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About Randy from USA: MC is my favorite artist of all time and I love her songwriting skills on her introspective songs. My favorite album: Butterfly. My favorite song: Right To Dream.

The Meaning of Mariah's chapters leaked (95,372) by Randy from USA
Omg I just found this in my daydreams. The leaked chapters of the memoir.
Chapter 1: Vision of a White Mother and Afro-Venezuelan Father
Chapter 2: Success Takes Time in Beauty School
Chapter 3: Someday Tommy Will Become My Husband
Chapter 4: I Don't Wanna Cry So I Left Tommy After I Didn't Win Any Grammys in 1996
Chapter 5: Emotions for Derek
Chapter 6: I'll Be There To Introduce Rapping To Pop Hits
Chapter 7: Dreamlover, Nick Cannon
Chapter 8: Hero, Nick Cannon
Chapter 9: Fantasy, A Marriage That Lasts Even After Kids
Chapter 10: One Sweet Day Everyone Will Know I Am A Songwriter
Chapter 11: Always Be A Baby, Eternally 12
Chapter 12: Honey Was Not James Packer
Chapter 13: My All Was Entrusted To Stella
Chapter 14: Heartbreaker. I Can't Trust Russians?
Chapter 15: Thank God I Found NDAs
Chapter 16: When You Lit The Awful Side of Me
Chapter 17: Don't Forget About Nodules
Chapter 18: Bryan Touches My Body
Chapter 19: All I Want For Christmas Is A Man To Hold My Umbrella
(Friday 4 September 2020; 03:18)
Mariah stays in midnight (95,332) by Randy from USA
Stacey, I agree that I don't invest as much time in MC anymore. I know I stick around to see if she does an unplugged one instrument and powerful lyric album a la Jewel or Sarah McLachlan but I think that's gonna happen around the same time Lil Kim starts to melt. I read the article and didn't feel as though she came off any different than she has since TEOM success made her decide to be a caricature of the public's perception. I do want to hear about her family. I do want to hear about the grenade that exploded in her throat in 1997. I do want to hear about being at Sony post divorce and I do want to hear about romance between Tommy and Nick. The sad thing is Bill is right when he says it's not on her brand to write a tell all. And I'm beginning to realize Andrew was right that this memoir is an exercise in vanity. And if you've watched every single US Mariah interview as I have, you already know what's in the book. Which makes me more disinterested in MC as a whole. Guess I'll be sailing off into the sunset after I read the Self-Written Definition of What I Want People To Know And Think About Mariah Carey. And no need to say it We-Are-Lambily, I know you wish me good riddance.
(Tuesday 1 September 2020; 23:44)
Re: Dear Delulons (95,273) (95,283) by Randy from USA
The documentary you posted had me until he spoke about 1997-2001 and didn't mention her lipping for the first time because of vocal stress. She lip synced 90% of Butterfly on Oprah and then was able to sing it wonderfully, though struggling, on SNL and David Letterman. In 1998 everything was live and raspy. In 1999 and 2000 all high belts were lip synced to the record as well as most whistles. In 2001, post breakdown she sounded smurfing amazing at the "A home for the holidays and the Radio City Music Hall show. I think her voice had a lot of rest. But for Charmbracelet she was back to all high belts being lip synced to the record as well as most whistles. That was the first and last time I would see MC in concert because I felt she was like the Wizard of Oz. For TEOM and beyond the strategy has been to lip sync the belts using a recorded raspy track that doesn't sound like the record so she's more inconspicuous. That 2006 Grammy performance is the most masterful cut and paste lip sync I have ever seen. I stand by all of this observation except one curious outlier. Her impromptu for the fans at Jimmy Fallon in 2014. She sounded smurfing amazing. And for the first time I thought it's not just vocal deterioration but maybe nerves playing into awful live performances. Overall though, I hope and wish MC will address the voice in her memoir. But something tells me vanity will overpower her willingness to be truthful about it.
(Sunday 30 August 2020; 13:19)
Re: Dear Delulons (95,236) (95,253) by Randy from USA
One of the best posts on here ever. I love MC and want her to win. That doesn't mean she will never strike out during the game.
