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About Edward from USA:

Voice (108,193) by Edward from USA
Mariah's lipping is so obvious now, and people are going in on her in the YouTube comments. She really needs to step back from touring and work with a vocal coach. Like Terna said, it's going to take serious discipline to get her voice back in shape. She should stop touring until Christmas.

It kind of feels like we're watching a different version of what happened with Whitney. Mariah fought so hard to stay true to herself, but now she's almost trapped in this diva persona. She used to talk about wanting the street cred that Mary J. Blige had, she started being raw and unapologetic. But now? It's like she's just withdrawn into this shell.

It's true that Tanaka seemed to have been a source of joy and normalcy in her life.
(Wednesday 12 February 2025; 16:30)
this is a reply to message 108,190
Walter Ari Babs 2026 (108,179) by Edward from USA
Mariah should definitely take at least 15 years to release her next album, perfection takes time, after all. In fact, why stop at singing? She could just speak the lyrics to us, and we'd have to imagine the melodies ourselves. So artistic, so emotional, so innovative. A true game changer. I can't wait for 2034. Her voice will be so rested.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 17:41)
this is a reply to message 108,175
MC doing the Superbowl (108,160) by Edward from USA
Randy, with your setlist, I think Mariah from '94 to 2012 would've absolutely crushed a Super Bowl halftime show. Back then, she could at least move around and command the stage with confidence. But these days, I just don't see her keeping up with the fast pace of a show like that. Everything happens so quickly, and I feel like she'd just end up standing there, kind of frozen, like a deer in headlights. Plus, whatever meds she's on seem to have a dazing effect on her. That time has passed.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 16:16)
this is a reply to message 108,156
Barbra and Mariah (108,144) by Edward from USA
I've already turned orange. Go figure.
(Saturday 8 February 2025; 17:38)
this is a reply to message 108,141
Barbra and Mariah (108,143) by Edward from USA
Oh, please, stop acting like a victimized version of Mary Poppins. We all know the rules, and Eric has been more than fair to everyone here. Just be creative. I, for instance, use "effing" instead of dropping the actual Fbbomb. So don't be oversensitive, nobody is out there to get you. If you don't post much this year, that would leave only Robert-Anthony with unwavered positiviness here. Don't you dare.

I've already forgiven you for not sparing me the tired "She's a mother now".
(Saturday 8 February 2025; 17:37)
this is a reply to message 108,139
Barbra and Mariah (108,140) by Edward from USA
Mariah is just 55. She doesn't have to release music that often, but at least a 6-track EP here and there would be appreciated. Nobody is being unreasonable.
(Saturday 8 February 2025; 13:04)
this is a reply to message 108,137
Barbra and Mariah (108,136) by Edward from USA
Streisand has recorded twice as many albums and toured far more extensively than Mariah. Yet, even when she completely stopped touring, she never neglected her core fanbase. Since the 2000s, she hasn't gone more than a few years without releasing an album, and she's 83, for heaven's sake. From 1963 to 1967, and again in 1971, she was releasing two albums a year. That's dedication.

It's not that Mariah's lost her artistry, her heart is just not in it anymore. She reminds me of someone who was once deeply passionate about their career but eventually became content with stepping away. And that's fine, but at least be honest about it. Instead, she's spent the last six years dangling a fat carrot in front of us.

