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About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. Ok? I'm too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

Proctor's Theatre (103,384) by Stacey from USA
Hero live from Proctor's Theatre was playing on VH1. You know when VH1 and MTV actually played music videos. I was 15. I had my back to the TV as I was wrapping the vacuum cord up and this voice started singing. The rest is history.
(Friday 8 September 2023; 23:33)
this is a reply to message 103,379
Disc two (103,332) by Stacey from USA
I'd argue MB 30th is better than what she did for Butterfly 25th release. I thought Butterfly was her most personal release and what we got wasn't a whole lot. Yes, we got digital EPs of all her remixes from that era. But most of us had already heard of them. I'm talking new, unreleased stuff. Thoughts?
(Thursday 7 September 2023; 03:03)
this is a reply to message 103,317
Re-recording Music Box 30 (103,331) by Stacey from USA
Hardly, lol. I was more like Dorothy. At least that's how I sound when I'm sick with a cold.
(Thursday 7 September 2023; 02:57)
this is a reply to message 103,315
Re-recording Music Box 30 (103,300) by Stacey from USA
I love me some Blanche Devereux.
(Monday 4 September 2023; 08:44)
this is a reply to message 103,297
Music Box 30th anniversary revealed (103,268) by Stacey from USA
This was my first album I ever bought. Hero was the first song I ever heard. Yes it's schmaltzy but who cares. This album has its place in history. The remixes alone are trendsetting. Happy Anniversary Music Box.
(Thursday 31 August 2023; 20:57)
this is a reply to message 103,266
New era? (103,257) by Stacey from USA
Please, I'm aiming for Eternally 12 as the next album title. To all the Mariah Daily Journal folks, that was a joke.
(Wednesday 30 August 2023; 04:22)
this is a reply to message 103,255
Perfection (103,168) by Stacey from USA
Good idea. I just made my own mp3 too.
(Saturday 12 August 2023; 07:40)
this is a reply to message 103,164
Today Whitney would've been 60 (103,158) by Stacey from USA
Like her or hate her. There is no denying her talent. Wow. I hope she finds her peace in the hereafter that she never found on earth. Everyone deserves that.
(Thursday 10 August 2023; 04:03)
this is a reply to message 103,154
Tommy or no career at all (103,153) by Stacey from USA
There are some good songs off Rainbow. But it is quite obvious she rushed that album to get out of her deal with Columbia. The album is a mess.
(Wednesday 9 August 2023; 04:50)
this is a reply to message 103,151
Bliss (103,074) by Stacey from USA
I think my marriage would have never survived had I tried to play MC. No kids would have been born, lol.
(Monday 24 July 2023; 22:44)
this is a reply to message 103,063
No controversial song or video (103,044) by Stacey from USA
Jason Aldean's song is not controversial. SMH. Go read Cardi B WAP lyrics and watch her lovely video then compare that to Aldean. The only controversy is the one the media is creating. Next.
(Friday 21 July 2023; 05:16)
this is a reply to message 103,040
You messing with Daydream? (103,043) by Stacey from USA
It's a good thing we aren't face to face, lol. I'd have to take the necessary steps to defend Daydream. Randy, I know exactly the version you are talking about. That's my favorite version of Fantasy too. I absolutely love every song on that album. Looking In is my life's theme song. From the amazing bridge to I Am Free to the sultry layering of vocals on Melt Away, Daydream just oozes perfection. The album includes the emotion that maybe was missing on MB for some. Now back away slowly from Daydream and no one gets hurt.
(Friday 21 July 2023; 05:12)
Emotionally stiff (102,994) by Stacey from USA
Oh my gosh, how could I forget Can't Let Go? Shame on me, lol. Still irks me what Sony did to stop that single from hitting #1. At the end of the day, I don't need journalists to validate what we all know: Mariah has written a lot amazing songs.
(Tuesday 11 July 2023; 07:27)
this is a reply to message 102,989
Emotionally stiff (102,988) by Stacey from USA
Till the End of Time is as emotionally filling as anything I've heard. I'd argue it's more emotional than All By Myself. That bridge to end chorus sends chills up my spine every time. Those silly journalists couldn't recognize emotion if it hit them in the face.
(Monday 10 July 2023; 05:56)
this is a reply to message 102,985
MB30 (102,935) by Stacey from USA
Listen to the song All I Live For. Little Tommy was a bit insecure too, lol. I'll always have a deep appreciation for MB. It was the first MC album I ever heard, with Hero being the first song to bless my ears. Each album has its place in her musical history/journey.
(Tuesday 27 June 2023; 23:45)
this is a reply to message 102,916
Mariah's a songwriter? (102,934) by Stacey from USA
I'm sure Kelly's comment was one to hopefully get MC on her show. But I read the comment, and as a whole, I think it was a nicely put comment. Kelly has nothing but respect for MC.
(Tuesday 27 June 2023; 23:39)
this is a reply to message 102,928
Edward (102,494) by Stacey from USA
Often imitated never duplicated.
(Thursday 6 April 2023; 20:35)
this is a reply to message 102,484
Edward (102,481) by Stacey from USA
How dare you get Eddie's age wrong. You must not be a real MC fan.

Too soon?
(Thursday 6 April 2023; 00:47)
this is a reply to message 102,469
Observation (102,467) by Stacey from USA
I'm surprised you guys entertained the topic for as long as you did, lol. Bless you.
(Wednesday 5 April 2023; 08:45)
this is a reply to message 102,465
Vanishing live in Sydney (Butterfly Tour) (102,460) by Stacey from USA
Now this is what we should be talking about. Not whether someone wished MC a happy anniversary or not. Wow. Amazing vocals.
(Tuesday 4 April 2023; 01:06)
this is a reply to message 102,412
Observation (102,445) by Stacey from USA
Perfectly said. This fellow Libra approves.
(Sunday 2 April 2023; 17:48)
this is a reply to message 102,438
Observation (102,440) by Stacey from USA
Preach Randy. Preach.
(Sunday 2 April 2023; 08:51)
this is a reply to message 102,434
Biggest non #1 hit after 33 years (102,402) by Stacey from USA
For me it's Can't Let Go. Still irks me Sony caused that song to stall at #2 by pulling it off the shelves. Such a hauntingly beautiful melody.
(Monday 27 March 2023; 04:24)
this is a reply to message 102,379
Mariah and JLo always release an album the same year (102,335) by Stacey from USA
We don't know her.
(Saturday 11 March 2023; 03:52)
this is a reply to message 102,333
Remixes (102,331) by Stacey from USA
Welcome to the club, Randy and Eddie. I replace album versions for remixes all the time. I love some remixes better than the album version. The Morales remix of Honey took out my speakers too. I found a fan made radio edit that if it weren't a digital copy, it would have worn out long ago, lol. I remember when my sister got me a CD-5 for ABMB. It was like discovering a whole new world of music I honestly had no idea existed. Talk about receiving the ultimate Christmas present. That was it. We can say what we want about the current state of Mariah's career in 2023. But there is no denying her talent is unmatched by anyone on Earth. Add in her remixes, her career is unmatched by anyone in the freaking universe. Excuse me while I go and blast Honey Morales Remix and ruin a few more speakers.
(Saturday 11 March 2023; 00:33)
this is a reply to message 102,325


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