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About jaker20 from US: You Will Never Be MC

Re: Image... to Lee (45,110) by jaker20 from US
Why are you obsessed with the topic involving child molestation, sex books and crack? No one brings up these topics, but you seem very interested in this topic. Also, how is MC's image even related to MC's kids getting shipped to her mothers? Did I say MC's career sunk after she met and married Nick? Yes. Did I say MC's career sunk because of Nick? No. Huge difference. If you had actually wanted a decent discussion, you probably would know that artists need to be inspired, and Nick is clearly not one of MC's artistic inspirations. Personal and private inspiration. Maybe. Artistic. No. I still don't know what that subject has to do with sex books, crack and child molestation though. Maybe you can enlighten us?
(Thursday 26 June 2014; 1:44)
Re: Mariah's attitude problem (45,084) by jaker20 from US
Mariah's image is definitely at its lowest point right now. Like someone here said, the voice is still there, the talent and music is still there. But the general public can't stand her. Her antics are grating. Her interviews are painful to watch. Her sensuality is past her prime. Her album/single covers are embarrassing. Where has the professional artist gone? I am a hardcore fan, and I care, otherwise, I won't even say these things. I will just let her sink and let it be. But if I think this, you can only imagine what others think of her. Sure, she's entitled to be herself. But as an artist, the general public should know her first and foremost as an artist. As a pro. As a true artist. Not as a Kardashian, unless that's the career she wants now. During the TEOM era, she was poised, composed, respectful, very professional and powerful looking. Someone you actually look up to. The last 5 years or so (dare I say after she got married to Bobby Brown, I mean Nick Cannon) she's turn into a lady/child, immature, unprofessional and talks over interviewers, lazy creativity, videos in bikinis and swimsuits, lipping constantly. Her decline is painful to watch.
(Tuesday 24 June 2014; 16:49)
Mariah don't know what to do (45,053) by jaker20 from US
MC tweeted that she didn't select the single cover (I don't believe this), and that she don't know what to do after the controversy of head swapping with the body. Everyone knows her size now. No need to pretend you're that slender, otherwise, then get on the gym and stop lying to yourself and to the world. If you don't want to go to the gym, then embrace your current size. So she tweeted, and asked suggestions. How about her sitting in front of the piano? How about a creative cover of her in a bus, looking normal like everyone else? How about her in proper clothes for ones, instead of a bikini or swimsuit? Like maybe riding a taxi cab wearing jeans and t-shirt, maybe a hat. She did this cover in one of her singles in Butterfly, and Say Something. That's just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm not even a designer.
(Monday 23 June 2014; 13:37)
MC is definitely losing it (44,988) by jaker20 from US
That cover is terrible lol. Just as bad as the album cover. The song is great, and deserves something more creative than MC wearing another swimsuit. That is partly why people don't pick them up, because they are embarrassed by the image they are buying. Why is not able to do creative covers apart from this Maxim/Playboy style poses? It's so 90s, so old fashioned. Creative does not mean sensual. With all the money she has, she can afford a great cover artist to do something more creative.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 22:18)
I'm actually starting to like JLo (44,947) by jaker20 from US
I actually think JLo's music is atrocious. But I've never heard her say anything negative about MC. Come on, let's face it, music and entertainment has always been cut-throat. She was provided music by the producers when she was just starting out. Do you really think she'd care where the music came from? Also, from what I have read, the music she received was supposed to be for Mariah, but not by Mariah. There's a difference. If MC owns the music to the point of calling it "stealing" then MC should bring it to court, not act childishly like someone took a toy from you. She didn't sue because she didn't own it. Therefore it is not stealing. I think some MC fans' behavior towards JLo is actually working towards JLo and against MC. First, it creates a rivalry, which instantly benefits JLo. Second, it makes JLo look more mature and diplomatic. It's win-win for her.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 4:34)
Re: JLo observation (44,863) by jaker20 from US
Comparing MC's sales to JLo is setting the bar for MC way way too low. I hope MC's career hasn't sunk to the level that JLo has become a valid comparison. If we're going to compare MC's sales to someone it should be Madonna. Madonna can't touch MC's sales for 20 years. But the last 6 years she's been doing much much better than MC on all fronts. And she's 12 years older than MC.