(Friday 28 August 2020; 14:07)
Re: Another take on the voice (95,220) (95,227) by Randy from USA
Nikki you are wrong on so many levels. It's not about hits. It's about preserving the God-given gift you were given. I've seen Roberta Flack two years ago at 81 and she sounded better than unassisted MC does. Stevie, Aretha and Patti all sounded wonderful past 60. No they weren't their 1970s self, but they weren't embarrassing either. The Rockefeller foolishness, the GMA Touch My Body, the NYE performance, singing at MJ's funeral are things that never would've happened to them in their 40s. I love MC and I'm only here for more Languishings, Portraits and Right To Dreams. But in my opinion she has had the worst vocal decline ever in popular music. 8 years is all it took to go from the best voice in the world to sounding like she's been smoking Newport's and swallowing glass. Of course I'm talking about live. Never Too Far, Lead The Way and Through The Rain sound fantastic. I know I'm not the only one that is in knots before she steps on stage. Because I guess I live in the real world and my Facebook friends are fans of all divas and I can't defend her. I don't have ya'll rose colored glasses. Andrew and RJ112 think I repeat myself so I'll leave you with this. I'll leave you with this. Look up Patti Labelle's 2004 performance on Divas Live when she sang Love Need Want You and You'll Never Walk Alone. She was 60. What will MC sound like in ten years... unassisted?
(Thursday 27 August 2020; 00:52)
Deniece Williams (Lee and This is GHM) (95,173) by Randy from USA
I was kind of surprised when Eric (webmaster) didn't post that story about Deniece Williams. Here's my thing, MC's voice started a massive decline in 1998 so it trips me out people keep talking about "30 years in the business". My issue isn't the vocal decline, it's the deceit. The singing on records highly engineered that she has no hope of replicating live and then using a backing track when she sings live. Sometimes even recording a raspy backing track so it's not so obvious. I love MC and yes Whitney and Amy had their own struggles but Whitney sang live all the time no matter how bad a shape her voice was. If you are paid to do a job, do it. Teachers are paid to teach. Police officers are paid to police. Singers are paid to sing. And MC is considered one of the all time greats. If you are interested in the Deniece Williams article you can view it here.
(Monday 24 August 2020; 14:41)
Re: Andrew (95,037) (95,104) by Randy from USA
JT. This board is meant for everyone that has love for MC. If Andrew criticizes MC, it's because he knows she's capable of more and he wants her to win. Loving someone is not allowing them to run amok recklessly with their talent. Would you handle a crystal meth addict with kid gloves? It's ok that you're eating out of the garbage as long as you're still eating. That's what matters. To say Andrew has mental issues is making a mockery of the mental issue subject. And yes I'm diagnosed bipolar mixed type. But I am an award winning school teacher, a brother, an uncle and a son. I have three degrees, am a published poet and live in NYC. I'm hardly embarrassed. The way I see it, this board is meant for the entire spectrum of sexuality (gay to straight), the entire spectrum of mental health (normal to schizo), the entire spectrum politically (Trump to Sanders). Terna and We Are Lambily irritate the hell out of me with their "Mariah has never done anything wrong; she's never even stepped on an ant." But this is a place for them as they are on that side of the MC fandom spectrum. Andrew and I are on the frustrated side of the MC fandom spectrum. But we're all a family. And none of us are about to leave. The only one who may need to leave is he who does not understand differing opinions. That's you in case I was too subtle. Hey it's a "Subtle Invitation" for you to leave.
(Saturday 22 August 2020; 04:03)
Re: STD is epic (95,091) (95,103) by Randy from USA
You've got to be kidding me. As an English teacher, I deal with the criticism that we over interpret things. If the heroine has blue curtains in a novel, it doesn't mean she's depressed. If a superhero spills ketchup on his suit while eating a hot dog, it doesn't mean he's about to explode with anger. I love that you hear great moments in the song but to analyze it down to its sections and then relate it to the world's ills today is reaching. Like a rubber band reaching to connect the United States to Great Britain because we miss being under the crown.
(Saturday 22 August 2020; 03:52)
Save The Day (first listen) (95,043) by Randy from USA
Chile this coulda stayed in the vault.
(Friday 21 August 2020; 07:18)
Re: How is everybody? (95,018) (95,020) by Randy from USA
I'm glad you asked. We're suffering in the USA. I feel like everything is exhausting. You can't live carefree. Going to the supermarket is a chore. Trying to meet with friends is a chore. Trying to see family is a chore. I've had two emotional breakdowns. What I've had to do is daily keep reminding myself of all the things I have that others don't and be grateful.
