
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. Ok? I'm too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

The new era / July 23rd (38,155) by Stacey from USA
Well, it's about time we got a set date. The unknown release date was driving me nuts, lol. Now I have a date to look forward to. No push backs, Mariah.
(Thursday 6 June 2013; 2:11)
MC's best ballad (38,117) by Stacey from USA
Oh man, where to begin, lol. Everything Fades Away is a good one. Whenever You Call has one of the best bridges to date. I especially love her duet with Brian McKnight. But for me, my favorite ballad is Till The End Of Time. That song has everything for me. And that bridge? Oh my.
(Saturday 1 June 2013; 21:24)
RadChad / Idol (38,107) by Stacey from USA
I'm glad we came to a good understanding. I think we are all on the same page. And don't worry about the name thing. It's been mispelled my entire life. The same goes with my last name. I swear my name is going to be mispelled on my tombstone, lol. Take care. As far as Idol goes, I'm glad it's over. Now she can focus on the upcoming album, promotion, tour, whatever plans she has in store. Smart move, MC to get ahead of the speculation surrounding whether she would return. Now MC is controlling the discussion with a positive spin. I always said if she waited, Idol producers would throw her under the bus for last season's low ratings. Now, they can't do that as she's given great reasons why she's not coming back.
(Friday 31 May 2013; 19:11)
RadChad (38,073) by Stacey from USA
Thanks for your post. My intent wasn't to necessarily get involved in your posts with Stephen, but call attention to the fact you and him could have a discussion without all the drama. Too many times here some fans take a disagreement as a personal attack toward Mariah and themselves. Know what I mean? I've stated my opinions quite openly, but always with great respect to Mariah and others. And yet, I've been called every name in the book, lol (here and elsewhere). I agree with Edward in that Eric does not post messages that are absurd. Trust me, he's sent me a few messages folks have written about me that were plain nasty that were never posted here. I think that's why Stephen maybe got blunt in your eyes. Sometimes we grow so tired of not being able to respectfully express our views. Correct me if I'm wrong, Stephen.) It was nice to see two people get passed the cultural divide (so to speak), and see the points each other was trying to make. Like you, I always enjoy reading other's opinions and learning from them. BTW: If someone does come here and trash MC, I'll be right behind you calling them out. But, if someone says they don't like a video for credible reasons like I did, they should have the right to say such without all the childish drama. Know what I mean? Anyway, time to move forward for me. Peace.
(Wednesday 29 May 2013; 19:11)
Stephen and RadChad / Lee (38,044) by Stacey from USA
Stephen and RadChad, It's nice to see two people get passed the delivery and understand the points the other person is trying to make. I enjoyed reading your conversation on Mariah's voice. Lee, I'm with you on the GMA performance. Miguell sounded fine. It wasn't as bad as the AI mess. ABMB and WBT were great, especially WBT, where at the end of the song she let out a fierce look. I hope she keeps that line of focus during this era. From wardrobe malfunctions to not having her mic hooked up, her performances lately seem disorganized. Her personality is hillarious and I enjoyed how she played off the "hot mess" in some spots, but it just seems she needs to step up her game. Know what I mean? Some may say she has nothing left to prove, and in many respects you guys are right. However, longevity is also a sign of greatness and each time people have counted her out, MC has turned it on and proven those naysayers wrong. I feel she is at another crossroads much like with TEOM, where this is a key point in her career to prove she can still be current. #Beautiful is a great start. Now she's got to do the promotion right to match such a great song.
(Sunday 26 May 2013; 2:08)
Stephen, Jimbo, Edward and others (37,998) by Stacey from USA
Well said. It's really sad that fans can't express their opinions and simply leave it at that. Know what I mean? Edward, thank you for your kind words. I always enjoy your posts too. And BTW, you're going to find fans at any artist messageboards who dislike a song, video, etc. MC's boards are no different. Anyway, glad to see Beautiful climbing the charts. Hopefully the GMA performance is spot on and helps the song even more.
(Thursday 23 May 2013; 3:04)
Stephen / AI performance (37,972) by Stacey from USA
Stephen, preach my friend preach. Your last two posts to Anthony and Samuel were shear perfection. Look, as far as the whole lipping thing goes, it doesn't bother me if she lipped some or all of the AI performance. Singers have been doing this for a long time, Mariah included. I went to the last concert on the CB tour and I can guarantee you many parts of that concert were lipped. It's ok. I'd lip at the end of a major tour too, lol. I didn't care. I was so happy to be dead center 15 rows back. My issue with the AI performance was how bad the editing/dubbing was. It was so obvious, it was bad. And on a major stage like AI where younger fans are watching, folks like Stephen said who don't know her very well, a performance like that could be a deal breaker. Maybe it won't hurt her. Only time will tell. When you are promoting the lead single to a new album, you have to bring your "A-game". I hope she brings that "A-game" to GMA this Friday.
