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About jaker20 from US: You Will Never Be MC

I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,713) by jaker20 from US
I don't think you are understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm not disagreeing with you. Oh well. Bye I guess.
(Saturday 24 February 2024; 16:01)
this is a reply to message 105,705
Yes, and remix ends up at #12 on Hot 100 (105,712) by jaker20 from US
You're framing it in a negative way, while I see it in a positive way. Slow down on being so negative. And also, the right word is "rebound", not jump up. Very different word connotation.

The song would have been out of the top 40, it was on its way down. Not a lot of songs have that kind of chart trajectory. And that is credit to Mariah's name.
(Saturday 24 February 2024; 15:56)
this is a reply to message 105,706
Yes, and remix ends up at #12 on Hot 100 (105,711) by jaker20 from US
This is all lambs' work. The song was already freefalling until Mariah stepped in. It was assured to leave the top 40 this week, and Ariana's album won't come out until after another 2 weeks. That would have been an absolute disaster for her. This proves again that Mariah still have a huge pull in the charts.

Mariah now and Mariah pre-2019, which was before AIWFCIY went to number 1, have very different commercially appeal. Caution was released in 2018 just didn't catch her Christmas spark.

Mariah should capitalize on it every year and release every January, like something, anything. She's the only one who has an annual buzz but she's wasting it with remixes. That said, she did get 5 million new listerers in a week.
(Saturday 24 February 2024; 15:54)
this is a reply to message 105,710
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,696) by jaker20 from US
Yes. The message is that there's real fans who will be there through thick and thin. And there's fans who are only fans if their fave is doing well and then abandon them if they're not. They're toxic success-stans.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 21:23)
this is a reply to message 105,683
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,677) by jaker20 from US
You should see what Arianators are telling Ariana. In fandom, there's always 2 types: true fans who will be there through it all. And success-stans who's only there to live vicariously through the celebrity success.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 02:08)
this is a reply to message 105,674
This is what we asked for (105,673) by jaker20 from US
I don't think she's going to be credited but iId like to be surprised lol. This is just a cute little remix like BER that she barely spent time on. It's the lambs that are hungry for new materials, to the point of embracing an AI version of a flop JT song.

I'm guessing it's going to be close. But it's going to be up to Billboard, they're not going to release the split of numbers.

I think Mariah should already be credited. The remix helped Ariana until her album is released, and the original would have dropped out of the top 30, most likely worse, and that would have been a disaster for her. There's so much is riding on Ariana on this release.

Either way, I just like that Mariah is collaborating with her and new artists. She should do this more often, regardless of chart results.
(Thursday 22 February 2024; 21:05)
this is a reply to message 105,647
MC remix album (105,650) by jaker20 from US
I'm sure this is going to cause a stir here, but I'm here for it. Like a vol 2 of her OG remix album, and add in new ones and new collabs. Mariah's now done 2 remixes and they're both bops, and it seems like an easy releases for her hardly lifting a finger lol, meanwhile her album is taking forever. Don't come at me, it's just an idea. What do you all think?
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 20:16)
General public or bad decisions (105,625) by jaker20 from US
No amount of no.1s is worth her sanity. That's not a bad decision, if anything she saved herself, and gave us Butterfly. Look what's happened to some popstars who never recovered and never regained their sanity.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 01:21)
this is a reply to message 105,624
Yes, And so close to top 10. Now or never (105,621) by jaker20 from US
Tracking isn't done yet. That's for prior week.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 00:57)
this is a reply to message 105,620
Yes, And so close to top 10. Now or never (105,613) by jaker20 from US
We don't know. It's going to be very very close. The remix should have more points than the original for her to get credit. Both versions together, it is at no.11 and went +49%. Assuming the original dropped like it did last week, then the remix portion of that should be more than 50% already, giving Mariah credit at this point already. There is no way the original went up after the remix is released, unless there is some shady stuff going on behind the scenes. The 3 new remixes released by Ariana's team complicates it slightly, but it's not doing any numbers currently.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 17:43)
this is a reply to message 105,608
It just occured to me (105,606) by jaker20 from US
It was the lambs who got it to rise that high. It's patently confirmed math. It had a huge drop last week, and then rose 49% this week. This is all lambs' work. That's just math. Its also confirmed that on the same day that these numbers came out, they released 3 new remixes. They just want all the numbers but they don't want her be credited. It would be hilarious if she still manage to squeak by lol. I guess we'll find out in the next few days.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 15:13)
this is a reply to message 105,596
Yes, And so close to top 10. Now or never (105,604) by jaker20 from US
Its seems like it's now just 1%. It's going to be very close to get her credited. That 3 new remixes released by Ariana's team was very very trashy behavior on the same day they found out that its going to be close.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 15:05)
this is a reply to message 105,601
Yes, And so close to top 10. Now or never (105,593) by jaker20 from US
It is down to the wire.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 01:10)
this is a reply to message 105,591
It just occured to me (105,592) by jaker20 from US
"Ariana stans aren't 100% on board with the song itself." I'm referring of course to the Yes, And original version.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 00:22)
this is a reply to message 105,587
It just occured to me (105,590) by jaker20 from US
From what I am reading, Ariana stans aren't 100% on board with the song itself. If lambs had high expectations for MC, imagine their expectations for Ariana who is supposed to be a more current of an artist and had been gone for a long time. They expect Ariana to give Taylor a run for her money and this is just not it.

So that's the whirlwind of negativity that Mariah's hopping into. Not to mention the cheating and homewrecker allegations.