(Thursday 20 August 2020; 18:24)
Mariah on GMA (94,981) by Randy from USA
So I watched MC on YouTube since I slept in this morning. I gotta say she looks and sounds great. Here's my issue. I never feel comfortable giving her credit for a good performance because I'm always thinking she lip synced it. I made peace a long time ago with MC's voice suffering irreparable damage at some point and for whatever reason she still writes and sings with an engineer's help to make it seem like she's still the greatest vocalist of our generation. I've learned to love MC through the rasp and deception. I want her to win. There's just always a small part of me that wants her to be honest with us and with herself. But I'm sure die-hard delusional will say "she sung live" or "she didn't sing live because she was nervous there was no audience, her implants were inhibiting her from breathing, the air conditioning was on, the heat was on, her nodules were inflamed, her nodules were laid off, dem babies were sleeping in the next room and she didn't want to wake them, her voice is social distancing or she was campaigning for Biden and trying to sequence The Rarities so she was distracted".
(Wednesday 19 August 2020; 17:23)
Re: Name game (94,954) (94,966) by Randy from USA
I have a Right To Dream that y'all will love that song someday.
(Wednesday 19 August 2020; 11:07)
Re: Name game (94,924) (94,952) by Randy from USA
Right To Dream
And You Don't Remember
Never Too Far
Did I Do That?
(Tuesday 18 August 2020; 21:39)
Mariah of 1990 (94,900) by Randy from USA
Mariah seemed to be very dissatisfied with her work in 1990 and dropped hints that she didn't want to be a diva superstar. I wonder what changed so drastically to make her give her freedom personally and musically to Tommy. She was a little spit-fire here.
(Friday 14 August 2020; 06:43)
Re: The Sun and HIV (94,872) (94,879) by Randy from USA
That's what's up. I have a defeatist attitude a lot of times when it comes to any type of activism so I watch from afar or give $20 to the cause. You're a hero Andrew. Edward I'm now living in NYC maybe we can hang out.
(Friday 7 August 2020; 22:35)
Favourite four (94,852) by Randy from USA
So Andrew and I were arguing and he thinks my favorite four MC songs mean I'm depressed. 4. Through The Rain 3. My All 2 Butterfly 1. Right To Dream. What does your favorite four MC songs say about your personality? I put the u in for you Andrew. And oh fun fact about Andrew; he has no musical taste as he is moved by Hero. Vomit emoji.
(Friday 7 August 2020; 00:45)
Re: Triumphant (94,817) (94,820) by Randy from USA
Who are you? Firstly if Triumphant was your introduction to MC you missed out on a colossal amount of quality work. And who listens to an MC song for Meek Mill's verse? And don't get me wrong both raps in the song are stunning but MC was a guest on her own record. And You're Mine Eternal was the most boring song ever. It put Gilbert Godfried on steroirds to sleep. Look I welcome all different opinions and viewpoints on this board but you are living somewhere between Candyland and Oz if you think MC's work around 2012-2014 holds a candle to 1993-1997 output. And we didn't ruin those songs, we want MC to win or else we wouldn't be fans. But you can't put out mediocrity and expect the sheep to do cartwheels.
(Wednesday 5 August 2020; 19:44)
Re: Walter live videos on instagram (94,765) (94,767) by Randy from USA
I didn't listen to the Wally A interview. And I'm not going to. Here's my thing. Did he do her wrong? Possibly yes. But I need everyone to stop acting like he wasn't instrumental to her hits/career and all he did was play piano while she got ideas out of her head. It's ludicrous. He was her writing/producing partner for 6 albums and regardless of their falling out he proved to be a serious part of many of her biggest hits. They had a chemistry. And "All I Want For Christmas" is not a song she just sat at the Casio keyboard and wrote. If MC was that melodically inclined she would've composed wrote arranged all of her own songs like Jewel or Joni Mitchell. Is MC the most talented singer/songwriter ever? IMO yes. But please don't act like Wally A was a hanger-on. He's a musician. Btw he produced My Heart Will Go On for Celine. Not a fluke.
(Saturday 1 August 2020; 06:29)
New album (94,574) by Randy from USA
Do y'all think an album is coming? Y'all know she loves a fall release.
