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About Edward from USA:

Mariah and Brenda (104,690) by Edward from USA
According to Talk of the Charts, "All I Want For Christmas Is You" and "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" are once again in a dead heat for the number one on the next Hot 100 with Rockin' having a slight edge. Stream guys.
(Thursday 28 December 2023; 01:50)
Tanaka (104,688) by Edward from USA
Eric, why the shade towards Andrew when he didn't have anything to do with the post you were replying to? Just curious.
(Wednesday 27 December 2023; 17:20)
this is a reply to message 104,675
Tanaka (104,681) by Edward from USA
She didn't hide it, but she never acknowledged it either. He was clearly into her and she probably loved having a good/sane man by her side for a change. A man like Tanaka would eventually want something deeper than playing house but Mariah wasn't into him like. He was always like a walking aide for her, at least that's the way we saw him all the time. He says they parted ways amicably which implies there wasn't a huge fight or any shady situation going on. I wish him well.
(Wednesday 27 December 2023; 11:58)
this is a reply to message 104,677
Tanaka (104,676) by Edward from USA
I don't think it has anything to do with kids. Probably he proposed to Mariah and she said no. We all deep down knew that relationship wasn't going anywhere. During their 8-year relationship, Mariah never acknowledged having a relationship with him, not even once. If I were him, I would've exited left many years ago. After three year, if there's not any kind of commitment, one should keep it moving. I think that's what he did.
(Wednesday 27 December 2023; 01:34)
this is a reply to message 104,675
Merry Christmas to all (104,668) by Edward from USA
Nah, I was just asking.
(Tuesday 26 December 2023; 13:20)
this is a reply to message 104,661
Charts (104,667) by Edward from USA
That's if Brenda doesn't snatch a week or two next year. AIWFCIY needs five more weeks to break the record. She would have to also remain at #1 week too.
(Tuesday 26 December 2023; 13:17)
this is a reply to message 104,666
Charts (104,663) by Edward from USA
She's number one for a second week. And most likely next week too.
(Tuesday 26 December 2023; 01:08)
this is a reply to message 104,662
Merry Christmas to all (104,659) by Edward from USA
That'll be a boost for next week position on Billboard. Record: the only song that has been the first and last number one of the year five years in a row.

Sorry. I've been splashing heavily, Mariah told me to do it. Question? What is it called when you shower in gold? I can't seem to remember.
(Monday 25 December 2023; 20:34)
this is a reply to message 104,658
MC (104,653) by Edward from USA
In the US Santa used to say: Hoe Hoe Hoe. That was before cancel culture of course. Merry Christmas to you all.
(Monday 25 December 2023; 14:35)
this is a reply to message 104,651
Last Christmas number one (104,640) by Edward from USA
Last Christmas deserves to be #1 here in the US too. Merry Christmas.
(Sunday 24 December 2023; 17:55)
this is a reply to message 104,638
Clarity (104,637) by Edward from USA
Merry Christmas has gone from 5x Platinum to 9x Platinum in just four years. It has sold about 300K this Christmas season so far. Caution is not even close to reach gold status and Mariah Carey is stuck at 9x Platinum since the late 90's. I would say Merry Christmas is loved by most.
(Sunday 24 December 2023; 13:26)
this is a reply to message 104,636
Billboard Hot 100 12/30/2023 (104,625) by Edward from USA
The numbers are in: Mariah stays at #1 for another week and it will most likely be the first #1 of 2024. She's 8 points ahead of Brenda Lee.
(Saturday 23 December 2023; 01:24)
Happy Birthday, Randy (104,602) by Edward from USA
Happy Birthday Randy. I hope you get a bottle of wine and a good copy of Right to Dream and enjoy.
(Wednesday 20 December 2023; 23:57)
this is a reply to message 104,601
Mariah is back at #1 (104,586) by Edward from USA
According to Billboard, Mariah is back at #1.
(Monday 18 December 2023; 19:27)
My All (Kanye's arrangement) (104,585) by Edward from USA
I agree. The voice came out effortlessly and clean. I hope she delivers some good vocals on her next album.
(Monday 18 December 2023; 14:12)
this is a reply to message 104,581
AIWFCIY back at #1 (104,570) by Edward from USA
Mariah is way ahead of Brenda in airplay, way ahead. As we get closer to Christmas, AIWFCIY is gaining more momentum.
(Sunday 17 December 2023; 02:17)
this is a reply to message 104,569
Another close call (104,521) by Edward from USA
Brenda is back at number one, but not for such a huge margin: these are the numbers.

RATCT: 41.3 million streams (up 18%), 20.5 million radio airplay (down 1%) and 6,000 downloads (up 109%)

AIWFCIY: 38.5 million streamsn(up 19%), 24.1 million radio and airplay (up 12%) and 5,000 downloads/sales (up 29%)

While RATCT has 2.9 million streams more than AIFCIY, the latter has 3.6 millions radio airplay more than RATCT. Brenda airplay is already decreasing while Mariah's keep going up. AIWFCIY will definitely be number one by Christmas day. Brenda's numbers will deflate faster after Christmas.
(Tuesday 12 December 2023; 18:13)
MC, Ariana and JHud (104,518) by Edward from USA
JHud was on her bad side.
(Tuesday 12 December 2023; 03:03)
this is a reply to message 104,515
MC, Ariana and JHud (104,511) by Edward from USA
She's working on the film adaptation of Wicked: the musical. It's a two-part adaptation. She was already exhausted of releasing music and touring so frequently and admitted to have been on antidepressants. It's a good thing she's focusing on one thing at a time.
(Monday 11 December 2023; 22:54)
this is a reply to message 104,510
MC, Ariana and JHud (104,509) by Edward from USA
It was just a missed opportunity at having an iconic performance. Sorry but that whistle note was awful.
(Monday 11 December 2023; 22:13)
this is a reply to message 104,507
Congratulations (104,502) by Edward from USA
Sorry, only lesbians and gays on MCArchives. Eric is straight, that's why he's the webmaster. You're welcome to stay though, we're very inclusive and only argue on Thursdays.
(Monday 11 December 2023; 15:18)
this is a reply to message 104,501
News (104,500) by Edward from USA
Those singles won't do much on Christmas.
(Monday 11 December 2023; 00:54)
this is a reply to message 104,498
News (104,495) by Edward from USA
Mariah was dominating on airplay and sales last when RATCT hit number one, now she's only ahead on radio airplay. I don't think she'll dethrone Brenda just yet. At this point, the figures Talkofthecharts has are very accurate.
(Sunday 10 December 2023; 17:32)
this is a reply to message 104,494
Christmas collabs (104,485) by Edward from USA
Andrew, stop watching those YouTube clips, I did a long time ago. I'm actually over her voice situation. If she doesn't care, why should we? You don't see her up there on stage sad and concerned about what people think, she's lipping all the way to the bank.
(Saturday 9 December 2023; 18:46)
this is a reply to message 104,484
Appreciation (104,479) by Edward from USA
Andrew, I think you replied to the wrong post, lol. Sorry you got misgendered. Using clown/clownself pronuns when you use he/him pronouns is definitely not cool.
(Saturday 9 December 2023; 02:01)
this is a reply to message 104,476


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