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About Randy from USA: MC is my favorite artist of all time and I love her songwriting skills on her introspective songs. My favorite album: Butterfly. My favorite song: Right To Dream.

The real reason for no respect (102,291) by Randy from USA
If you listen to early producers on her album, Narada Michael Walden for example, MC was a perfectionist. She re recorded I Don't Wanna Cry one hundred times until it was perfect. The audience has never seen a showy performance the likes of Whitney, Patti or Christina. And y'all keep talking about the nuances of her voice but to be honest the public doesn't care. Look how nervous she was singing Vision of Love at the 91 Grammys. Fixing her dress constantly. A flat run on "love". She had an amazing voice but didn't know what to do with it. Live performances make you and the only time I've ever seen MC sing beyond what the record entailed was Tokyo Dome in 96. As a songwriter she was unmatched. A friend of mine recently said, she was probably better off as a songwriter producer and Tommy forced her to be a singing star.
(Monday 6 March 2023; 00:11)
Chaka Khan (102,274) by Randy from USA
Said Mariah was ranked #5 on Rolling Stone's best singers of all time due to payola. Basically implying Mariah getting all of her props due to paying out money. I love Chaka Khan but she downtalked Adele, Mary J. Blige as well because they ranked ahead of her. Chaka Khan was #29. I would think that someone who has been in the business for so long would know better to take journalists' bait to create sound bites. Clips from interviews in which you talk bad about people who outsell you make you sound bitter. And when your wigs look like you skinned Snuffleupagus and you have had a drug/alcohol problem for over 50 years, you really shouldn't throw stones anywhere near your glass house.
(Thursday 2 March 2023; 20:35)
Did ya'll know? (102,272) by Randy from USA
I was putzing around on the internet and discovered that Vanilla Ice won the 1991 Favorite New Artist American Music Award over Mariah Carey.
(Thursday 2 March 2023; 16:13)
Third Diamond album (102,245) by Randy from USA
Sony needs to present Mariah Carey for a diamond certification. Now that we will never see diamond albums anymore, it's important to give Mariah her plaques.
(Tuesday 21 February 2023; 16:42)
New picture (102,164) by Randy from USA
I struggle with weight. I can't imagine what it's like to be in the public eye with paparazzi outside your building. But why does it seem MCs weight goes up and down so much and so quickly. Maybe this is a bad angle. But I swear it reminds me of the parody Debra Wilson and MadTV did with the "I'm Not Insane" where she sings the line as MC, "Although my weight, does fluctuate." Any thoughts on this phenomenon where MC goes from a size 6 to a size 16 in a matter of two months?
(Wednesday 1 February 2023; 02:11)
If you could... (102,147) by Randy from USA
There is an album squeezed in between Music Box and Daydream. It's called Merry Christmas. I kid. I kid. I think Mariah gave us enough output until Memoirs. She's taking longer gaps now. MCIIY, MIAMTEC and Caution are my least favorite albums. I just want quality at this point. Something mature. Adult. Unplugged. Unassisted.
(Saturday 28 January 2023; 21:54)
this is a reply to message 102,145
I owe Mariah's earpiece an apology (102,128) by Randy from USA
So the Dubai concert Beyonce did has taken over my TikTok. I noticed one thing. She was singing a note and started fiddling with her ear monitor. I thought that was something only MC did when she knew she sounded bad to fool the audience into thinking she couldn't hear herself and there were technical issues. I will say Beyoncé sounded fine when she was messing with it so maybe she couldn't hear herself. I notice Mariah does it every time she's on television but at any rate, does anyone have any knowledge on this topic? Why do people have to adjust the volume on them? Isn't this what a sound check is for? Why are they necessary at all? What did singers do in the 60s and 70s when they didn't have the option to have them?
(Wednesday 25 January 2023; 17:55)
Memoirs is underrated (102,111) by Randy from USA
I feel like the album is underrated and too long. I don't begrudge any of the songs but did Ribbon, More Than Just Friends, Standing O or Inseparable add anything to her catalogue? I do love Languishing though. It's actually one of my most played songs by her right now.
(Sunday 22 January 2023; 22:40)
this is a reply to message 102,100
Top posters (101,918) by Randy from USA
I need to get a life. I don't know why I've been posting so much this year, probably because I've been very emotional. Imagine that, a MC fan being emotional? Speaking of which, jaker20 that was a beautiful message. Many have said it here before, we are a dysfunctional family. We argue but I want nothing but the best for MC and all of you guys Eric Bill Stacey Andrew Enwar Robert Anthony and Terna. Happy holidays. Oh and don't forget MC comes on CBS tonight.
(Tuesday 20 December 2022; 12:58)
Whoopi Goldberg mocks Mariah (101,899) by Randy from USA
I tend to agree. I don't want Mariah's legacy to be Christmas. I know I'm hard on her live performances but words can express what her music means to me. Through The Rain got me up and to work for years when I was stressed. Right to Dream was my go to when I was drunk and depressed. Outside is my being gay and ostracized in the 90s anthem. Close My Eyes is my PTSD song from being born with all the antics that come from a 15 year old mother and a 21 year old father. All I Want For Christmas is nice. But it's hardly anywhere on the soundtrack of my life. I actually listen to O Holy Night and Oh Santa more. Not because I don't like AIWFCIY, but because I know if I leave the house any time after thanksgiving, I'll hear it.
