
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. I am too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

Re: What sank Charmbracelet? (100,842) (100,844) by Stacey from USA
I remember that story. As talented as Mariah is, and I know this may come as a shock to some, she is occasionally wrong. I am glad JD insisted she sing full voice instead of whisper on WBT and glad MC listened. Can you imagine whisper vocals all throughout WBT? Yikes.
(Thursday 28 July 2022; 20:58)
Re: (100,841) (100,843) by Stacey from USA
First off, I'm glad you love Charmbracelet.

The album tanked with the general public because Mariah overused the whisper vocal. The lyrics were screaming for that full voice vocal and does MC do? Whisper. CB is hard for me to listen to because I don't get that emotional release. What is MC known for? What made her dominate the 1990s? That voice. It's why when promotion began for TEOM, the slogan used was "Return of the Voice". Mariah is most successful when she uses all aspects of her voice (whisper, full voice, whistle.) But again, I've always argued CB was released as damage control. It gave Mariah a platform to explain what happened during her breakdown, get her airtime, which set her up for the real comeback: The Emancipation of Mimi. And for that last reason alone I'll always be grateful for Charmbracelet even if I don't personally care for the album.
(Thursday 28 July 2022; 20:52)
Re: Walter (100,827) (100,832) by Stacey from USA
If I am referring to you, I will reply to your posts directly. In any case, the topic has run its course for me. I've said my peace. Now onto enjoying the music each day. Carey on.
(Tuesday 26 July 2022; 03:37)
Re: What sank Charmbracelet? (100,819) (100,826) by Stacey from USA
Very good point. Absence does makes the heart grow fonder. See I don't think CB was a failure. I do think MC used the promotion for CB to share her side of what happened. The amount of promotion may have bordered on overkill, but I think she did that much to get as much face time out there to say she is ok and ready to make music again. The album was released to get her back in the game, give an excuse to tour, and get everyone ready for the real comeback which was TOEM.
(Monday 25 July 2022; 20:56)
Re: What sank Charmbracelet? (100,817) (100,823) by Stacey from USA
Hi Dago. No worries. I totally forgot about that.
(Monday 25 July 2022; 18:51)
Re: Walter (100,818) (100,822) by Stacey from USA
Exactly. I don't understand the need to put him down just because their partnership ended on bad terms.
(Monday 25 July 2022; 18:45)
Re: What sank Charmbracelet? (100,807) (100,812) by Stacey from USA
Honestly for me it was the over usage of the whisper vocal. There were so many emotionally charged lyrical moments that called for that full mid upper range voice vocal and she gave me a whisper. CB was full of either whisper or stratospheric belts. I missed that mid range full voice vocal that we got so much of with TOEM.

The arrangements for Subtle Invitation and There Goes My Heart are amazing. But her whisper vocals got lost in the music, IMO. There's a moment toward the end of TGMH where she gives a full vocal riff and I just crave more of that over this amazing arrangement. MC is the master of building that tension through the first, second verse and subsequent choruses. Then she blows us away with an amazing bridge and final chorus. I missed that emotional release on CB. I didn't get that release on CB.

At the end of the day, I'm grateful for CB. It gave MC a time to shine, to write songs which helped her emotionally release with what happened the past few years and set up her big comeback with TOEM. I saw MC on her last tour date of CB in 2003. She sounded amazing. I love I Only Wanted and Irresistible.
(Monday 25 July 2022; 01:49)
Re: Walter (100,808) (100,811) by Stacey from USA
Amen Terna. Well said. I especially loved this part of your post, "We don't have to bring others down in order for [MC] to shine, she does that already without effort."