(Wednesday 22 May 2013; 16:24)
MC's Idol performance (37,900) by Stacey from USA
I agree with Will and Deedre. The medley seemed choppy at points, but I liked how she incorporated a lot of songs from different album eras, not just a few. There were parts that were dubbed/lipped, but so what? She looked great. The medley reminded me what an amazing career she has had. Everytime she would start a new song, I was annoyed when she moved onto another song. I wanted her to keep singing that current song. Of course then she would move onto the next song and I was loving that one too, lol. However, did she have to perform after J-Lo? Seriously? MC should have been the last big act before announcing the winner. She is the judge of record this year, not J-Lo. *sigh* Now, she needs to announce she's leaving Idol. Her upcoming album, promotion, and maybe a tour will keep her too busy to commit to Idol another year. Because you know Idol producers will have no problem throwing the best female artist under the bus to save face. She needs to beat them to the punch first.
(Friday 17 May 2013; 20:47)
Deedre / Stephen (37,899) by Stacey from USA
Well said, my friends. You think you guys are old, haha. I'm 35 hitting 36 in the fall. I completely agree with you both. I've never been a fan that wears rose-colored glasses. Some fans put MC on this unrealistic pedestal, thinking she is capable of no wrong. She is human and like I said before, prone to greatness and the occasional mistake. When she makes a mistake, IMO, I will say such while giving respect to those who disagree. And when she hits gold, I will praise her thru the roof. You nailed it, Stephen. Some folks don't understand the term constructive criticism. We are secure in our opinions and aren't thrown off when someone disagrees with us. I think that's why we get along. Anyways, I do like #Beautiful and hope it rises up the charts. #24 is a strong showing after one week.
(Friday 17 May 2013; 20:40)
Stephen (37,862) by Stacey from USA
Well said. Haha, I agree a medley would be nice, maybe adding just her part of Beautiful to the mix. I think she should do a medley of older and newer more recent hits. Anyway, I'm just glad she is performing on the show. BTW: Maybe I throw folks off because I am so confident in my opinions. You are too. Maybe that's why we get along.
(Wednesday 15 May 2013; 17:28)
Idol / jaker20 (37,855) by Stacey from USA
I agree. I was thinking if Miguel is on tour (right?), then maybe they could have a pre-recorded track of some sort. She often does that with duets at concerts, like with ODB and Fantasy. This is a great time to promote the song and give it some lift on radio.
(Tuesday 14 May 2013; 18:21)
Stephen / Chase / others (37,854) by Stacey from USA
Amen Stephen and Chase. Stephen, yeah it's been like that for a long time. But you know, I can say at the end of the day I kept it respectful. That's far more than I can say for others. Thanks for always being cool with me. People feel the need to say how long they've been a fan because they say "I didn't care for the song because (enter reason)." and all of a sudden you're under fire, having your dedication questioned because a song didn't strike an immediate chord. It's not right. Go to any artist's messageboard and you'll see fans liking and disliking new songs, videos, etc. It's reality. If you expect to write on a messageboard where all fans approve of everything an artist does like robots, you need to get a reality check. If a fan comes on and says they hate Mariah, I'll call them out. I don't recall folks who didn't like the video using such language. IMO, saying someone "sickens you" is hateful. Know what I mean? Just like Mariah, her "professional people" are human, prone to greatness and the occasional mistake. I think they made a mistake with the video. Others like it. That's ok. Just chill and don't get your panties in a wad when someone disagrees with you. Geesh. Moving on, folks.
(Tuesday 14 May 2013; 18:19)
Antone (37,845) by Stacey from USA
If a comment like "I don't understand why everyone likes the song" bothers you, you are going to be unnecessarily angry all the time. Fans here who didn't like the video were simply expressing why they didn't like it. No one was attacking MC's character, her family, children, etc. Just the choice of the video's direction. No fan ever has liked every little thing she's ever done. It's unrealistic. On that point, I think you need to grow up. We are fans from all around the world and will like/dislike different things. And no MC is no Mother T. Been a fan since 1993. I don't think that. But, to show a video during a family friendly show is questionable. C'mon, let's be real here. MC is human, prone to greatness and sometimes the occasional mistake. If criticism of MC is without merit, reasons don't add up, then I'm with you. It's bull. But, if someone posts good reasons why they think a song/video could be better, then I support them having their say. Let's have a discussion and learn from one another. If you feel differently, then I guess we'll just agree to disagree. I'll always defend a fan's right to share their opinion. That's the bottom line for me. Peace.