(Monday 19 December 2022; 17:19)
this is a reply to message 101,898
Why is everyone surprised? (101,876) by Randy from USA
You know what's funny. Even Eric the webmaster on this board attacked me when I said that the 2006 Grammy performance was a cut and paste job. Mariah literally sang an adlib and then the next adlib was the backing track. Watch it again. I don't think bashing MC is cool and edgy. What I really feel is that MC was the 8th wonder of the world vocally. Something happened between Tokyo 1996 and Oprah 1997. We never got any explanation. But while all these other singers who have been around belting before and after Mariah, Patti Labelle, Whitney Houston, Gladys Knight, Regina Belle, Chaka Khan, are going about their business what we get to defend our diva is excuses. Her voice is different; it's sensitive, humidifiers, the ear monitor, the casket was in front of her, the air conditioning was on, the heat was on, nodules. I don't want to be right. I don't want to be the one that was right about MC's throat implosion. I'd rather her say something. One of the things I've told you guys over and over is that I live a different lifestyle than you. All of my friends are Stan's of different divas. Do you know how much ish I get as MC's representative? Recently I was given Chante Moore's performance at Soul Train and the caption said Mariah who? Would any of you, in 1995 thought Chante Moore would be able to outsing MC? MC came out in 90. Chante came out in 92. Oh wait I know. MC had to sing so much more. The nodules. The lighting. The casket. The HVAC.
(Saturday 17 December 2022; 16:57)
this is a reply to message 101,866
Why is everyone surprised? (101,852) by Randy from USA
I'm definitely not here to gloat. I'm actually perplexed. I called voice deterioration in 1998/99 when I saw her on The View and Whitney Houston embarrassed her at the Oscar's. I called lip syncing in 1999 when every climax to Heartbreaker and Can't Take That Away was flawless yet she was a raspy struggle through the verses. But I was attacked for it and called not a real fan. The time I was attacked the most was when I called the 2006 Grammys a master cut and paste job. So to see all of this hoopla over these Christmas concerts baffles me. To me honestly, Mariah always sounds this bad. Pull up the Global Citizen concert from last summer. That Hero is almost identical to the MSG one a few days ago. That's why I wasn't spending $400 to see her. She got me once with the Charmbracelet tour. The other thing that you guys don't realize is that they are going to edit and dub the hell out of the Christmas show for CBS. What'll be interesting is how she'll respond when people start juxtaposing the live verses the televised. I take no joy in saying I'm right here and to be honest MC has surprised me too many times for me to say it's over for the voice. I said that in 99 and she shocked the hell out of me with Home for the Holidays in 2001. I said it again in 2012 and she shocked the hell out of me with the Jimmy Fallon's impromptu. I said it again in 2016 and she shocked the hell out of me with Stay the Night on Twitter. All I've wanted since 1997 on Oprah was for her to tell us what the hell happened. But like Stacey reminded me ... what the hell is she supposed to say?
(Friday 16 December 2022; 13:22)
The clips you all are posting (101,775) by Randy from USA
Sound amazing. I wasn't excited for the Christmas special until now. Maybe we will get a show sung at least 75% live.
(Saturday 10 December 2022; 20:43)
Mariah on Colbert (101,752) by Randy from USA
As I'm writing this, I realize why she's so insecure. We really do pick apart everything about her. But since we have a little extra time. Start with the positive. She looked amazing. I love the ponytail. I love that her foundation matched her skin perfectly. And she looked like money. Now, Randy will speak. She is interesting to listen to but at times it's just too immature for a 50+ year old woman. She's not a ditz but she seems to revel in playing one. She's so excited to check off every talking point in her head, she speaks in fast garbled sentences. But MC we know you wrote the song. We know you are mixed. We know you didn't go to class. We know your Christmases were ruined. With all that said, I was never bored and could not take my eyes off of her. I don't think she came off likeable to the non fan. And how weird was it that she walked out to Natural Woman? Number one, she has the most famous original Christmas song of all time blazing the charts. Number two, she has the largest catalogue of number ones of any living artist. And did anyone else get the feeling Steven Colbert was like wtf, she's crazier than I expected, the whole time? What do y'all think?
(Thursday 8 December 2022; 06:21)
Charmbracelet - 20 years (101,727) by Randy from USA
I remember a lot about that era. I couldn't believe how beautiful Through The Rain was and the video is stunning. She was still doing lipping climaxes to the records, but she was on every show, despite not having a hit single. The View, Oprah, Matt Lauer interviewed her, MTV gave her a special. I didn't care for a lot of the album and at the time, I remember one reviewer stating that she did so many different things on the album that it was like mixing watercolors only to end up with a puddle of brown. I remember Lyor Cohen saying that she brought class to DefJam. It was a time where MC garnered respect because of her earlier hits that weren't as far away, but Glitter wasn't the nail in the coffin. Charmbracelet was the first and last time I would pay to see MC live. She lipped most of it. I was in full fan mode that night with butterfly and rainbow stickers all up and down my arm. It definitely is a moment. Through The Rain is the only way I make it to work many days. I still play Lullaby and Subtle Invitation. The rest of it is largely forgotten. But the era isn't.
