
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About David from USA:

Music Box 30 (108,040) by David from USA
Agreed. I was disgusted that someone put a Trump photo as their icon on here - and that it was allowed since supposedly politics are not to be discussed.
(Friday 24 January 2025; 02:44)
this is a reply to message 108,039
Hot 100 (107,692) by David from USA
Wait, how did Wham's "Last Christmas" re-enter this week's chart at #38 while Mariah's not on it yet? (Brenda Lee either.) What am I missing here?
(Friday 22 November 2024; 01:05)
Christmas tour 2024 (107,646) by David from USA
Wait, you're a teacher? I didn't know that. What do [you] teach? And what will you do if you stop teaching?
(Thursday 14 November 2024; 22:57)
this is a reply to message 107,628
Morgan on "The Joan Rivers Show" (107,569) by David from USA
I was perusing YouTube and watched an old interview with Zsa Zsa Gabor (love her) on "The Joan Rivers Show". It was the complete episode, and after Zsa Zsa, there was a segment with three fitness fanatics who devoted their lives to working out. Lo and behold, one of them was Morgan. Not sure if anyone ever mentioned this video on the board before, but I thought I'd share it. (Morgan's segment comes on at 30:28.) I did some Googling, and the episode aired on November 13, 1989.
(Friday 1 November 2024; 04:09)
Robert Anthony (107,475) by David from USA
I come on this board often; I comment very rarely. When I do comment, it's usually to note the negativity and nastiness of Mariah's "fans" here. Robert is always positive and civil - and he's respectful to Mariah even when perhaps giving constructive criticism. We could all learn from him and, as far as his frequent posts, this board would be dead without him.
(Tuesday 8 October 2024; 15:06)
Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,254) by David from USA
Ouch. Hearing someone say they should reconnect with Morgan because they're "the only two left" hit me hard, as I have an abusive sibling (emotionally and physically). No, Mariah needn't mend anything with Morgan - that would mean letting an abuser back into her life, and that would be ridiculous. That's not how it works, that's not how someone in Mariah's situation stays healthy. Plus, I think we all know Morgan has maintained his abusive/accusatory/litigious/in-my-opinion-somewhat-insane personality - there is no repentance here, quite the opposite. From personal experience, I have to say that there's nothing worse than people who expect me to reconnect with my abusive sibling - for any reason whatsoever.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 00:00)
this is a reply to message 107,252
Andrew (105,013) by David from USA
But when will this ban be permanent? I've posted about his abusive nature several times. I think what you, as Webmaster, might want to realize is that he is detrimental to your traffic. I have literally stopped coming to your site for months at a time because I can't bear to read his hate speech. He posts constantly and permeates the entire message board, and it repels me from the entire site. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Food for thought. Other than that, I enjoy your site and thank you for it, but I'm an infrequent visitor here solely because of Andrew.
(Friday 19 January 2024; 22:30)
this is a reply to message 105,006
Andrew (104,244) by David from USA
Does Andrew do anything on this board besides spread negativity and bad vibes? Genuinely interested.
(Monday 27 November 2023; 03:12)
New era? (103,251) by David from USA

You said everything that needs to be said. There's really nothing, literally nothing, else that needs to be discussed about Mariah's future career after this post. Of course, that won't happen, since most of the people on this board would have nowhere to go to express their incredible negativity and insults in an effort to project their own unhappiness.
(Sunday 27 August 2023; 16:39)
this is a reply to message 103,249
Time for lists lol (103,028) by David from USA
Webmaster: Can this guy get banned from the messageboard already? Literally every time I come on here - which is not that often anymore because of the negativity and hate being spewed - I see angry, abusive posts by this person. It's time to stop enabling him, it's time to ban him from the messageboard.
(Wednesday 19 July 2023; 03:10)
this is a reply to message 103,026
MC should come clean (102,987) by David from USA
Mariah was dropped by Epic? When did that happen?
(Monday 10 July 2023; 03:24)
this is a reply to message 102,983
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1. This is a Mariah Carey messageboard, so the message must be related to Mariah Carey.
2. Only messages in English will be posted. And please try to write understandable English, with the proper use of dots and capitals.
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