happy for Mariah. I still don't like the original, but the remixes are pretty good, and I'm so glad they're getting the recognition they deserve. I hope this momentum builds up and helps her when the new album comes out new year.
(Friday 12 October 2012; 21:44)
My love Glitter (36,492) by John from USA
I always talk about how awesome E=MC2 was (and my anger for why it wasn't managed properly), but I just wanted to say that I really love Glitter as well. I think Glitter and E=MC2 were her best albums of the 2000s. I actually think Glitter may have been her vocal peak. I remember only liking a handful of songs from it at the time it came out (Loverboy, Reflections, Lead the Way, All My Life), as I felt the rappers took over a little too much. But even If We, Last Night a DJ, Don't Stop, etc. are fun and have great vocals in them as well. Too bad this album was completely taken down with the movie. It really is an overlooked gem.
(Friday 12 October 2012; 19:53)
Nicki Minaj (36,405) by John from USA
This girl is bat sh#%t crazy. She's been out for a few years, yet I can't name a single one of her songs. The way she was just cursing and screaming non-stop in the video was just insane. I wish I knew why AI hired her - she's not a singer, she's a rapper, and still very new to the scene. I don't know what Mariah said or did behind the scenes to provoke this, but I think she handled herself well in the video (she wasn't being a pig and cursing uncontrollaby like Minaj). Hey, if nothing else, it's at least some publicity for Mariah to keep her name alive. Lord knows her latest single (if you can call it that) is lost on the charts and ain't doing it lol.
(Wednesday 3 October 2012; 18:45)
Edward and Desiree (36,401) by John from USA
I couldn't agree with you guys more. Mariah has completely lost her way; her projects and musical direction have been extremely unfocused since TEOM, and she is surrounded by awful management. I hope she has something up her sleeve. E=MC2 was great, but had no promotion after TMB. MOAIA came out too soon after, and was overshadowed by Precious (and it had no real viable singles after Obsessed), and the main version of Triumphant is just awful, probably her worst lead single ever. I agree Edward, Mariah is in no position to bring R&B back. She is no longer a "can do no wrong" artist and now has to deal with the "over 40" stigma (which is unfair, but true). This is why I wish she put more into E=MC2; she looked hot during that era, the album had endless singles, the public was on her side after TEOM, etc. Like Edward said, I know she'll always have her fans and is a legend, but after a certain amount of flops (waves at Janet Jackson), the public/radio just basically completely drop you. I feel like Mariah is so stubborn and hellbent on proving she is an R&B/Hip-hop artist and goes out of her way to deny her pop roots. I just wish she'd give the fans and general public what they want - catchy, upbeat songs with undeniable hooks and strong full-voice vocals, and no freaking rappers. But I'm not holding my breath. If she wants to give up chasing the Beatles and getting decent album sales (and lose even me, a dedicated lamb, as a fan), then that's fine.
(Wednesday 3 October 2012; 16:33)
Zachary (36,380) by John from USA
Zachary, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I too have turned to Mariah's music during very dark times. She has helped me too. God bless.
(Friday 28 September 2012; 16:01)
George Golden (36,363) by John from USA
Agreed on all fronts. I'm starting to think the problem is a combination of Mariah being very stubborn and also her being surrounded by horrible management (i.e. Randy Jackson). She doesn't like pop music, so the best we'll get is "Throwback" remixes, but they won't be the main single/video versions. She likes to release only songs that have 1000 rappers on them where she sings like 2 lines. We can't win. Since TEOM, she either releases a good album (E=MC2) and falls off the face of the Earth and doesn't promote it, tries to juggle a million things at the same time (MOAIA and Precious), or releases garbage like Triumphail. But maybe she'll prove us wrong with this new album. I wish to God she'd release an uptempo song in the vein of "Someday" or "Dreamlover", but I don't see that happening. That Mariah is gone.
(Wednesday 26 September 2012; 17:32)
Darnell (36,289) by John from USA
I have to agree with you. Tommy Mottola was fantasic for her career. I know she wasn't happy with him on a personal level, and while of course it is more important that she is happy in life, music wise, he was the best for her. I know she'll never give him and the general public the satisfaction of "crawling back" to him, but we can dream can't we?