(Monday 13 May 2013; 22:39)
Antone / Chase (37,825) by Stacey from USA
Antone, I think you need to put a mirror in front of you when saying "figure it out". Idol has always marketed itself as a show where families can watch together. To show a video like that during a time when kids are watching was not a good decision. To say a 4 1/2 year old doesn't pick up on stuff, you obviously don't have one. They pick up more than you know. People here are not complaining. They are expressing their opinions on why they like or not like the video. You are the only one it seems attacking folks who don't share your opinion about the video. Here all opinions are welcomed. So deal with it or go to a messageboard that doesn't make you so sick, lol. *laughs* So done with this. Peace. Chase, I completely agree with your last post about Idol. I think Mariah needs to resign Idol before she does get fired for low ratings. I think that will still happen, but if she resigns before they fire her or "not renew her contract" (i.e. the same as firing), it will help her save face and move on faster. And you know Mariah, she'll never discuss anything negative in the press about Idol. She'll always stay positive about Idol for the near future.
(Saturday 11 May 2013; 18:06)
Lee / Deedre / Licia (37,814) by Stacey from USA
Exactly, Lee. And what bothered me the most, thinking of this in retrospect after the show was over, was this video was shown to young children. Maybe I'm thinking this way as a parent of a 4 year old girl. But, I had to kick her out of the room with a show that I normally don't mind her watching. Licia, it might turn out to be ok even if some of us don't care for it. I just think this type of video has been done over and over again. Let's get MC back on the roller coaster (ala Fantasy), lol.
(Saturday 11 May 2013; 0:50)
Will / Deedre (37,807) by Stacey from USA
You're right. OSD didn't have a storyline, lol. With the exception of IBLYLT, the rest of the videos you mentioned didn't have Mariah running around half-naked. Videos like Emotions, Dreamlover, ABMB, and Fantasy didn't have a cohesive storyline either. They simply showed MC having fun, dancing around, etc without the skimpy outfits front and center. Know what I mean? And Emotions is a very sexy song. Just listen to the lyrics, lol. Even The Roof had Mariah visualizing the lyrics through various scenes (the rain, car, etc.). Anyway, feel free to share your 2 cents. Always enjoy reading your posts. Deedre, I love the song even more each time I listen to it. But the video? *sigh*
(Friday 10 May 2013; 21:46)
I totally agree (37,802) by Stacey from USA
I read through so many posts, I forgot to acknowledge RadChad and Jamie made excellent points too. I agree with Jamie. RadChad summed it up best. Where is that classy-sexy vibe? Even as I was watching the video, I found myself loving #Beautiful even more. It gets better with every listen. This video just cheapens it. Here's hoping we get better videos.
(Friday 10 May 2013; 20:07)
Chase / Lee / webmaster (37,795) by Stacey from USA
I completely agree with your comments. Whatever happened to MC's videos having some sort of light storyline? Obsessed was awesome, poking fun at Eminem not wanting to let go of the past. Where are those types of videos? As I watched the video, I felt I was taken back to the MOAIA videos like HATE-U and IBLYLT with MC strutting around in next to nothing. To me, this kind of thing cheapens a great song. It perpetuates the public's attitude that MC is shallow and not the deep, amazing singer/songwriter we know. Sure, when you look so good, you want to show it off. But, does she have to show so much off? She's looked so beautiful during Idol's run. Even the white outfit she wore this week, which showed her belly (something I'm not usually a fan of), looked great because the "girls" were covered. I don't get it. Some fans will like the video, and some of us won't. Again, I'm critical because I know she can produce a better video. Go back and look at her past videos. You'll see my point. Webmaster, some fans will never get it, no matter how much you explain it to them. Trust me, I tried last week. Thanks for sticking up for all opinions to be shared.