Where is the freaking music? And please, spare me the tired "she's a mother now" excuse.
(Saturday 8 February 2025; 02:16)
this is a reply to message 108,135
Please (108,133) by Edward from USA
When Celine and Barbra recorded "Tell Him", Barbra was 55, same age as Mariah is now, but she gave Celine a run for her money. I know it's a different time and context, but I had hoped Mariah would be at a similar vocal level now. Given that Barbra is almost 83 and Mariah's voice is what it is, the duet will likely be very subdued. Let's hope for the best.
(Friday 7 February 2025; 04:51)
this is a reply to message 108,132
Please (108,131) by Edward from USA
I hope her duet with Barbra isn't similar to her duet with Tony Bennett "When Do The Bells Ring for Me".
(Thursday 6 February 2025; 14:01)
Article: Barbra Streisand new album will feature song with Mariah (108,123) by Edward from USA
That's a one I didn't see coming. I'm actually excited.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 14:29)
Really? (108,112) by Edward from USA
Not only did Beyonce win Best Country Album, but she also took home Country Album of the Year, an absolute travesty. Even she seemed shocked to receive the award. The Grammys have become a complete joke. What's next, Best Fart of the Year? Give me fat effing break.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 00:57)
The Grammys (108,110) by Edward from USA
I would never put Beyonce in the same sentence with Mariah or Whitney, they simply can't be compared. I think people like Beyonce because she has maintained a polished public image, she's likable, and she has some good songs too. When it comes to her Grammy wins, it's astonishing to think that she has more than Mariah and Whitney combined, it just doesn't add up. One thing is undeniable though: Beyonce is a phenomenal entertainer.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 17:12)
this is a reply to message 108,107
Covers compilation album (108,104) by Edward from USA
It truly is. I waited 4 hours to be in the audience, but it was worth it. It was magical.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 11:55)
this is a reply to message 108,103
The Grammys (108,100) by Edward from USA
Beyonce is highly overrated, much like Alicia Keys was at her peak.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 00:37)
this is a reply to message 108,094
A bit harsh (108,093) by Edward from USA
Stating facts isn't negativity. Unfortunately, in today's world, simply acknowledging reality can be seen as offensive. I never said Mariah's voice is gone, I said "the voice as we knew it", as in the one we fell in love with, is gone forever. And to be clear, I'm not even referring to her '90s voice. If we're being truly honest, setting aside our love for her and her music, it's undeniable her voice being reduced to about 25% of what it was.

Performing isn't just about dancing, it's about commanding the stage. These days, they wrap her up in extravagant gowns like a tamale, and she just stands there, barely moving, almost as if she's in a daze while people mop the floor around her.

That said, I'm still a fan and excited for whatever she has in store. As I mentioned, I'd love "The Rarities II". I'll always support her, but I simply don't enjoy her live performances anymore. I made my peace with that so I don't even look for them. If you do, that's great, enjoy them as much as you like.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 17:01)
this is a reply to message 108,090
Vegas show 2025 (108,086) by Edward from USA
I completely agree with you, Jamie. It pains me to accept that the voice we once knew is gone forever. That's why I no longer enjoy her live performances, not out of hate, but because it brings a sense of sadness. The whistle register was the last piece of her vocal magic, but now it sounds flat and unpleasant.

Honestly, I'm more excited about The Rarities II than anything else at this point. It has dawned on me that Mariah hasn't recorded anything in six years, likely because she can no longer deliver decent vocals, even in the studio. It's truly heartbreaking.

That said, I'm deeply grateful for the incredible legacy and discography she has left us. When she was at her best, she was truly in a league of her own.

At this point, I just want to celebrate one last victory, her reclaiming the record for the song with the most weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. If nothing else, it's a testament to her enduring impact on music history.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 02:22)
this is a reply to message 108,084
Circus (108,044) by Edward from USA
I'm glad Mariah didn't take part in the celebrity circus this elections turned out to be. I guess they got the memo nobody cares what they think.
(Friday 24 January 2025; 15:24)
Music Box 30 (108,043) by Edward from USA
Robert-Anthony, I'm so glad people are finally fed up with cancel culture. It's like we're been policed for about anything we say. What happened to the Dixie Chicks should never happen again, regardless of your political leanings. Carrie slayed, period. I would love for someone to ask Snoop Dogg in his face why he performed, he would obliterate them. When you talk at people instead of talking to them, you realize why things happened the way they did. And I'm a Democrat, not a radical one though.
(Friday 24 January 2025; 14:59)
this is a reply to message 108,041
Music Box 30 (108,033) by Edward from USA
An a cappella pre-recorded track? She has a few of those?
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 22:21)
this is a reply to message 108,031
A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,014) by Edward from USA
Just tell you can fulfill their "Sweet Sweet Fantasy, baby".
(Monday 20 January 2025; 13:42)
this is a reply to message 108,013
A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,010) by Edward from USA
Robert-Anthony, to view all the messages you've posted, simply navigate to your profile. At the bottom, you'll find your posts listed in chronological order. It may take some time, to scroll back to 2014 in your case, but possible. For those who post infrequently or haven't posted in years, the process is much quicker.