Lambs should just enjoy the song and not get involved in that mess lol. It's not yet taking off, but I think it's a good addition to Mariah's remix catalog.

Like I said, I think Mariah did it just to return a favor, dipped her toes, but didn't completely jump in.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 00:20)
this is a reply to message 105,587
It just occured to me (105,582) by jaker20 from US
That Mariah just had a collab with Ariana, and it's a remix. A 2018 me would think that if they ever work together, it's going to be the biggest news of the year, it's going to be an event, it's going be their song together and not one or the other just hopping in, and it'll debut at no.1 based on their names alone, whatever the quality of the song. Now that moment is gone. It cannot be repeated.
(Monday 19 February 2024; 20:37)
Writing (105,581) by jaker20 from US
For the record, Mariah has written a bunch of songs for Allure and Trey Lorenz. I agree though, she should do it more often.
(Monday 19 February 2024; 20:28)
this is a reply to message 105,578
Yes, And? lyrics (105,551) by jaker20 from US
I'm personally more for not censoring the artist and let Mariah do what she wants. Artists are supposed to express themselves and at this point of Mariah's career, thinking if she should cuss or not should be the least of her concerns.

Mariah, the person, has so many facets and it would be great to see those sides of her, and not write again about when your hero will come along to cast your fears aside or if its supposed to be for people who lost their grandmothers. I love them, I absolutely love those songs. But telling her not to use some lame cuss word in a song which is censored anyway because it might terrify the kids is being extra gatekeeping imo.

And let me remind she's barely released anything anymore, like at all, and hopefully it's not because she cares way too much about what others will say to the point of dropping ideas each time. In fact, I would to argue that it was GTFO and Caution are the highlights in terms of depth that lit her late 2010s career revival.
(Sunday 18 February 2024; 22:20)
this is a reply to message 105,545
Let's get it to number one (105,547) by jaker20 from US
I heard the Yes, And remix the other day. It was their big "new music this week" with a drumroll announcement. Don't be surprised if it gains some traction on radio, especially on the club radio stations.

But expecting it to go to number one is too much to ask. I feel like it was just Mariah returning a favor to Ariana for appearing on stage with her and JHud last Christmas, and nothing more. They seem to enjoy each other and that's great to see.

I just hope Mariah is more consistent with her releases. There is some buzz right now. She should have a follow up in 3 to 4 weeks, the same way that she should have a follow up immediately after BER blew up, and the same way she should have a follow up every Christmas on January.
(Sunday 18 February 2024; 18:42)
this is a reply to message 105,538
Yes, and? better promo strategy (105,546) by jaker20 from US
I agree. The song already hit number, and was already on its way down. Mariah made it a better song, but she cannot save it on the charts. It's too late. I agree with you, if the remix was the original version, it would have been bigger.

Lambs should just enjoy it for what it is, and it should not always be attached to chart position. In 2 days since it was released, Mariah gained 2 million listeners. So it helps her in some other way.

I actually think it will get better airplay over the next few weeks than the original. It might even be a club hit. It's a real bop. But expecting it to be number one is too much to ask. Already, some lambs are trashing it on twitter, because it didn't hit number one on iTunes. Like why does everything have to be attached to the charts. It gives us something to enjoy until the album arrives, so just enjoy it for what it is.
(Sunday 18 February 2024; 18:26)
this is a reply to message 105,536
"Mariah sounds too loud on the remix" (105,508) by jaker20 from US
That's always been how she is on her remixes. Clearly they don't know Mariah's iconic remixes which are still some of the best.
(Saturday 17 February 2024; 15:43)
Is that Mariah? (105,410) by jaker20 from US
I don't mind Mariah staying in her lane, and bring predictable. She bring her usual style, and just put a slight new twist or flavor to it. Like this Selfish AI sounds like something Mariah would make, that is why its being embraced by lambs.

Right now, her bigger problem is that she's not even in any lane because she's not releasing anything at all.

Frankly I was so disappointed when she let January pass without anything. I thought there was going to be some surprise release, but nothing. It's all just lambs talking about MC16 which I don't even know where that came from.

What that means is, if she can't capitalize on her annual buzz (which by the way, she's the only artist who have this luxury), that means she can't and unable to capitalize on anything. This is now her 4th year she wasted since AIWFCIY went to no.1, she seems comfortable now to just be a Christmas artist.

Sad really. Now I get why some lambs hated this Christmas trend. It made her lazier than she already is.
(Wednesday 14 February 2024; 18:35)
this is a reply to message 105,401
Beyonce (105,388) by jaker20 from US
Hate to break it to you, but Mariah will not release anything this year. There, I said it. It's 10 years since the release of MIAMTEC, Mariah has only released 1 studio album (Caution). She is completely wasting her annual Christmas hype. I am shocked once again, that January passed and she had nothing to capitalize on it. She's doing this game every year. So I don't really see this year being any different. Don't count on it, you're just going to be disappointed. Unfortunately, I think Mariah is surrounded by the wrong people.
(Monday 12 February 2024; 22:38)
this is a reply to message 105,385
Ariana what are you doing here? (105,376) by jaker20 from US
It depends. It remix should get more consumption than the original for her to be credited.
(Monday 12 February 2024; 01:52)
this is a reply to message 105,373
MC, Ariana and JHud (104,543) by jaker20 from US
The stiffness is possibly, the heels too. Its higher than ever this year. Last year, she was walking and moving about more comfortably on stage, but this year the outfit is tighter, and the heels higher. Hopefully it's not medical. Mariah has never really been as active like say Cher or even Madonna.
(Thursday 14 December 2023; 20:14)
this is a reply to message 104,514


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