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About Edward from USA:

Re: Toni Braxton (101,143) (101,144) by Edward from USA
"Let It Flow" is my jam. I love the way she sings it. Toni has a very unique voice, you can't mistake her for anybody else. Her first album, you can listen to from start to finish without skipping a track, but my favorite "Secrets" has the jams I love more from her. "You're Making Me High", "Let It Flow", "How Could an Angel Break My Heart", love them all. Sadly her light kind of faded quickly after "Secrets".
(Monday 5 September 2022; 16:20)
Re: Pregnancy (101,124) (101,126) by Edward from USA
I'm pretty sure you would agree that watching Marian and Luther singing "Endless Love" live is like having a perfectly balanced, nourishing and non-fattening meal with no room for donuts. Not even the fat affirming obesity police could dispute that.
(Friday 2 September 2022; 17:56)
Re: Endless Love (101,114) (101,119) by Edward from USA
It's not just awesome, it's simple impeccable, epic, unrepeatable! A moment in time. When I discovered it, I watched it thousands of times, and I still watch it. Mariah was simply beautiful, her demeanor was lovely, and Luther, well, Luther was just perfect. Luther had that distinctive buttery voice that's rarely ever heard anymore. May he rest in peace. I do miss him.
(Thursday 1 September 2022; 14:23)
Re: Pregnancy (101,115) (101,118) by Edward from USA
First of all, how do you know my experience/knowledge? Your opinion, just as mine, is an opinion. For your information, and this is not an opinion, you don't have to be 300lbs to be obese, your BMI only has to be 30 or above for that to happen. Most people we consider overweight are actually obese, but that wasn't the point of my post. Mariah herself had a very difficult pregnancy with the twins when she was in her very early 40's, so I doubt she would just decide to get pregnant out of the blue just for the fun of it. I also stated that her weight gain is most likely due to other factors.

(Thursday 1 September 2022; 14:14)
Pregnancy (101,113) by Edward from USA
I doubt Marian would decide to get pregnant at 53. If she wanted more babies, she probably would've used a surrogate. Her obesity might be a result of other factors. She will definitely be in shape for Christmas.
(Wednesday 31 August 2022; 18:02)
New music (101,106) by Edward from USA
I don't think Mariah is about to release any new music anytime soon. When she's about to release a new project, she usually works on getting fit for video shoots and interiews, but judging by her outing the other day, she's not in the best of shapes to shoot video with Ariana or anyone,

