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About Edward from USA:

Number one (104,448) by Edward from USA
"Maybe I'm just being paranoid (our resident annoying cute friend Edward here thinks I am)."

You are, but it's good to see you're coming around. You now recognize that Brenda and her team just put in the work while Mariah and her team were resting in their laurels.
(Thursday 7 December 2023; 02:51)
this is a reply to message 104,441
Vocals getting better (104,447) by Edward from USA
Her voice was in good shape for Memoirs. She sung IWKWLI live in many shows and it was great. From MIAM on, it has been downhill.
(Thursday 7 December 2023; 02:28)
this is a reply to message 104,444
Number one (104,440) by Edward from USA
The general consensus from the comments is that really good promotion from Brenda and her label was the key factor. A new video and strategic promotion gave RATCT the little push it needed. We have still a few weeks to go. I'm hopeful.
(Wednesday 6 December 2023; 20:24)
this is a reply to message 104,438
Number one (104,433) by Edward from USA
True. Brenda who? I had never heard of her. I do really want "Last Christmas" to be number one though.
(Wednesday 6 December 2023; 03:40)
this is a reply to message 104,426
Rockin' Around #1 (104,432) by Edward from USA
Andrew, are you the guy walking by George Michael holding a bottle of Vodka?
(Wednesday 6 December 2023; 03:31)
this is a reply to message 104,427
Article: Mariah Carey dethroned (104,428) by Edward from USA
I don't understand. Streams are converted to sales. 150 streams equal 1 track sale.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 21:12)
this is a reply to message 104,424
Rockin' Around #1 (104,423) by Edward from USA
Sadly not in the city, but might be moving back. I'd love to though.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 12:43)
this is a reply to message 104,420
Rockin' Around #1 (104,418) by Edward from USA
RATCT had been reaching the second spot for four years consecutively. It's not like the song came out of nowhere. AIWFCIY was ahead on airplay and sales. It was just 2.5 M streams. Mariah should up her game with a couple of big televised events. She needs exposure. Here in NY, I haven't heard RATCT anywhere.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 04:16)
this is a reply to message 104,410
How it went down (104,414) by Edward from USA
Streams 32.4 34.9
Airplay 21.5 20.7
Sales 4,000 3,000
Streams and airplay in millions, sales in units. Brenda is number one by 2.5 M streams. It's definitely a tight race.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 01:51)
Rockin' Around #1 (104,413) by Edward from USA
Her video hasn't gather that many streams. Mariah's video has way more streams than hers and it is four years old.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 01:30)
this is a reply to message 104,410
Rockin' Around #1 (104,408) by Edward from USA
It has a bullet at number 8 on the Hot 100. Before that it was still bubbling under.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 00:49)
this is a reply to message 104,407
Rockin' Around (Spotify position) (104,406) by Edward from USA
You need to read without your Illuminati glasses on. I stated: "The music industry doesn't have much control over anything anymore. The music industry as we knew it, it's forever gone." They have some control, but not much. The control is in people's hands. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it's a wrap. Don't boycott Brenda now.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 00:17)
this is a reply to message 104,400
Rockin' Around #1 (104,401) by Edward from USA
Let's be happy for Brenda. Mariah will be number one again eventually. Other songs have been gaining popularity too.
(Monday 4 December 2023; 22:20)
this is a reply to message 104,398
Rockin' Around (Spotify position) (104,399) by Edward from USA
Labels don't have that much control, period. They have been trying to make artists, songs and albums happen for the longest that never went anywhere. Streaming changed the game, stars and hits have come out straight out of YouTube, streamers gave them that. Promoting helps a lot to bring attention to projects, but people ultimately decide. AIWFCIY has been hitting the top spot for four years in an row, give me a fat effing non-delusional break. Mariah and her team haven't sat their asses down, they have been pushing AIWFCIY way more aggressively than Brenda and her team. Brenda didn't write RATCT, she basically doesn't profit much from it. Stop with the paranoia and conspiracy theories. Wait, I think you're right, the illuminati and Brenda are working together. Who is Brenda sacrificing for the top spot? A lamb, maybe. Who has been boycotting that frail old lady Brenda for four years now?
(Monday 4 December 2023; 21:23)
this is a reply to message 104,395
Rockin' Around (Spotify position) (104,392) by Edward from USA