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 22:34)
Live performances (36,281) by John from USA
I feel like I would be slightly better at dealing with her volatile live performances if she wasn't putting out crap songs like Triumphant. I'm sorry, even given the remixes (which are significantly better), I just can't get into the song, nor does it make me excited for the upcoming era. I'm still very against her doing American Idol. I feel like now that Christina is on The Voice (which is hot right now) and Britney is on X-Factor (will also be hot, solely because of Britney), she's going to be seen as the "has been who is on the has been vocal talent show". I dunno. I'm really bracing myself for 2013. I feel like ever since TEOM came out and shut up (even if only temporarily) all the nay-sayers, she feels like she has nothing left to prove, and is just doing what she wants. If she doesn't care about having anymore hits (even top 10 radio hits would make me happy now), that's totally fine, she can become like Celine (still profitable, but no radio hits). But assuming she is going after the Beatles, I just don't think she has the necessary drive or focus right now to have another number 1, let alone a smash era. Look at E=MC2. Missed opportunity for an epic era right there. I feel like time is running out for her to have another really big era, because we all know the horrible age-ism in the music business. She's not that old, but she aint getting any younger.
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 17:34)
HarryB (36,173) by John from USA
Agree with everything you've said. I feel like Mariah and her team have lost their way. Maybe her priorities are just really different now. Like you, I feel she is using her name to do non-music related projects (movies, perfume, etc.). Precious totally overshadowed MOAIA - she hardly ever talked about that CD in interviews when it came out. I started fearing for the worst when she did the Bieber "duet" (which itself was just a copy and paste job that blatantly tried to appeal to the tweens). You're right, when we talk about the greatness of Mariah's career and music, I feel like it's all pre-2006 (like, TEOM was her last major mark on the music industry). I know I'm being very negative, but I don't care - given the caliber of her artistry, I just expect more from her. She has surprised us in the past, maybe she's got some master plan that really will work. But based on her track record since 2006 (MOAIA, MCIIY, and don't even get me started on the lost epic era that E=MC2 could/should have been), I'm not holding my breath. I just feel like she's become so lazy with the choices she makes, specifically regarding her music career. If she were more focused on music, she could still be able to balance family with that (just cut out all the BS projects like HSN, Idol, etc). I really hope she and her team prove me wrong, because music just ain't the same without her.
(Tuesday 28 August 2012; 14:44)
Special K/Triumphant (36,104) by John from USA
I agree, "Triumphant" really isn't doing much at all, aside from upsetting many of her fans. Maybe, as others have said, she just put the single out because the song is important to her. Or, perhaps she's testing the waters before dropping/finishing the new album (which would be wise, I think)? I mean, let's face it, the main version of the song sucks, she's barely on it. And I have nothing against rap. I don't care what Randy Jackson (who I'm starting to hate for slowly killing Mariah's career) says "oh, when you're in the studio, you have to do what the song calls for, bla bla bla." Bullsh#%t. If you are Mariah freaking Carey, you are NOT to be featured on your own song lol. But anywho, I digress. I hope Mariah is wise and listens to her fans and makes smart choices on this upcoming album. You can only withstand so many flops (remember Janet?)... and even though we all know her albums are always filled with gems at the very least, the general public can be very fickle and unfairly harsh towards her.
(Friday 24 August 2012; 17:57)
HarryB (36,082) by John from USA
Yup, you are right, so far, this era is off to a terrible start. I know the timing wasn't right for her due to her pregnancy/just having had twins, but X-Factor would have been better, because it's much more hot right now than Idol (up there with The Voice). Mariah is so, so much better than the music she has been putting out as of late. With the exception of "Glitter" (a fantastic album that was ahead of its time, maybe her best vocal effort), I think many of her failing albums (MOAIA, E=MC2, CB) were due to lack of promotion, bad single choices, and overall incorrect management from her label and herself. I've said this many times before, but E=MC2 had the potential to be an epic era - she looked the best she had since the 90s, so many singles to choose from - but she fell off the face of the Earth, and just released the wrong songs. MOAIA came out too soon after, but with more promotion and better single choices, the album couldn't done a little better. I know she has surprised us in the past, but I think she's starting to rely a little too much on her name as a brand to sell records and attract viewers. If she keeps doing this, she is in for a very rude awakening (that is, assuming she even cares about remaining somewhat relevant). Ugh... hard time to be a Mariah fan.
(Wednesday 22 August 2012; 23:02)
Lyric (36,072) by John from USA
I agree with everything you said. I will always be a fan of Mariah's voice, but her artistic decisions have been getting worse over the years. While I'll be happy to see her on TV, I never liked the idea of her joining American Idol. Like you said, it really speaks to her insecurity about being able to remain relevant. And I think her own craving for relevancy is leading her to work with the wrong people and create the wrong type of music. I don't care that artists "make the music they want to make" - without the fans, they are nothing more than karaoke singers. It should be possible for artists to be able to find a balance of making the music they want while still pleasing their fans and releasing the right singles. As I said again, I will always be a fan of her voice, and will welcome her back if she starts doing what I (and I believe many of her fans) really want. But I haven't been excited for a new era since right before E=MC2, and definitely ain't holding my breath for this upcoming era.
(Wednesday 22 August 2012; 15:07)
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