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About TJ from Norway: I've been a fan since she released Vision of Love in 1990.

Insta: tony2909

(73,833) by TJ from Norway
I didn't know that Mariah is a man. The article "Mariah Carey, a vocal powerhouse" claims that she's the youngest of three brothers.
(Tuesday 21 March 2017; 23:05)
Mariah and Celine (73,646) by TJ from Norway
It would be so nice if they did a song together. Give me a power ballad and I shut up.
(Tuesday 14 March 2017; 23:24)
Re: Andrew continues hateful, rude and disrespectful (73,461) (73,468) by TJ from Norway
It seems to me that he's not alone here.
(Thursday 9 March 2017; 21:01)
Re: I Know What You Want (73,305) (73,310) by TJ from Norway
Ha ha ha.
(Thursday 2 March 2017; 19:37)
Re: Mariah looks great lately - new stylist? (73,205) (73,208) by TJ from Norway
I guess I'm getting to old, but I didn't like the green dress. Her breast are too big for that style. Am I the only one?
(Monday 27 February 2017; 17:44)
Re: What should Mariah do now? (73,123) (73,131) by TJ from Norway
Or was it the nosejob what changed her voice in 97? Just asking.
(Saturday 25 February 2017; 18:00)
Re: Grammys (72,698) (72,711) by TJ from Norway
Oh you're so wrong darling. Mariah should recreate all her old albums. Oh. That was my opinion, and you got yours. Just keep calm and let people have their own opinions. I didn't know that you decided the rules here. I'm not here to tell anyone that Daydream isn't a good album, because I simply love it, but Jagged Little Pill has sold more than 15 million copies in the US and more than 33 million world wide. It also had 3 number ones on the single charts. You might not remember it, but I guess you're not her biggest fan. I also believe that many people have forgotten Mariah's number ones from that time. I don't think you can say that Jagged Little Pill is not impressive and got even higher sales numbers than Mariah has for Daydream.
(Wednesday 15 February 2017; 17:04)
Re: Grammys (72,683) (72,707) by TJ from Norway
I didn't say that Mariah didn't deserve to win. She was beaten by an artist that also deserved to win at that award show. I don't remember the categories, but I remember I was sad at the time (but as time goes, these things doesn't take as much energy as it used to).
(Wednesday 15 February 2017; 16:46)
Re: Grammys (72,648) (72,675) by TJ from Norway
It's not about where Alanis is today. At that point she made one h*ll of an album. It was the biggest hit of the year. I still enjoy the songs. She even recreated it acoustic ten years later (Mariah should do the same). Adele, a charismatic artist, a good voice and with really good songs, deserves her awards. Why on earth are Mariah's lambs so envious of other artists who do well? Mariah lost that year (1996/97) to an artist who was no less to Mariah and the "Daydream" album.
(Tuesday 14 February 2017; 22:52)
Re: Lionel Richie Facebook fans attack Mariah, help her (72,442) (72,464) by TJ from Norway
Didn't a lot of MC fans the same against Lionel on this board? Maybe, if she can show a humble side of her self again, she can turn this around, but if she's going to keep up the diva act, dress like she's working on the nearest corner, people won't love her.
(Friday 10 February 2017; 13:50)
Re: Tour DDV / special (72,414) (72,421) by TJ from Norway
I'll buy a copy. I have been waiting for a live DVD for years. She should also release her (not number ones) music videos on DVD.
(Thursday 9 February 2017; 13:40)
Re: Adele interview (71,753) (71,762) by TJ from Norway
I too thought that her having the twins would inspire her to make good music, but it didn't. She's 46, but she's not acting like one. She's so out of touch with the real world that I don't see make really good music in the next years. I used to be crazy about her release new music, but now I'm like "so what?"
(Sunday 29 January 2017; 19:37)
Break from media and sosial media (71,011) by TJ from Norway
I'm so glad she takes this step.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 21:11)
Re: Is it the 90s? Voice message (70,995) (71,010) by TJ from Norway
I'm sorry to say, but voice messages again? This is so 2001. It started good, ended bad. I hope for difference this time.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 21:06)
Re: Tommy Mottola (70,834) (70,926) by TJ from Norway
Have we followed the career of the same artist? You said "It's all spite and it pains him that Mariah left him and succeeded without any input from him whatsoever, and now is considered the industry's best - the standard." From my sight of view her success has never been the same after they split. Her sales are telling something opposite of what you try so hard to convince the rest of us. I'm also not sure about that she's considered the industry's best at this point of her career. Yes, she used to be in the top, but that's some years ago. Tommy made her the big successful artist she used to be, the singer that no one could beat. The story went another direction after 1997 (with one exception).
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 2:25)
Re: She was just being lifted, lifted (70,787) (70,794) by TJ from Norway
Hahaha. Made my day.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 23:04)
Re: Mariah's career (70,525) (70,602) by TJ from Norway
I actually think she should take at least 5 years off, just to let the kids go to one school, let them make friends and experience a "normal" world. She once said that she didn't want her future kids to grow up in the light of showbiz, but that's what they are doing right now. Look at all the screwed up kids of famous people. While taking a long public break she can make good lyrics and melodies, don't use samples, but make something that is her own (or decide to just retire for good).
(Monday 2 January 2017; 8:11)
Happy new year MCArchives (70,476) by TJ from Norway
Happy new year to all of Mariah's fans (real or not). I will try to be nicer in 2017. I hope that Eric keep up the good work, and let this small community exist in years to come. Happy new year to the people I know in real life, and happy new year to the ones who just read the message board. At last but not least: Happy new year to Mariah and her family (you never know who reads all the messages). Peace and love, Tony.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 14:36)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,472) (70,475) by TJ from Norway
Oh, I didn't know that's the way to behave with friends. I will consider your advise the next time I see a friend take bad choices in life. I will keep my mouth shot and let my friend just crash and burn. I'm glad my friends tell me when I'm wrong. That way I can get better.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 14:24)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,445) (70,464) by TJ from Norway
I think Edward has been here all the time.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 1:53)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,456) (70,463) by TJ from Norway
Who are these real lambs? I've been there for 26 years, since the beginning. I've seen a lot of "real lambs" on this board since Eric started the Archives, but most of them went away after a year or two. So I wonder, and you might tell me. Are the real lambs her fans that stay with her for a short period and think she can't do anything wrong, or have the real lambs been here all the time?
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 1:50)
Re: Fur coat? (70,355) (70,360) by TJ from Norway
Well, everything she stood for earlier, doesn't mean anything to her anymore. So disappointed. I don't think she has any connection to the real world these days. I wonder if she reads or look at the news, or is it all about alcohol and dressing like she works on the nearest corner?
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 23:43)
RIP George Michael (70,300) by TJ from Norway
RIP George Michael. One of my biggest dreams was for him and Mariah to have a duet. I'm so sad for this loss. Prayers to all of his family and fans.
(Monday 26 December 2016; 0:31)
Re: Beyonce and JLo can dress trashy and it's ok (70,274) (70,287) by TJ from Norway
Still a difference. Mariah doesn't dance and she shows too much boobs in a wrong way.
(Sunday 25 December 2016; 13:57)
Re: Beyonce and JLo can dress trashy and it's ok (70,283) (70,286) by TJ from Norway
I agree, and that's what I was trying to say in my previous post as well.
(Sunday 25 December 2016; 13:53)


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