
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. I am too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

Obsessed in the UK (104,589) by Stacey from USA
I had the same issue with ILT. The whole concept of the song didn't make sense to me. That is until WBT was released. Here we go now. Let's go now. Silence. Then WBT started and the rest is history.
(Monday 18 December 2023; 22:13)
this is a reply to message 104,584
Article: Mariah Carey stops by Library of Congress (104,578) by Stacey from USA
No teacher of mine in the 1990s wore that. I'm a teacher now and I don't wear that, lol. I should clarify my post. MC looked beautiful and covered up. Just proves she can wear age appropriate clothing and still look stunning.
(Sunday 17 December 2023; 23:13)
this is a reply to message 104,568
Article: Mariah Carey stops by Library of Congress (104,567) by Stacey from USA
I kinda wish she'd dress like this all the time.
(Saturday 16 December 2023; 23:20)
this is a reply to message 104,560
Oh Santa MSG with A and J-Hud (104,513) by Stacey from USA
See it sung live, lol. That's funny. Oh wait, you meant see it live in person. My bad.
(Tuesday 12 December 2023; 00:08)
this is a reply to message 104,504
Appreciation (104,478) by Stacey from USA
Well said, Ed. Merry Christmas "ya filthy animals".
(Saturday 9 December 2023; 00:54)
this is a reply to message 104,474
Christmastime Is In The Air Again (104,477) by Stacey from USA
One of my favs. I love this song.
(Saturday 9 December 2023; 00:51)
this is a reply to message 104,464
Emotions formula (104,322) by Stacey from USA
I think MC could have recorded the phone book for her debut album and been successful. Her voice was so amazing and so unheard of at the time. She truly is a once in a generation artist.
(Saturday 2 December 2023; 06:56)
this is a reply to message 104,316
Would you rather (104,279) by Stacey from USA
Rarities 2. No question.
(Wednesday 29 November 2023; 20:51)
this is a reply to message 104,264
(104,262) by Stacey from USA
I was blasting this song last night on my way home. I love how MC calls the song a cute little Christmas ditty. It's so much more than that.
(Tuesday 28 November 2023; 17:55)
this is a reply to message 104,259
Andrew (104,252) by Stacey from USA
You're new here.
(Monday 27 November 2023; 21:34)
this is a reply to message 104,244
Performance (104,138) by Stacey from USA
I thought it was a solid performance too.
(Monday 20 November 2023; 16:21)
this is a reply to message 104,134
Bryan Tanaka (104,119) by Stacey from USA
Nope, lol. But apparently you do not have a life because here you are posting too. Next.
(Sunday 19 November 2023; 04:07)
this is a reply to message 104,114
Mariah, please be ready (104,002) by Stacey from USA
I saw her on the last night of her Charmbracelet tour. She sounded amazing.
(Thursday 9 November 2023; 20:36)
this is a reply to message 104,001
Jimmy Kimmel (103,980) by Stacey from USA
Well hey she didn't talk about her being biracial or insist we know she's a songwriter. Baby steps, Andy.
(Tuesday 7 November 2023; 02:30)
this is a reply to message 103,973
Matthew Perry (103,918) by Stacey from USA
"Hey Ross, Tom Jones called. He wants his pants back." I could quote Chandler lines all day long. I hope he finds the rest he couldn't find here.
(Monday 30 October 2023; 01:33)
this is a reply to message 103,916
7 songs one billion streams (103,913) by Stacey from USA
It could be that during the Daydream era, all her issues with Tommy hit their climax. Maybe one reason why MC doesn't talk about Daydream much is not wanting to remember how she felt during that era. Ether way, I love Daydream. I'm glad she recorded the album.
(Sunday 29 October 2023; 18:48)
this is a reply to message 103,902
7 songs one billion streams (103,912) by Stacey from USA
It's nice to see the best album ever get some love. Looking In is my life's theme song.
(Sunday 29 October 2023; 18:46)
this is a reply to message 103,903
7 songs one billion streams (103,911) by Stacey from USA
If that's true, it will be very interesting come 2025 to see what MC does when Daydream turns 30.
(Sunday 29 October 2023; 18:44)
this is a reply to message 103,902
Tis the season for something... (103,799) by Stacey from USA
Agreed. The dress looks beautiful. I love the red color.
(Thursday 19 October 2023; 03:16)
this is a reply to message 103,794
The Art of Letting Go (103,766) by Stacey from USA
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. You nailed it
(Monday 16 October 2023; 05:35)
this is a reply to message 103,758
Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,641) by Stacey from USA
I honestly don't care if this is what MC has become. Sometimes we all have to be comfortable and confident in our accomplishments. MC can be proud of her career. These Christmas concerts, anniversary releases aren't for the general public. They are for us, the diehard fans. I'll gladly take these gifts. I can't wait for #Daydream30.
(Tuesday 3 October 2023; 03:05)
this is a reply to message 103,636
I Don't Wanna Cry (103,584) by Stacey from USA
You're such a turd, lol.
(Wednesday 27 September 2023; 08:22)
this is a reply to message 103,571
I Don't Wanna Cry (103,583) by Stacey from USA
You forgot to include the #DemKittens edition too, lol.
(Wednesday 27 September 2023; 08:22)
this is a reply to message 103,580
I Don't Wanna Cry (103,570) by Stacey from USA
I get a little giddy thinking about what MC may pull out of the vault for my beloved Daydream's 30th anniversary.
(Tuesday 26 September 2023; 00:40)
this is a reply to message 103,568
DemKittens (103,536) by Stacey from USA
They can't be any harder to handle than a jack Russell terrier, lol.
(Tuesday 19 September 2023; 02:05)
this is a reply to message 103,531


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