That's not boycott or illegal. You don't have to listen to those playlists. Most people have their own playlists anyway, and Spotify is not the only streaming platform. Brenda wasn't at the top of some of those playlists before. Was she being boycotted since AIWFCIY hit number one? I thought we had moved on from the paranoia lambs tend to have about some mega powerful entity coming for Mariah. AIWFIY and RATCT are the Christmas hits they are because millions of people love them and got them there. You can discount, you can gift, you can pray, you can throw a lambtrum, but all that won't make a song popular or hit if people don't like it.
(Monday 4 December 2023; 15:55)
this is a reply to message 104,389
Emotions formula (104,376) by Edward from USA
Have you been living under a rock? As an old time fan you should know about this performance. I'm hereby stripping you from your lamb status. Now you're just a regular fan. You'll regain you lamb status when you start purchasing and streaming AIWFCIY until it reaches number one again.
(Sunday 3 December 2023; 19:56)
this is a reply to message 104,373
Rockin' Around (104,375) by Edward from USA
To be honest, I don't even know how RATCT is even competing with AIWFCIY. The latter is way more festive, the former would be like something to play on Christmas Eve. Maybe Mariah and Brenda agree to defrost together next Christmas seaon.
(Sunday 3 December 2023; 19:49)
We lost the #1 (104,369) by Edward from USA
Apple Music is bigger than Spotify here in America. While I would agree Spotifiy is bigger worldwide, local streaming is what counts towards the Hot 100. Mariah is ahead of Brenda on Apple Music.
(Sunday 3 December 2023; 17:36)
this is a reply to message 104,365
Emotions formula (104,361) by Edward from USA
That's what I call a perfectly executed performance. She made it seem so effortless. I used to shove these types of performances in people's faces . Those were the days.
(Sunday 3 December 2023; 14:03)
this is a reply to message 104,356
We lost the #1 (104,351) by Edward from USA
Billboard will publish the new chart on Monday, but tomorrow we'll know for sure. Brenda is ahead on Spotify but Apple Music is bigger on this side of the pond, and Mariah is ahead on that one. Mariah is also bigger in sales. It's kind of weird, when Mariah re-entered the chart at 17, Brenda was just bubbling under the Hot 100, then she re-entered at 8 and Mariah jumped to number 4. Judging by the pattern, Brenda is gathering steam way faster. I guess we lost this one. Congrats to Brenda.
(Sunday 3 December 2023; 04:11)
this is a reply to message 104,350
We lost the #1 (104,349) by Edward from USA
If that's the case, I'm happy for her. Let's not forget it's a prediction, even though they're usually right. We still have Saturday to count.
(Sunday 3 December 2023; 03:26)
this is a reply to message 104,347
Mariah vs Brenda (104,343) by Edward from USA
I think Mariah reaches the top next week for such a small margine. Airplay, streaming and sales are all going to blow up from next week forward, it's a tight race, but Mariah is still ahead.
(Saturday 2 December 2023; 21:25)
this is a reply to message 104,339
Mariah vs Brenda (104,341) by Edward from USA
Being triggered is one thing, but basically sabotaging an artist so they won't be number one is a different monster. Brenda's team's making sure she is promoting, she has a new video, she's giving interviews, she's on Tik Tok, she has an EP with different versions of the song. They are just making sure the song has the best chance at hitting the top spot, it's business. Just like Mariah has been doing it for years.
(Saturday 2 December 2023; 20:51)
this is a reply to message 104,337
Mariah vs Brenda (104,333) by Edward from USA
Robert-Anthony, the music industry doesn't have much control over anything anymore. The music industry as we knew it, it's forever gone. They can't influence streaming platforms to block users from playing the music they like, radio just goes along with what's trending or they stay out of the game. Fans have more control, instead of calling like crazy to request, we just go and stream, everything is way different. As I have stated, these two songs have legs of their own, the one that makes it to number one will be based on its own merit and promotional push on big events. AIWFCIY is a pure number 1, people keep buying it after all these years, they keep playing it and streaming it, no gimmicks. If Mariah really wanted, she could break The Beatles' record, just three great collabs with Drake, Ariana and Taylor Swift should take her there. I don't really care for that record though, the way things are, Taylor will eventually top them both.
(Saturday 2 December 2023; 17:48)
this is a reply to message 104,329
Mariah vs Brenda (104,328) by Edward from USA
I agree it's not a conspiracy. The wig post was a simple joke, chill. Now if she had shown a Christmas decorated nipple, that wouldn't be marketing.
(Saturday 2 December 2023; 13:51)
this is a reply to message 104,327


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