(Saturday 3 December 2022; 23:26)
this is a reply to message 101,726
W photo shoot (101,689) by Randy from USA
Y'all always say I'm negative. I'm gonna say something positive. She looks absolutely stunning in that W spread. Perfection.
(Sunday 27 November 2022; 19:23)
Macy's performance (101,680) by Randy from USA
Dude I just laughed all the way out loud.
(Friday 25 November 2022; 23:03)
this is a reply to message 101,672
Macy's performance (101,669) by Randy from USA
Can I just say this. Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Ciara, JLo, Paula Abdul can lip sync without criticism. Mariah Carey who is considered one of the best vocalist of all time cannot. Patti Labelle is 99 years old. She woulda sang. I know. I know. It was outdoors, her ear monitors weren't working, it was air conditioning outside, she has nodules, her humidifiers weren't working in her sleep chamber, her background singers were too loud. The funny thing is... her lip syncing wasn't a surprise to me. The mic is a prop at this point. But y'all really excited about her Christmas concerts? It will be the best cut and paste lip sync performance in history. Kinda like the 1996 Grammys.
(Friday 25 November 2022; 04:21)
this is a reply to message 101,667
CBS This Morning (101,627) by Randy from USA
I am sick of hearing about that damn book and nothing new came from this interview. But I have to admit, once again, she looked amazing, was coherent and likeable. She has really returned to form for this press tour. PS The letter she wrote her younger self was adorable.
(Friday 11 November 2022; 13:06)
Mariah on Jimmy Fallon (101,598) by Randy from USA
Mariah looked very happy on Jimmy Fallon. I wish she'd stop playing with her hair, hers being disputable. I loved the way she read the book and I thought she looked beautiful, especially in the bunk bed skit.
(Saturday 5 November 2022; 20:16)
Who should play Mariah on her biopic series? (101,594) by Randy from USA
Wait. Why was I never informed of this Lifetime movie?
(Thursday 3 November 2022; 20:18)
this is a reply to message 101,589
Alternative playlist (no #1's or #2's) edition (101,568) by Randy from USA
I like this topic. I want her and a stool, one piano, one mic, one background singer and one guitar.

1. Never Forget You
2. Everything Fades Away
3. Looking In
4. Close My Eyes
5. Petals
6. Reflections
7. Twister
8. Through The Rain
9. Languishing
10. Right To Dream
(Saturday 29 October 2022; 00:33)
this is a reply to message 101,564
Concert in Saudi Arabia (101,518) by Randy from USA
Because I'm an MC fan a lot of things come across my social media. She is struggling through this performance. She needs to give Vision of Love a rest.
(Sunday 23 October 2022; 14:05)
Soundtracks (101,481) by Randy from USA
Let me jump in here for a second. No one disrespects her non-hit ventures more than Mariah does. When she did her Charmbracelet whirlwind, she continuously touted that Glitter was "a soundtrack" and a "concept" record and that she thought it was unfair that people were comparing it to her album sales. She loved saying it came out on September 11th as a reason for it not selling, but didn't Jay-Z's iconic album The Blueprint come out the same day and sell millions and millions? I hate the way MC dogs out Through The Rain and Bye Bye as being the reason their respective albums doesn't sell. Mariah is forever talking about her number ones. Doesn't she have two albums named number ones? With one of them having a Billboard chart replication on the back. If lambs are chart obsessed and down her non-hit songs, we learned it from Mother Carey herself. And Bill, Right to Dream is still her best lyric period and the reason I still Daydeam about Glitter encrusted Butterflies flying through Charmbracelets with both Caution and Emotions towards a Rainbow.
(Tuesday 18 October 2022; 12:17)
this is a reply to message 101,480
Christmas surprises (101,467) by Randy from USA
I'm completely the opposite. I'd like her to sit Christmas out and let the song do the work naturally. I do not like the narrative that she gets dusted off for Christmas each year and is put back. Edward I agree the whistle is used to prove she can "still sing". And Terna for as much as you get on me for being mean, Whitney who? Is very disrespectful of someone who not only MC worked with, but MC respected and is an icon. Whitney Houston was someone's mother, daughter and sister. Maybe it's the Christian in me but I respect human life no matter how many mistakes someone makes. And no matter where Celine is, she can outsing MC. And Ima tell you this, there's so many YouTube videos and TikTok's of lambs tryna prove MC can sing. No other artist's fans feel the need to prove their artist still "has it". I wonder why.
(Monday 17 October 2022; 00:34)
this is a reply to message 101,466


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