And remember, my dear Rob, as the wise old Chinese saying goes: "You must keep those pipes clean regularly, let them sit too long, and things might get a little... backed up and messy." Of course, finding a boyfriend who's a plumber would be the perfect hands-on solution.
(Sunday 19 January 2025; 16:53)
this is a reply to message 108,008
Last album (108,005) by Edward from USA
I think most people here have moved past the delusional idea that Mariah just needs a three-month break and a bunch of earpieces to deliver vocally. Let's face it, we've all seen that her voice isn't just different, it's deteriorating faster than normal. Like you and many others, I noticed the shift back then and how her voice was never quite the same after that. But honestly, at this point, rather than sounding like a broken record, it feels more like preaching to the choir. There is no one more blind than the one who refuses to see.

I agree with you that Mariah doesn't really need a record label anymore. The cost of producing an album probably outweighs what they'd make from it. Instead, like you said, she should focus on something like a documentary. It would be amazing for her to show us the side of her that people rarely get to see, something deeper than the "diva" image she's known for.

I'll admit I missed some belting on Caution, but I still enjoyed the album overall. At this point, she doesn't need to pretend in the studio, she just needs to work with what she's got. I'm not sure what's taking her so long, though, it's been six years. But oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 21:58)
this is a reply to message 108,003
A little paranoid? Maybe (108,004) by Edward from USA
We can all speculate, even Mariah. But let's be honest, if she had any actual evidence that her idea was stolen, she would've said something. Don't get me wrong, I have a huge problem with people stealing or acting in bad faith toward someone else's work, like what Tommy did with the Firecracker sample situation. But what I'm not going to do is start blaming people for something that Mariah herself didn't seem entirely sure about.

And honestly, sitting on an idea for too long can backfire. It's like what happened to my brother, he took his sweet time perfecting his concept for a device, and then, a year later, someone else came out with the same thing. There was nothing he could do about it. A great idea is just that, but if someone else gets there first, the rest is history.

Unlike you, who defended Stella with tooth and nail, I try to stay objective when it comes to Mariah. Being her fan doesn't mean I'm blind to reality. Most likely, she sat too long on whatever idea she had, and someone else came up with something similar. It happens to a lot of people. Just because Mariah feels a certain way doesn't mean I automatically agree with her without proof. The Firecracker sample situation? That was solid, tangible evidence. But "this unnamed person stole my idea" situation? Not so much.
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 21:26)
this is a reply to message 108,002
A little paranoid? Maybe (108,000) by Edward from USA
Mariah didn't really make it seem like someone deliberately stole her idea or pulled a "J.Lo" on her. She kind of shrugged it off, implying that her idea probably got leaked by people she had shared it with. Then, not long after, someone else came out with something similar. What I think happened was that Mariah took too long working on her album and, in the meantime, someone else probably came with a similar idea. The only major standout from that era was Beyoncé's Visual Album, which dropped as a surprise overnight. We'll never know for sure, but maybe wasn't the visual album part, but definitely the surprise-release angle.

Let's be real, Mariah's been kind of paranoid ever since the whole J.Lo stolen sample drama. What's interesting, though, is that after Mariah was vindicated, they talked about and squashed it. Mariah hinted that Jennifer was just a pawn in the whole situation, and honestly, I believe her. Back then, Jennifer probably didn't know much about sampling or how shady the industry could be. But when Mariah went on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen and said she didn't know J.Lo, that totally caught me off guard and let me know Mariah never let it go.
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 17:52)
Last album (107,987) by Edward from USA
That's what I call someone being real and having respect for her audience. She's had a long and celebrated career.
(Friday 17 January 2025; 13:29)
this is a reply to message 107,986


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