(Wednesday 18 June 2014; 13:11)
Re: "selling out" (44,718) by jaker20 from US
Let's put things in perspective. The last 5 years her main sources of income have been nail-polish, beauty products, questionable live engagements with heads of state/dictators, and a gig with Idol she didn't even like. This beverage is an extension of it. Her music is not selling anymore, and these last two weeks, we got that message loud and clear in an embarrassing way. She is not Madonna who parlay album releases into $250 million grossing concerts. In fact, she's not Madonna who still sell 2 million per album worldwide (isn't that an interesting development these last 5 years?). These are facts. Now for my opinion: I think MC is destroying her legacy. With each passing album release, she's becoming a laughing stock. And to the person who said at least she's "not endorsing a FIAT, ice cream, or Adidas". Well, let's put it this way: they're not calling her. These companies shell millions for "artists" who who will be good ambassadors to their products. Her album is not selling, and from her YouTube hits from new performances, she's not engaging audiences either. So how can she sell these products? People don't seem to like her as a person these days, and this includes many of her fans who didn't buy the album and were repulsed by this new beverage. I mean look at this forum, in the many years of posting here I've never seen this many fans this negative about her. It's not surprising. MC is in a fast moving downward spiral. Some just don't want to admit it.
(Friday 13 June 2014; 11:49)
Flop album that has no single (44,645) by jaker20 from US
I think at this point, we all know she's not that invested on this album, or her career for that matter. She's just giving throaways, some of which previous album rejects, and then not promote it. The promo is horrific, easily the worse in her entire career. The first week reflect fan sales, the second week reflect general public. The former shows many of her fans have abandoned her. The latter shows her image to the general public is in the gutter. So disappointing, but quite honestly, given her demeanor these past few years, not entire surprised. I feared this would be the case, but I didn't know reception would be this bad.
(Wednesday 11 June 2014; 10:58)
I think Nick has a lot to do with all this (44,644) by jaker20 from US
I'm pretty sure Nick is right there behind her saying "in the end, it doesn't matter, we have each other". Is it a coincidence that since Nick her career, image, work ethic, and body, has gone off the rails? I don't think so. The fact he can shoot many MC's music videos is testament to his enormous influence on her career and decisions. I still honestly believe Nick is jealous of her career and success, and is trying to tank her career. Well, I guess now he's succeeded. I got to step away for awhile it's just upsetting. The last 5 years has been a downer as an MC fan.
(Wednesday 11 June 2014; 10:51)
I wish there's an ignore button here (43,137) by jaker20 from US
I'm sick and tired of posters who come here just to say "I won't buy the album because blah blah blah. I'm a spoiled brat. I didn't get what I want." Listen, I have news for you: No one cares if you buy it or not. You come here just to say that? What if you just cross your arms, sit in the corner and cry. Sheesh, such killjoy.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 15:24)
Love (43,129) by jaker20 from US
See, I told you guys. Good things come to those who wait. I'm excited about this album. I think it's going to be hot. I love the title as well. I'm also glad she included Beautiful. I wish Almost Home as well, but I'm ok with this. So excited.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 14:05)
Some of you are seriously messed up (42,825) by jaker20 from US
You post here as if MC owes you anything. If you don't want to buy the album because it's delayed, then don't. No one's forcing you to. But coming here and saying she treats you like trash and all sorts of name-calling, just because she don't deliver to your demands as a fan, then you really need to re-evaluate your life. I'm one who is critical of MC's decisions often. But some of you take too to the gutter. MC's album will arrive. Is it delayed? Sure. Am I upset? You bet. But MC does not owe me anything. It is my choice and my choice as a fan. I don't expect her to work for me. Geez, some of you need to chill a bit and smell the roses.
(Wednesday 23 April 2014; 10:59)
Where is Edouard part 1 (42,455) by jaker20 from US
Lol. My post doesn't make much sense now. [Webmaster: I never received part 1, so I think there went something wrong when you tried to submit your message. Maybe you should post that part again.]