I challenge everyone here to look at Emotions, Unplugged, Music Box, Daydream, and Butterfly. Look at each song on each album and count all the times Walter is mentioned. Walter and MC had a magical connection. Let him enjoy that success. At the end of the day, I'm grateful for the music I get to enjoy everyday.
(Monday 25 July 2022; 01:31)
Re: Walter (100,799) (100,805) by Stacey from USA
Like I said, all the details don't matter to me. It doesn't bother me at all if Walter flaunts his involvement with AIWFCIY each year. I'm just grateful for the music I get to enjoy everyday.
(Sunday 24 July 2022; 11:01)
Re: Thoughts: which album do you think MC dislikes (100,801) (100,804) by Stacey from USA
Yeah Rainbow is a hot mess. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love Heartbreaker, Crybaby, Petals, and After Tonight. But that album doesn't have that cohesive feel to it like other albums. It totally was the "I want out of Sony" rushed job. Still she pulls out two #1 singles. Amazing.
(Sunday 24 July 2022; 09:16)
Re: Walter (100,795) (100,797) by Stacey from USA
Honestly who cares if Walter touts AIWFCIY each year. He is given writing credit in the liner notes after all. Furthermore, MC didn't want to make a Christmas album so early in her career. Tommy pushed her to do such. Either way, all the details don't matter to me. I'm just grateful the song was written and is such a staple come Christmas time.

"I, don't want a lot for Christmas..."
(Friday 22 July 2022; 22:27)
Re: Top 5 Did I Do That? Top 5 Triumphant (100,788) (100,794) by Stacey from USA
Interesting topic. Ok, here it goes.

Did I Do That? (In no particular order.)

5. VOL/Infinity (Live with Kelly and Michael)
4. SHOF speech
3. Mariah's World
2. TRL 2001
1. Save The Day


5. Joy To The World (St. John's The Divine 1994)
4. Billboard Icon acceptance speech (2022)
3. If It's Over (Grammy Awards 1992)
2. My All (SNL) and Butterfly (Letterman)
1. WBT/Fly Like A Bird (Grammys 2005)
(Friday 22 July 2022; 12:51)
Re: Thoughts: which album do you think MC dislikes (100,792) (100,793) by Stacey from USA
100% agree with you. Butterfly is Mariah's crowning achievement. But Daydream was the beginning of that journey MC took to get to Butterfly. That's why I don't see her disliking the album as Terna suggested. I know where I was too when I first discovered MC: my living room and Hero began to play. My life would never be the same, lol. That voice. But I digress. It's why I don't bash MB too hard. That was my first album I bought. But MB was the height of Tommy's pursuit of pop Mariah whereas Daydream began that decent off the top of the pop hill into R&B where MC so desperately wanted to live.
(Friday 22 July 2022; 12:40)
Re: Thoughts: which album do you think MC dislikes (100,785) (100,789) by Stacey from USA
I don't think MC sees Daydream the way you do. The ballads lean heavy toward R&B while Music Box leans pop. Now I say any criticism of Music Box with a huge grain of salt. MB was the first album I bought. Hero was the first song of Mariah's I heard on TV when, you know, music channels actually played music videos, lol. So I do have a soft spot for MB. Go find Mariah's appearance on Carpool Karaoke and listen to the first two songs James Cordon plays.

Daydream forever.
(Friday 22 July 2022; 01:33)
Re: Thoughts: which album do you think MC dislikes (100,772) (100,777) by Stacey from USA
Wait, wait, wait, I got to defend my baby, Daydream. That album was the beginning of Mariah spreading her wings. Not just Fantasy, ABMB, but MC loves UTS and the amazing record OSD held. I can see Forever, When I Saw You being a bit schmaltzy but even those songs lean hard toward R&B compared to songs from Music Box. Honestly take your post and replace Daydream with Music Box and then I think you're onto something. But not with Daydream.
(Tuesday 19 July 2022; 20:58)
Re: Libra (100,762) (100,763) by Stacey from USA
Very nice. Libras rule.
(Sunday 17 July 2022; 23:35)
Re: Narada Michael Walden (100,745) (100,752) by Stacey from USA
I know IDWC was not a favorite of MC. I'm glad she sung it again for her Vegas residency. It has such a haunting melody. It's a favorite ballad of mine.

