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About TJ from Norway: I've been a fan since she released Vision of Love in 1990.

Insta: tony2909

Re: Make-up not so "pow" (61,358) (61,380) by TJ from Norway
I guess she has "done" some lifting. I have been thinking the same about that smile and her eyes. They're not as they used to. I want to say she looks more "Asian" now, if it's ok to say that.
(Sunday 17 April 2016; 21:25)
MTV Biggest voices in pop: Top 20 (61,372) by TJ from Norway
Well, I know Mariah isn't current at the moment, but if Justin Timberlake enters the top 10, so should Mariah. I love Rihanna's music (of course not as much as Mariah's), but she should never have ended up #1 on that list. She has not the biggest voice in pop music.
(Sunday 17 April 2016; 15:37)
Re: Nathan Morris (61,260) (61,266) by TJ from Norway
And in Oslo, at the Nobel Peace Price Concert, back in 1997.
(Wednesday 13 April 2016; 14:41)
Re: Andrew / price to meet Mariah (61,081) (61,086) by TJ from Norway
Nice picture. I have to ask: how tall are you? I was watching her from second row in Oslo, and couldn't make up my mind if she is short or not, because of her extremely high heals (that I don't understand anyone can walk in).
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 21:20)
Edward (61,044) by TJ from Norway
Happy birthday. Eternal 12.
(Tuesday 5 April 2016; 6:48)
Re: SSFT Olso 2016 vocals (60,998) (61,014) by TJ from Norway
It was very good. The voice was so good.
(Sunday 3 April 2016; 19:16)
Re: What an amazing show in Oslo (60,960) (60,967) by TJ from Norway
How strange that the media didn't write anything about it before the concert. A lot of people didn't know about it. Bad promotional work from Live Nation I guess.
(Friday 1 April 2016; 17:03)
Mariah on fire (60,961) by TJ from Norway
Mariah's voice was so good. I had a good view from the second row.
(Friday 1 April 2016; 11:03)
Re: MC anniversary (60,868) (60,873) by TJ from Norway
I think this whole reality concept is the wrong way to take a career like Mariah's. In this clip, it looks more like making a video, than showing the world what Mariah's life is all about. The same about this wanting to film at the Harrods. She's 46 years old and it's about time to act her age. People doesn't take her seriously, and that's not the way to go. She always mention that she's a producer, songwriter and so on because non fans doesn't know the hard work she puts in her music, but at the same time she destroys the image with "acting all 12" or making this reality-show.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 13:28)
Re: Belgium show (60,811) (60,820) by TJ from Norway
Well, they say that the lightening doesn't hit the same place twice. We doesn't know where the terror will be the next time. It could be anywhere in Europe or North America. I think Belgium might be the safest place for her to perform. Since Christmas it has been attacks in both Turkey and Belgium. I must admit that I didn't feel safe here in Oslo, the other day. We can't let them win, by feeling unsafe. Life must go on while we fight for peoples freedom. I hope all her shows will be held, and that all of you get to enjoy her show. Peace.
(Saturday 26 March 2016; 9:54)
Set list (60,492) by TJ from Norway
I've tried to find the set list for her opening concert, bur haven't yet. Anyone who knows? Maybe I didn't see the post here. Thanks to anyone who can help me. [Webmaster: See message 60,466.]
(Wednesday 16 March 2016; 17:23)
European tour (60,224) by TJ from Norway
Anyone who knows how the ticket sales are around Europe?
(Sunday 6 March 2016; 19:47)
Re: Ten years ago (59,825) (59,834) by TJ from Norway
I was also "shocked" by the picture they used on AYNAF. I loved to go to the record store and just buy the latest single (I have a huge collection), and run home to listen to the remixes. What a time. MTV was so much fun, they actually played music at that time.
(Thursday 18 February 2016; 7:16)
Re: Ten years ago (59,812) (59,821) by TJ from Norway
I have some vague memories about being a young fan. Life was just so easy and without any thoughts of politics and economics. I was 13 at the time she released "Vision of love" and now I'm almost 40. Time goes by.
(Wednesday 17 February 2016; 15:52)
Re: Beyonce and Mariah (59,751) (59,752) by TJ from Norway
Has Mariah dropped the high heals? She used to be taller than Beyoncé
(Friday 12 February 2016; 17:33)
Re: Sweet Sweet Fantasy (59,667) (59,677) by TJ from Norway
I agree. And I do hope she sings "Emotions" and of course "Without you".
(Monday 8 February 2016; 7:03)
Re: Jermaine (59,584) (59,598) by TJ from Norway
How do we know that the sales would have been different if the album was released earlier? That's just speculations. The fans buy the album anyway, and the rest of the world, I guess, didn't know about the delay.
(Friday 5 February 2016; 9:42)
Re: Five songs I wish were Mariah's (59,381) (59,390) by TJ from Norway
I don't think she could have done "Unbreak my heart" better than Toni, but I'd love to hear Mariah's version.
(Thursday 28 January 2016; 8:06)
Re: As a Latin fan (58,972) (58,977) by TJ from Norway
Mariah has recorded a lot of songs that she didn't write herself. I can think about at least 9 songs plus a lot of Christmas music. I don't think her "Spanish" is good enough to record an album. I hope for a really strong pop-friendly album. Loose the RnB.
(Friday 8 January 2016; 18:39)
Re: Don't forget about us (58,963) (58,971) by TJ from Norway
This is a proof that a song can touch some people, but not everyone. I never understood how this song could reach the top of Billboard.
(Friday 8 January 2016; 7:31)
Re: Hello warning 10 weeks (58,891) (58,893) by TJ from Norway
I love the fact that Mariah has the record for most weeks at number one, but I don't see any problem if a good song dethrones her. That means she has to work hard for her career, as she did back in the 90's.
(Tuesday 5 January 2016; 14:06)
Re: Mariah reads message board (58,765) (58,772) by TJ from Norway
Is the bikini picture glamorous? I don't think so, and I guess I'm not the only one.
(Wednesday 30 December 2015; 16:30)
Merry Christmas (58,687) by TJ from Norway
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it tonight, and to everybody who celebrates it tomorrow or later (January). Peace on earth.
(Thursday 24 December 2015; 15:53)
Re: A or B (58,681) (58,686) by TJ from Norway
A, just because it looks more natural.
(Thursday 24 December 2015; 15:51)
Re: Mariah is coming to Norway (58,408) (58,412) by TJ from Norway
Well. She has been on both "Smuget" and "Nationalteateret". But, I'm so happy about this. I can't wait. I wonder if there's a new album that she's going to promote, and I do hope she's going to sing Emotions.
(Monday 14 December 2015; 15:50)


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