(Thursday 3 April 2014; 10:37)
Edouard part 2 (42,454) by jaker20 from US
That said, I think MC should still release an album. Maybe it's not that album she did with IDJ, but I have faith the album will be amazing regardless. Some of her best singles happen by accident, and not the ones they expect will be hit. Sometimes going with her gut works better than an overly embellished and belabored album. Also, I'm going to talk out of my behind here a little bit, but IMO I think MC should restructure her career so she is not heavily impacted by studio drama. I think there is more venue and platform outside of studio system these days than before. It is the era of indie imo. I'm not saying she should go indie. But as a true artist who has so much mainstream success that she is, I think she should explore her options in a more indie mind-set. Just build it and they will come, as they say. A lot of luck goes on in music industry these days. More hits are made by indies and artists you least expect, and it's harder for studios to manufacture hits and artists now. The public likes studio artsts less these days, IMO. think Butterfly had a bit of that energy, that independent, I'll-do-what-I-want spirit to it. If she takes more chances maybe she'll strike that luck as well.
(Thursday 3 April 2014; 8:09)
Nick and MC's career (42,420) by jaker20 from US
I think Nick and Mariah are starting to get very comfortable that they're pushing each other's boundaries as to what they can say or do in public. If they don't want to get through this, there is an answer: retirement. But as long as they're in public this will always come up. What do you think Nick thinks when she see the mother of his children dancing in tiny little outfits revealing her panties on a music video? What Nick said was tame in comparison to what MC does, and they seem to be both ok with it. It comes with the territory and they know it. To be honest, I don't see their marriage lasting as much as maybe they want. They both have big egos. I've always said Nick is an opportunist. Few knows who he was before the marriage, and MC opened a lot of doors for him. I personally think Nick is the reason for MC's career decline, but that's another story. Nick definitely knows how to work it.
(Tuesday 1 April 2014; 9:56)
Re: RJJ12, friend-managers, ego, and album release (42,297) by jaker20 from US
I know we're just speculating, for cause of delay. But to me MC is definitely chasing that hit single. It's understandable because it's difficult enough to promote an album that only have a top 10 hit (Memoirs), and even that didn't really do that well. I don't believe the album is not finished. She released Memoirs 1 1/2 years after E=MC2 and in this period she got married, tried to start a family and prepared and shot Precious. It's definitely just the ego preventing the release of an album without a major hit. Personally I think she should have released the album last year when Beautiful peaked. Between Beautiful, Triumphant and Almost Home/The Art of Letting Go, that is 3 or 4 songs, with You're Mine being 5th. Then maybe more people would be interested on each songs as opposed them going to waste and forgotten. Now here she is again: i.e. will she release the album if You're Mine is a hit? IMO she should release the album regardless of hit single or not. It's tough to accept for her especially, but huge album sales is over. It's all about singles now. So her belaboring a "perfect album" until she gets a hit is impractical creatively and commercially. Finally about hiring friends as managers. E=MC2 was not Benny's fault. Her career nose-dived after getting married when she's in the heat of promoting an album that took 3 years to make. These tells me Benny is not even in control at all. But that's all we know. We don't know the behind the scenes. This post is long now.
(Saturday 22 March 2014; 21:09)
Re: Mariah's management and voice (42,168) by jaker20 from US
I totally agree with you Adam. It is just unprofessional to be hiring your friends as managers. It's fun, but you work sloppily, you're flexible with and don't honor deadlines and schedules, you chill and drink champagne and ultimately not get anything done. Lastly, MC seems like a person whose creativity needs guidance. This has been the trend for years and I'm afraid it'll be the same in the coming years.
(Monday 17 March 2014; 6:56)
I'm That Chick (42,077) by jaker20 from US
I have it on blast. Such great great song. It's like #Beautiful's cool older sister. Why can't MC do more stuff like this? It's simple, yet really cool. And without all the silly high notes its easy to song. MC needs to make songs can anyone can sing. She already have hundreds of songs which she alone can sing, now it's time to make songs which everybody can hum and sing to. It's a brave new world. MC needs to be more relatable.
(Thursday 13 March 2014; 5:29)
Katy Perry called MC a "throwback" (42,056) by jaker20 from US
On her interview last week Katy was raving about Beyonce. But called MC a "throwback". I have to say I hated Katy for saying that. I'm now going to ban her from my playlist and boycott her. But I also have to say it's a statement that's difficult to refute. This is what MC has become and all it only took was 4 consecutive failed singles.
