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About Brandon from USA: I have been a fan of MC since VOL. I have followed MC through the ups and downs of her career and want to see her continue to soar as the global superstar that she is.

Look (105,220) by Brandon from USA
I agree. I'll thought overall that Mariah looked stunning. Her face, hair, jewelry were all flawless. While not a huge fan of the dress, I will give her kudos for stepping outside of her comfort zone lately fashion-wise and going for more high fashion moments. We know she likes to recycle the same style of black sequined early 2000's dresses with so I'll give her a pass for trying something new. I feel a new era coming soon and if she is continuing to step outside of her comfort zone visually and musically, I can't wait.
(Friday 2 February 2024; 16:41)
this is a reply to message 105,217
Congratulations (104,503) by Brandon from USA
No sir, you are not.
(Monday 11 December 2023; 16:21)
this is a reply to message 104,501
Reality check (104,150) by Brandon from USA
Old school MC fans from the 90's know a lip synced performance when we see one and it was definitely prerecorded which is the norm for her these days. Her nerves along with the inconsistency of her voice has has caused her to lean on prerecorded vocal tracks. I just want more movement from her if she's going lip sync.
(Tuesday 21 November 2023; 14:56)
this is a reply to message 104,147
Performance (104,146) by Brandon from USA
I don't think asking a singer to sing and work on stage presence is being negative. Us diehard fans knows what she is capable of (Daydream tour, Butterfly tour, Charmbracelet tour, etc). Everyone is entitled to an off day but it's a problem when it happens frequently. We have a right to be concerned and ask questions.
(Tuesday 21 November 2023; 04:53)
this is a reply to message 104,142
Article: Mariah Carey has new rose gold hair colour (104,085) by Brandon from USA
I take back what I said. Looking at the pics and videos from the show, it actually looks really good on her on stage.
(Thursday 16 November 2023; 14:51)
this is a reply to message 104,076
Article: Mariah Carey has new rose gold hair colour (104,076) by Brandon from USA
It's too "wiggy" for me. I prefer more natural looking styles and wigs on her.
(Thursday 16 November 2023; 03:35)
this is a reply to message 104,075
Kudos (104,061) by Brandon from USA
Kudos to Mariah's current glam team. Hair, makeup and ensembles have been on point for her recent interviews with Jimmy Kimmel, ET and Jennifer Hudson as well as the Grio Awards. I love to see Mariah in high fashion moments. More of this please.
(Wednesday 15 November 2023; 05:50)
Mariah, please be ready (104,012) by Brandon from USA
Andrew, I totally agree with [you]. You aren't being negative but just keeping it real. Some of us fans don't believe that Mariah is untouchable and can't be criticized. Anyone who has had the same job for 30 years should be an expert at that job, not still looking like a deer in headlights when on stage, which Mariah does in her live shows a lot. We are just asking her to put more effort into rehearsing for her shows, practicing singing her songs in her current range, put together a great entertaining show, and taking care of her voice for preservation. Isn't that what we all want? We aren't asking her to perform brain surgery or something that she isn't capable of. All of these things are within her control. She just doesn't seem that interested.
(Friday 10 November 2023; 16:03)
this is a reply to message 104,008
Mariah, please be ready (103,992) by Brandon from USA
It irritates me when she just wings it because it's so evident. Some people who are natural and confident performers (Celine, Whitney, Fantasia, etc.) could get away with it but performing in front of people is just not where MC is strong. She has even referred to herself as a studio artist in interviews. However, with constant practice and working with seasoned professionals, she could get there. I've never understood why she hasn't called Frank Gatson who has helped Beyoncé become the performer that she is today. For some reason, it comes off that she is only concerned with the glam aspect but doesn't really care about actually performing and giving people an experience at her shows. It feels lazy. I feel like she thinks "I'll just stand here, sing (lip sync) these songs right quick, collect my check and go lay back down and be pampered." If she won't practice and rehearse, she could at least properly warm up her voice. I'm going on a rant. Let me stop lol.
(Wednesday 8 November 2023; 17:42)
this is a reply to message 103,987
Mariah, please be ready (103,977) by Brandon from USA
Mariah, please be prepared for your upcoming Christmas shows. Please do not step on that stage looking and acting as if you are under rehearsed and don't know what to do on stage because we can tell when [you] aren't ready (which seems to be the norm unfortunately). Please be professional and have your voice ready. And make sure your pre-recorded vocals match what you can do live. We hate a rough transition from live to pre-recorded.
(Monday 6 November 2023; 20:22)
Jimmy Kimmel (103,954) by Brandon from USA
She definitely looked beautiful. Call me Negative Nancy but the interview was all fluff. If [you] didn't see the interview, you didn't really miss anything because nothing of substance was talked about. Very little talk about her upcoming shows, no new project news but plenty of talk about prank calls and lighting (insert eye roll).
(Friday 3 November 2023; 15:50)
this is a reply to message 103,952
Mariah lately (103,873) by Brandon from USA
She looks flawless right now. I hope a new era is coming soon and she blows everyone away.
(Wednesday 25 October 2023; 21:10)
this is a reply to message 103,871
Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (103,859) by Brandon from USA
From all the clips I saw, she seemed in really good voice for most of the tour. I really enjoyed the improvisational moments and seemed to go for it vocally and was very confident in her voice. I also liked how she interacted with the dancers more and had small choreographed moments with them (Fantasy remix, Obsessed, IKWYW) as opposed to them just being background props. She also stayed in shape the entire tour and I loved her ensembles (even the leotards). Her confidence was on 10 and she seemed to like what she was doing. She seemed to be stepping outside of her comfort zone with this tour. I wish she had continued with that style of performance and not slip back into her old ways.
(Tuesday 24 October 2023; 20:22)
this is a reply to message 103,856
Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (103,855) by Brandon from USA
Great minds must think alike because that’s exactly my sentiments. I hope we get a similar style show in the future from MC.
(Monday 23 October 2023; 18:36)
this is a reply to message 103,849
Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (103,846) by Brandon from USA
No not joking. I loved the SSFT. One of her better shows IMO. She brought back Loverboy, WYB, AAO, etc. [You] disagree?
(Saturday 21 October 2023; 22:53)
this is a reply to message 103,843
Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (103,831) by Brandon from USA
Anyone else misses the Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour? I feel like that was one of her better tours, from the choreography, the outfits, her renewed confidence to her amazing voice. I wish she would've kept going in that direction of performing and entertaining. Anyone else feel the same way?
(Saturday 21 October 2023; 03:47)
Mariah as a performer (103,826) by Brandon from USA
What do [you] guys think holds Mariah back from being a dynamic performer? Or do [you] think that she already is a dynamic performer? I'm curious to know your thoughts.
(Friday 20 October 2023; 18:20)
Tis the season for something... (103,791) by Brandon from USA
With all due respect, MC is not that girl when it comes to fashion. She's had a few good fashion moments here and there throughout the years, but fashion and designing clothes is not her thing. Her personal style is not good.
(Wednesday 18 October 2023; 04:59)
this is a reply to message 103,789
What is wrong with Mariah? (103,734) by Brandon from USA
Just because you are tired doesn't mean [you] give a lazy performance to people who have paid money to see [you]. It's not as if she was in the midst of a long tour and made a special effort to perform at this wedding. Her last performance was months ago. Beyoncé just came off of a 50+ date tour in stadiums with an almost 3 hour high energy show and gave it every night. I'm sure there were nights when she didn't feel like it but still gave her all. We shouldn't blame jet lag because she should have gotten there early enough to get some rest and be prepared, knowing how long it takes to get over there. I'm confused as to why some fans lower to bar to the ground for Mariah when she is capable of so much more. She's only 54 and still young and beautiful in my eyes. She's not some frail old woman. She just doesn't try much anymore which is frustrating.

