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About TJ from Norway: I've been a fan since she released Vision of Love in 1990.

Insta: tony2909

Re: Beyonce and JLo can dress trashy and it's ok (70,267) (70,272) by TJ from Norway
I don't think that J.Lo or Beyonce dresses as trashy as Mariah. They do sexy, but not trashy. Mariah want people to look at her silicone boobs and her behind at the same time. They cover up more than her. I don't think it's properly to dress like that when you sing religious songs. The more she shows the less I care for her. 26 years as a fan. Will it be another 26 years? I'm not sure. I'm 40 and don't act like I'm 12, and I hope she will act her age soon. Kids don't jump on the Mariah wagon just because she like to think she is eternal young. Most of my friends has no respect for her as an artist, because she lives in this weird world of her. She actually reminds me of Witney before her career and life ended. Sadly.
(Saturday 24 December 2016; 20:22)
Re: What the fudge (70,164) (70,172) by TJ from Norway
I know that, but it's not one of those good traditions. I miss the 1990 version of her. It's about time I put the "First vision" DVD on, so I don't forget why I started being a fan that year.
(Wednesday 21 December 2016; 15:03)
What the fudge (70,150) by TJ from Norway
What's the point of posing in front of a huge Christmas tree in just a bikini? It's freaking Aspen, not Hawaii.
(Tuesday 20 December 2016; 18:49)
Re: Lionel Richie - joint tour (69,973) (69,988) by TJ from Norway
"Her fanbase is all over the place"? Is it? I thought her fanbase was in decrease. It has certainly not become larger than what it was, back in the days (read 90's-2005). Her latest albums have not been doing well on the charts. That's a fact.
(Friday 16 December 2016; 10:41)
Piers Morgan tells Mariah to grow up (69,015) by TJ from Norway
I agree with him in his article. It's her kids that suffer the most with her choices of lifestyle. She needs to grow up and act like a real person. Fire and hire is the only thing I can say about her team. It's so sad, just watching her move in all the wrong directions. She can't sing "Make it happen" or AIWFCIY, for that sake with any credibility. It's clearly about the money and diamonds now.
(Saturday 3 December 2016; 7:51)
Re: I'm not breaking up with her music (68,934) (68,954) by TJ from Norway
Still in love with her old albums, just not this new strange and foolish image. I have outgrown it (even if I'm younger than her).
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 22:33)
Re: Lettuce pray (68,921) (68,926) by TJ from Norway
Her music from 1990-1997, 2001 and 2005 do get that from me, but this new image doesn't. Mariah Carey 2016 and me just broke up.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 16:48)
Re: Helping Haiti charity cd (68,629) (68,672) by TJ from Norway
Since no one has mentioned R.E.M yet, I will (you said you forgot the original artist/band). Everyone should listen to their version (the original one). That's the best one.
(Friday 25 November 2016; 8:01)
Re: Ellen interview (68,619) (68,640) by TJ from Norway
I can't help it, but I feel that Ellen felt sorry for Mariah. Like, what have happened to you?
(Thursday 24 November 2016; 14:06)
Re: Patti Labelle to perform VH1 Divas Holiday special (68,118) (68,130) by TJ from Norway
She didn't lipsync back in 98 when she sang with Aretha, but they dubbed Mariah's voice in that performance.
(Tuesday 8 November 2016; 16:38)
Re: Patti Labelle to perform VH1 Divas Holiday special (68,109) (68,129) by TJ from Norway
Hahaha. I got this cartoon with her blowing off stage, in my head. Made my day, and I looked like a fool, taking the metro while laughing.
(Tuesday 8 November 2016; 16:35)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,888) (67,900) by TJ from Norway
Thank you for letting me do that.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 15:40)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,877) (67,886) by TJ from Norway
Oh, the sarcasm. Got to love it.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 6:34)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,874) (67,876) by TJ from Norway
Oh, I agree. Don't know if I said anything wrong in the other post.
(Wednesday 2 November 2016; 22:50)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,853) (67,875) by TJ from Norway
This is the twitter version.
(Wednesday 2 November 2016; 22:41)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,853) (67,872) by TJ from Norway
I don't think this is the same version. There's parts I have never heard before in the version on twitter. But I love the vocals on that remaster too.
(Wednesday 2 November 2016; 21:44)
Re: Pop battle (67,386) (67,411) by TJ from Norway
Because it's just a matter of time before people forget who she is. She need to stay on top of the game with that expensive lifestyle. Her fanbase shrinks each year that goes by. But hey, let her keep on making the same old music and use the same old formula and see how it goes. Let's stick our heads in the sand and see how that turns out.
(Saturday 22 October 2016; 11:04)
Pop battle (67,382) by TJ from Norway
I think this article should be a wake up call to Mariah. She isn't "that relevant" anymore, and she need to make some changes.
(Thursday 20 October 2016; 22:19)
Re: Madonna is Billboard's 2016 Woman of the Year (67,279) (67,283) by TJ from Norway
You nailed it. I have big respect for Madonna. That's an artist Mariah should do a song with.
(Saturday 15 October 2016; 7:48)
Wendy Williams (67,234) by TJ from Norway
I don't think the article is shade to Mariah. Not at all. How about you?
(Thursday 13 October 2016; 17:08)
Re: Kitty, Jussie and his hit the right-note pills (67,073) (67,114) by TJ from Norway
But too many lambs have become unicorns.
(Sunday 9 October 2016; 0:51)
Re: [censored] Andrew (67,100) (67,112) by TJ from Norway
Trying to be optimistic or positive won't save Mariah's career if she continues to surround her self with "yes people". Her career and reputation is not near the level it should be at, and unicorns, fairy dust or delusional fans (not talking about you) won't help her stay in the game, or at least on top of the game. She need to get her music and act together so most people will continue to buy her music (like in the 90's), or I guess no record company want her. Most people I know, don't know that she has recorded new music since 2005. That's not a good sign. Kids know Michael, Madonna and Whitney, but very few know who Mariah is. Let Andrew voice his opinion even if you guys don't agree (as long as he follow the rules of this board). Peace.
(Sunday 9 October 2016; 0:48)
Re: Mariah is lost (66,137) (66,211) by TJ from Norway
Yes, I am.
(Tuesday 13 September 2016; 6:55)
Re: Mariah is lost (66,126) (66,129) by TJ from Norway
Agree, agree. Word.
(Sunday 11 September 2016; 13:01)
Re: Am I too late? (66,086) (66,123) by TJ from Norway
Is this the right moment to say: "Welcome back 'baby'"?
(Sunday 11 September 2016; 7:58)


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