(Wednesday 12 March 2014; 7:11)
Re: Too challenging for her now? (42,055) by jaker20 from US
I've said many times that MC should write and arrange songs that fits her voice now. Stop doing the same arrangement over and over. Example, these this big booming notes at the end, lots of note fluctuations. Why arrange it that way when you can't sing it that way? #Beautiful was a step in this direction. Sure it has the whistle at the end. But the song was so beautifully arranged, it feels fresh and mot importantly it's easy to sing. I know in my heart she can do fresh songs like that. She's a pop genius IMO? Yet here she goes again back to her lazy old style with the new song I can't even remember the title.
(Wednesday 12 March 2014; 6:46)
Re: the voice of Mariah (41,998) by jaker20 from US
Of course people compare it to her old voice. Who else should we compare it to? We can't compare it to her most recent voice because we hardly hear it anyway. She's not had so many fully and unquestionably live performances the past few years, I can can count them with my fingers. MC has to accept her new voice. I would rather hear her raw and imperfect voice, rather than perfect that is so obviously lipped/semi-lip.
(Thursday 6 March 2014; 9:59)
Fantastic post Matthew (41,896) by jaker20 from US
You pretty much summarized in one post what I have been trying to say for months but don't have the knowledge to articulate. I have many times over that #Beautiful is her most current song in many years, probably last 8 years, and it's worth repeating it is produced by someone she hasn't worked with. MC needs to expand as an artist, grow and learn, collab. So I don't understand how growing and expanding your style equals not being true to yourself or lacks integrity. Many MC fans are just as stuck as MC herself and if you notice they are the same who likes YME which to me is shockingly uncreative and a bore, I almost thought it's a Daydream or Music Box reject. Why does she keeps on recreating past styles, she's got dozens of albums I can come back to if I want the same style. All in all, if YME is the direction she's taking, I agree with Matthew, we should be concerned because that album will bomb.
(Saturday 1 March 2014; 9:56)
Re: Management of Randy (41,873) by jaker20 from US
Stephen, the last official announcement, just after American Idol, is that Randy is MC's manager. As you say, her friend. If MC is managed by a friend, that's code for "I am the manager". The friend, whoever it is, will bow to everything MC says. And that is exactly the problem, the problem we've been seeing since she parted with Benny. She has to let others do this work for her so she can focus on her art and her creative expression. MC doesn't know anything other than touch her hair and hips. Benny forced her to learn choreo and a few dance moves, as basic as they are, at least that's not the aforementioned hair and hip-touching we've been seeing these past few years. I am in now way saying MC should learn how to dance this time in her carer. I'm saying she has to stretch somehow, like the way she carries herself on and off the stage. A "friend-manager" won't make her be the best she can be. They will just go to the studio, hang out and well, drink champagne.
(Friday 28 February 2014; 17:05)
Re: Management problem (41,872) by jaker20 from US
Haru, you are absolutely correct. It was definitely Benny who "straightened" MC. MC has a very head-strong, stubborn character. Most artists do, and I consider MC a artistic pop genius. So she needs someone who is equally strong, and it was Benny who had the whip in his hand who I see will stand up against MC's antics. Some artists, when they get very successful, they think they had it all together. But artists should not manage themselves or even have the last say. They have to surrender control to strong managers who see the bigger picture. I'm gonna say this, MC's head had swollen into epic proportions. And why not? With all the titles she's been labelled: "artist of the century", "most no.1", etc. etc. Imagine what that's doing to her brain? So yeah, managing an image, schedules, priorities, etc of an artist, that takes a no-nonsense manager. MC can't do it, and she won't change. So I think she needs a very strong manager who will handle her with an iron fist and tell her as it is. But with how arrogant she's become, I don't know if you can find someone like Benny. Otherwise, this is it for her. But we don't know, maybe that's what she wants.
(Friday 28 February 2014; 16:47)
Champagne (41,861) by jaker20 from US
Her drinking definitely affected her career. Not just her creativity (or lack therefore these past few years), but also her demeanor, her look, the way she carries herself (which seriously I can't stand lately), and maybe even the way she cares about all these. Ps I'm in no position to judge her life, I'm only speaking as a fan seeing what I see. But the writing's on the wall. I don't want her to go down the path many former-stars have gone to and can't handle the decline. I have many times referred to MC as a "pop genius", so the fact that she's not been able to be her best the last 3 years or so tells me something is off.
(Friday 28 February 2014; 8:07)


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