I hope she's able to muster up some energy and vocal stamina to get through this Christmas tour.
(Friday 13 October 2023; 16:01)
this is a reply to message 103,733
What is wrong with Mariah? (103,729) by Brandon from USA
Something is definitely wrong here. I have been saying the same thing. Although she looked beautiful in the MB30 videos, I'm like why can't she just move and act naturally. It's very irritating sometimes. Then when she performs in Qatar, she's almost lifeless on stage, standing almost completely still and not performing at the level of a superstar who's been on stage for 30+ years. Let's not even talk about how much of the show she was lip syncing. I'm not sure what is going on behind the scenes but something definitely isn't quite right.
(Thursday 12 October 2023; 22:34)
this is a reply to message 103,725
Qatar wedding performance (103,688) by Brandon from USA
I saw the same videos and from what I saw, her Mike was mostly off. The backing track was very prevalent and is making its appearance more and more in her shows these days. Expecting a live show from a "singer" is asking too much? Expecting a singer to sound good is asking too much? No one expects her to sound like 90's Mariah but we do expect her to sound good.
(Monday 9 October 2023; 01:56)
this is a reply to message 103,687
She's checking her list - she's checking it twice? (103,682) by Brandon from USA
Andrew, I am in total agreement with everything that you said. I think she hasn't progressed as a live performer because she's always in her head trying to remember when the recorded vocals are gonna kick in. She's constantly looking down to the teleprompter as though she is singing karaoke to her own songs because she needs reminders for the backing track. It's so annoying. She needs to lower the keys even more already so that she can actually sing her own songs start to finish. Whitney, Patti, Mary J, Barbra Streisand, Chaka, Gladys, etc would never even on their worst days vocally.

Also, why does she keep giving these low energy performances like she did in Quatar? What is going on?
(Sunday 8 October 2023; 05:48)
this is a reply to message 103,678
Something's going on behind the scenes (103,506) by Brandon from USA
My comment was out of concern for Mariah and nothing else. As a dedicated lamb from the beginning, I can be concerned and question things as I see them. You choose to follow blindly and that's ok for you. I want the best for MC and if something doesn't look right, I will speak on it. With that being said, I hope everything is ok and that we get to see more of her healthy soon.
(Saturday 16 September 2023; 02:53)
this is a reply to message 103,502
Something's going on behind the scenes (103,498) by Brandon from USA
While I'm enjoying this moment of MB30, I hate to be a negative Nancy, but did MC seem a bit "medicated" in those videos? She looked beautiful but something seemed a little bit off to me. I can't put my finger on it. I'm a very long time fan and can notice when she's a little different and there was something interesting going on here. Plus she's pretty much been MIA for a while. Maybe it's just me. Let me know what you guys think.
(Friday 15 September 2023; 17:52)
All I Live For Extended Mix (103,421) by Brandon from USA
One word, masterpiece. This sing embodies everything I want in a song from MC, lyrics, melody, and of course that soaring voice. 10/10
(Sunday 10 September 2023; 18:23)


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