All the magic's gone, just a shadow of a memory
Something just went wrong.
We can't go on make believing, on make believing
(Sunday 17 July 2022; 02:25)
Re: Top ten proflic song lyrics (100,749) (100,751) by Stacey from USA
Melt Away. Such a great song off the best album ever, Daydream. And can we talk about the second verse where she layers her whisper over full voice. Chills.

Looking In is my theme song.

You look at me and see the girl
Who lives inside the golden world
But don't believe
That's all there is to see
You'll never know the real me

She smiles through a thousand tears
And harbors adolescent fears
She dreams of all
That she can never be
She wades in insecurity
And hides herself inside of me

Don't say she takes it all for granted
I'm well aware of all I have
Don't think that I am disenchanted
Please understand

It seems as though I've always been
Somebody outside looking in
Well here I am for all of them to bleed
But they can't take my heart from me
And they can't bring me to my knees
They'll never know the real me
(Sunday 17 July 2022; 02:23)
Re: Vocabulary (100,748) (100,750) by Stacey from USA
At least spell my name right, lol. P.S. My birthday is in October and I'm a libra as well.

I don't use the terms "faceless" and "nameless" as put downs. It's your choice to take them as such, but that is not my intention. That is how I see everyone here and how I believe you should see me too. Why? Keeping that perspective helps me not to take any discussion or personal attacks spoken about me so seriously.

I used to get all hot and bothered by what was said about me 20+ years ago when I started posting online during the Charmbracelet era. Remember the pink boards? Fun times. I started collecting MC's promo CDs and discovered this site. I would take things so personally, try and prove others wrong, wasting so much of my time, and for what? I guess 20 years later I'd rather worry about things that are in front of me: my hubby, three kids, my job, etc., and not take what someone hundreds, thousands of miles away thinks of me so personally.

Sure I'll entertain a discussion as I have for the past few days. But at a certain point as I told Bill, you need to get it go. It was my opinion and he could make his own choice. I come here to discuss all things Mariah and keep it light. Simple as that. Carey on.
(Sunday 17 July 2022; 02:14)
Re: Top ten proflic song lyrics (100,746) (100,747) by Stacey from USA
My All. "Emblazoned on my mind." I love those obscure words MC fits into her songs. Inferiority complex from How I Wish You Knew is another one.
(Saturday 16 July 2022; 21:02)
Re: Vocabulary (100,741) (100,743) by Stacey from USA
I'd let it go. You're too nice a guy to get pulled into such nonsense from a faceless person on the Internet. Just my opinion, though.
(Saturday 16 July 2022; 11:50)
It's Like That (100,742) by Stacey from USA
Cause it's my night
No stress, no fights
I'm leavin' it all behind
No tears, no time to cry
Just makin' the most of life

You like this and you know it
Caution, it's so explosive
Them chickens is ash and I'm lotion
Baby, come and get it let me give you what you need
It's a special occasion
"Stacey's" emancipation
A cause for celebration
I ain't gonna let nobody's drama bother me
(Saturday 16 July 2022; 10:27)
Re: Vocabulary (100,737) (100,739) by Stacey from USA
I've already moved on. I got told to practice what I preached. The irony in that is in each interaction I was the one who was always initially approached first, even when I was discussing something with a completely different person. But I digress. Maybe it is time to move on to a different topic like her songwriting.
(Saturday 16 July 2022; 02:19)
Re: Vocabulary (100,734) (100,736) by Stacey from USA
Ouch. You got me. Where would you like your prize delivered?
(Friday 15 July 2022; 20:58)
Re: Vocabulary (100,728) (100,729) by Stacey from USA
What a cool tradition. It's such a great song. If I was absolutely forced to name my favorite ballad, I'd probably go with TTEOT. So powerful. So full of emotion. Happy Friday.

Tell me what you need
Let me give you all of me
Cause without you, nothing's real
You're the reason that I feel
Oh tell what you need
Let me everything
Every moment I'm alive
Until the end of time

(Friday 15 July 2022; 11:37)


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