Mariah said she used everything she had for Butterfly, so I doubt there's anything left from that era. As for the demos for "All Cried Out" and the other two songs, unless they had been left overs from her previous work, I doubt she recorded them. I'm hoping to be proven wrong though.
(Tuesday 30 August 2022; 21:16)
Re: If it was Whitney? (101,039) (101,044) by Edward from USA
You could be the biggest and most respected name, but if what you're putting out doesn't guarantee revenue, it would be stupid to invest your coins in said product. Would you invest a million dollars in a Mariah video other than anything related to AIWFCIY? I doubt you would. It's business. Madonna can't sell two records, but she's strong on concerts still. She makes more from a tour that what she would if she had a very successful album. Mariah is strong on Christmas, it is what it is.
(Thursday 25 August 2022; 18:18)
Re: Nick Cannon (101,030) (101,037) by Edward from USA
Nick is an effing joke of a man. He's being deliberately having these kids only thinking about himself. He's also being the worst role model for all of them. I'm glad Mariah removed herself from this mess. These are some of the ridiculous names he's given some of these kids: "Powerful Queen" and "Legendary Love". Lord have mercy.
(Thursday 25 August 2022; 14:14)
The Butterfly Lounge (101,026) by Edward from USA
What ever happened to the "Butterfly Lounge Project"? It seems as if it was abandoned or something. It's been 4 years since we had any proper music, and it was only a 10-track album. She hasn't toured or had any shows since the pandemic so she should've put something out already. I can't believe all we'll get is the same Christmas stuff plus maybe some hyped up mediocre song with a video of Marian touching herself in the snow. We need at least "The Rarities 2" ASAP.
(Wednesday 24 August 2022; 18:39)
Re: Mariah and Luis duet (101,018) (101,022) by Edward from USA
That's the official story confirmed by Marian. They couldn't use After Tonight for the series for legal reasons. Luis didn't like the final product and because the album was being recorded in such a short period of time, Marian went with solo version.
(Tuesday 23 August 2022; 04:30)
Re: Mariah and Luis duet (101,014) (101,015) by Edward from USA
Mine too. The look on Enrique's face when Whitney belts that note is priceless. He even laughs a little, like saying to himself: Oh no, she didn't. It was just an epic moment.
(Monday 22 August 2022; 16:19)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey wants to trademark "Queen of Christmas" (100,998) (101,000) by Edward from USA
Someone must've said her name three times.
(Friday 19 August 2022; 13:38)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey wants to trademark "Queen of Christmas" (100,991) (100,992) by Edward from USA
Mariah has been hailed as "The Queen of Christmas" for nearly a decade now and she's always been nonchalant about it. This is a ridiculous move as if she were desperate for coins. The dinosaur who advised her about it should be fired.
(Thursday 18 August 2022; 17:34)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey's Atlanta home burglarized (100,982) (100,983) by Edward from USA
Artist like Mariah don't tend to move their awards around like that, many of them even have a storage for them, so I doubt that wherever Mariah goes she takes her awards with her. What's weird is the fact the house since to have been unattended. I don't think Mariah got this house with the purpose of living in it, but to have a place to state while she's working on the project she's working on. It's good they were not there, the rest is replaceable with insurance.
(Monday 15 August 2022; 22:46)
Re: RIP Olivia Newton John (100,950) (100,951) by Edward from USA
I have a feeling "The Rarities 2" is happening soon and by surprise.
(Wednesday 10 August 2022; 14:35)
Re: RIP Olivia Newton John (100,940) (100,941) by Edward from USA
I've always wanted Mariah to cover Olivia's "Hopelessly Devoted" during her prime. Olivia always came across as a genuine and classy person, may her soul rest in peace.
(Tuesday 9 August 2022; 02:19)
Re: Best breakup album: Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel (100,901) (100,904) by Edward from USA
By the Daydream era, Mariah lived with Tommy at Sing Sing, so I doubt she could've accomplished that. She could've sneaked out for a couple of hours at best, but with the tabs he kept on her, it's highly unlikely. Remember when Mariah snaked out with Da Brad and Tommy's ass almost cracked? I think it all happened when they had separated. In Mariah's mind there was a possibility of them getting back together, that's why she wrote Butterfly, I think it's not that she didn't love him, it's that he was suffocating her.
(Friday 5 August 2022; 00:30)
Re: #Butterfly25 (100,876) (100,880) by Edward from USA
Hopelessly Devoted is a song I wished Mariah had covered in her prime. I do love that song so much. By the way, what is a VHS?
(Tuesday 2 August 2022; 18:04)
Re: Thoughts: which album do you think MC dislikes (100,789) (100,792) by Edward from USA
I do think that Mariah doesn't see Daydream the way she sees Butterfly. She knows the album was a defining moment in her career, but instead of acknowledging the whole album, she would rather refer to specific tracks like: Fantasy, ABMB, OSD, UTS and Looking In. While many of the ballads lean heavily towards R&B, I don't think she cares much about them. I do love (to the second power) Daydream, it was how I rediscovered Mariah after having heard "I Don't Wanna Cry" several years prior, but thinking it was Whitney Houston. I can remember that day, it's vividly emblazoned in my mind. Me sitting at school, with my headphones on, and there it was that angelic voice singing "Open Arms", I almost fell off my chair, lol. I have to admit that while I frequently rhapsodize about Daydream, I listen to Butterfly more often. It's like Daydream and Butterfly represent two different Mariahs, and I love them both. Daydream forever though.
(Friday 22 July 2022; 04:21)
Re: Top ten proflic song lyrics (100,746) (100,749) by Edward from USA
You and me in a cloud of reverie
Spin around inside my head unendingly
Thoughts run wild as I sit and rhapsodize
Pretty pictures of what I'd do if you were mine

Who uses rhapsodize in a song, the one and only, Mariah Carey. So sad she doesn't write lyrics like that anymore. They were so poetic. After Charmbracelet, her writing style changed significantly.
(Saturday 16 July 2022; 22:57)
Re: Vocabulary (100,729) (100,733) by Edward from USA
I concur. TTEOT is pure brilliance. The Wind is also a favorite of mine, sad but sung with so much soul, it sometimes pierces through my soul. I usually listen to it first then Angel by Sarah McLachlan and then Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy.
(Friday 15 July 2022; 15:34)
Re: Vocabulary (100,724) (100,732) by Edward from USA
Lady Ad hominem is coming for you.
(Friday 15 July 2022; 15:20)
Re: Vocabulary (100,708) (100,717) by Edward from USA
Because without them and the splashers her "dizzy diva" persona wouldn't work.
(Thursday 14 July 2022; 08:20)
Re: Help (100,710) (100,716) by Edward from USA
Talk to them. They'll come out. Given the nature of these emails, they tend to be in the closet.
(Thursday 14 July 2022; 08:15)
Re: Vocabulary (100,696) (100,701) by Edward from USA
There's a trial on a new walker for celebrities, it's called "The Butt Walker". It's something similar to what Michael Jackson used for his "Smooth Criminal Tilt" trick.
(Tuesday 12 July 2022; 17:28)


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