(Friday 10 May 2013; 17:59)
Deedre / Stephen (37,763) by Stacey from USA
I love the hashtag too, lol. It's so Mariah. Stephen, I couldn't agree more with your last post. This new era reminds me so much of TEOM when promotion and the music were on point. ILT set the stage to get MC back on radio, then WBT blew radio away, lol. I see Beautiful doing the same thing. I agree, Idol has done some good in the sense it's kept MC's name in the news. But, she needs to resign the show before they throw her under the bus and fire her for the show's low ratings. Idol producers will do anything to save face. Anyway, I know I've been most critical of Mariah. It's not that I love her music less, aren't dedicated to her, etc. It's because I know she is capable of putting out great music (ala #Beautiful). This song just proves she knows how to stay relevant without looking desperate. Younger fans who love Miguel will check this song out along with us oldie-moldies who've been around for years. That kind of cross-generational reach can only lead to success. She did it with TEOM and I think she's about to do it again. Well done, Mariah. Well done.
(Wednesday 8 May 2013; 19:16)
#Beautiful / Idol (37,736) by Stacey from USA
Honestly, the hashtag doesn't bother me if I get to hear that amazing voice, haha. The beat is infectious. I couldn't help but start to tap my foot. Two complaints and they are small is I wish there was more Mariah. I wish there was more play between MC and Miguel during each verse instead of one singer each verse. I wish there was some kind of breakdown (ala Honey) before the final chorus, you know some sort of bridge. But, if this song is any indication of what the rest of the album will be like, I'll be quite content. That voice sounds amazing. Idol producers have screwed Mariah all season long. She'd better act fast and quit before producers throw her under the bus for Idol's low ratings.
(Tuesday 7 May 2013; 0:49)
Edward / Deedre / Antone (37,665) by Stacey from USA
Hallelujah, Edward. Someone gets it. Thank you, Deedre. Both your posts were spot on. My original post wasn't to start an argument. On the contrary. I was simply trying to remind folks to give all opinions a chance to be heard. No one was dogging a duet they never heard. That's silly. Period. Antone, my post "back it up a bit" was a shout out to a whole bunch of posts on the subject. If it was solely directed to you, I would have put your name at the top of the subject line. As it stands, you were mentioned halfway through my post because the bottom part was directed toward you. Peace.
(Wednesday 1 May 2013; 2:41)
Oh dear (37,658) by Stacey from USA
People always seem to miss the point. What's new here? Folks weren't happy about a duet, but for me I was willing to give it a chance. I was glad it wasn't a duet with a rapper, lol. At least this time it's a singer. Haven't had that in a while, so it may be good. The teaser looks amazing. Look, I've been an MC fan for nearly 20 years. I was an MC fan long before many of you youngsters joined and I'll be around long after you leave. That's dedication, lol. Peace.
(Tuesday 30 April 2013; 23:12)
Back it up a bit (37,651) by Stacey from USA
No one has heard the song, so how can we say we like it or not, lol? You can't. I certainly won't give my thoughts untill I hear the song. My recent posts did not defend such a silly notion. (BTW, I love the teaser.) When the song does come out and we all have a chance to hear it, all fans should be free to express their thoughts without fear of retribution. Period. Antone, no fan loves all the songs she's ever released. I've been a fan of hers for 20 years. The majority of songs I've loved. Some songs I wondered what the heck was she thinking, lol. But, I'm still here. No one yet has said anything about the song because no one here has heard it. Once the song drops, all opinions should be welcomed. That's all I'm saying. And if someone doesn't like the song once heard, they are not any less of a fan. Peace.
(Monday 29 April 2013; 19:00)
Antone (37,646) by Stacey from USA
Thank you for illustrating the point I am trying to make. You are automatically telling someone to leave if they don't like something MC does. All opinions should be welcomed without fear of attack. If someone listens to the song and doesn't care for it, they should have the right to say why without being told to "find another artist". Geesh. Anyway, I've said my peace. Moving forward to May 6th.
(Monday 29 April 2013; 1:53)
Deedre, RibbonB (37,642) by Stacey from USA
I agree 100%. We all have different thoughts. Some are going to like the song, some are not. It's the dissenting opinions that tend to get slammed for no reason. That's what annoys me to the core. I didn't like Triumphant and man did some folks here come after me hard. I didn't expect that because while I expressed my dissatisfaction for the song, I did so in a respectful manner to those who did like the song. If someone comes here hating on Beautiful and MC for no reason, then yeah we should call them out without stooping to their level. Know what I mean? Anyway, I can't wait for new music. RibbonB, well said about Idol.
(Sunday 28 April 2013; 0:21)


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