(Monday 13 July 2020; 16:18)
Re: Hopes for the memoir (94,554) (94,561) by Randy from USA
Bill I couldn't agree more. Everything you said I want to know. Remember awhile back when she said she wouldn't write a memoir because no one would believe her childhood? I'm already disappointed in the title and cover photo but I don't think I need to repeat the cliche.
(Sunday 12 July 2020; 02:04)
Mortified (94,430) by Randy from USA
I was at a convenience store at 1:30 AM this morning buying a sandwich, cool ranch Doritos, a honey bun, a sugar free Red Bull and a Diet Dr. Pepper. I swear I am going somewhere with this. My All was playing over the store's speakers and I was singing along. Then I'll Be There came on. And then Emotions came on, and the store clerk started singing along and I said, while she was ringing up my healthy purchases, "someone likes Mariah Carey" and she laughed and we both went in to singing the first verse and I messed up the words. I will be turning in my locker keys, my glitter and rainbows today at 3.
(Monday 22 June 2020; 19:53)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey's no. 1 singles ranked (94,376) (94,379) by Randy from USA
I so don't agree with this article. Not to start a list war but you know I can't help it.
19. Hero
18. Dreamlover
17. I'll Be There
16. I Don't Wanna Cry
15. Thank God I Found You (The Make It Last remix is better)
14. We Belong Together
13. Touch My Body
12. Love Takes Time
11. Emotions
10. Someday (the video version)
9. Fantasy (the Bad Boy Mix - has both hooks)
8. One Sweet Day
7. All I Want For Christmas Is You
6. Honey (Bad Boy Mix Ft. Mase & The Lox)
5. Don't Forget About Us
4. Vision of Love
3. Heartbreaker
2. Always Be My Baby
1. My All
(Sunday 14 June 2020; 08:33)
Andrew, George Floyd and MCA (94,335) by Randy from USA
Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. You are my friend and I don't think in your heart you're a racist. But I do think you can be insensitive at times. You are an exceptionally intelligent dude. But not everything about life is about ethics or logic. Emotion plays a large part of our human existence. I truly believe that the people that are literally painting George Floyd as an angel flying into heaven on t-shirts and posters don't know of his past. And here's the point, his past doesn't matter because he served his time and if you add up all previous charges, they still don't add up to the death penalty. I believe we all make mistakes and Jesus forgives. I loved MC tying one of my favorite songs of all time to this moment because it is appropriate. George Floyd is the spotlight and catalyst for change for a police culture in the United States that has served as the post civil war slave-masters. There was a post on Facebook that I reposted asking black men how old were you when you first had the police hold a gun to you. I couldn't believe the numbers that responded and the ages. My answer was 17. Andrew sometimes in a moment of tragedy and unrest, keep the logical and ethical argument to yourself, at least for a time. Consider others' emotions. And for the rest of the board, sometimes check your emotions before you reply. Because Andrew is not a member of the Klan. Am I really having to say all of this out loud?
(Monday 8 June 2020; 16:30)
Re: Through the Rain/Make It Happen (Rise Up NY) (94,085) (94,092) by Randy from USA
I did not like it. I am happy she's doing so much singing on social media and in her full voice but it's not pleasant to hear her voice at times. And what scares me most of all, is that if this is her voice at 50, will she be able to do legacy performances like Dionne, Aretha, Patti, Barbra, Diana and Liza at 70? They all sounded pretty good at 50.
(Wednesday 13 May 2020; 18:01)
Hero and Your Girl (93,583) by Randy from USA
I actually liked both performances and it made me less embarrassed as a very public fan. And did you notice how understated her clothes, hair and make up was (except the damn fan still blowing on Hero, I can't win). Maybe I was too harsh on the Delusional Fans. You know when I was angry for them with the excuses: her corset was too tight, a casket was in front of her, it was too hot, it was too cold, she has nodules, her mic was too low, her background singer was too loud, her earpiece monitor wasn't working, she just got a divorce, she didn't want to upstage the queen of soul, her humidifiers weren't working, she didn't get eight hours sleep, it's too early in the morning to sing, they were pumping air in at the fresh air benefit last night. What this proves is an environment 100% controlled by Mariah and she can do as many takes as she likes, she can put together a rather decent performance. The irony in this was when I said let's call Mariah a studio singer, someone said that wasn't fair. Things that make you go hmmmmmm. It's good to be right.
(Saturday 11 April 2020; 19:11)


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