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About Jamie from UK:

The age thing (105,809) by Jamie from UK
So I've just noticed that when you do a search for Mariah's age it no longer gives the 1970/1969 debate and just shows her true year of birth being 1969. Wonder why they now decided to come clean after all these years.
(Wednesday 28 February 2024; 14:03)
Controversial (105,791) by Jamie from UK
I think it's inevitable that every artist reaches a point where they are no longer mainstream. It's just a natural process, new artists come along and people's focus switches. The thing Mariah has on her side is that she's part of an elite group that are considered the last legacy artists, or real artists. Everything these days is so manufactured and people forget about you easily these days. Fame is short lived and there's no longevity. The likes of Mariah, Celine, Whitney and Janet to name but a few were probably the last divas we will have and it's nice that they are etched in time. They are lucky that they are still relevant in the media as many others have been forgotten about.
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 16:18)
this is a reply to message 105,790
Cardi B (105,789) by Jamie from UK
Yes and better that it's a collaboration from the start rather than a remix after initial release.
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 15:50)
this is a reply to message 105,787
TEOM era will probably the last great era (105,782) by Jamie from UK
If only [Out here on my own] had been recorded now and with those vocals it would have been a hit.
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 13:21)
this is a reply to message 105,777
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,754) by Jamie from UK
Yes, that video was awful and on the [Love Takes Time] beach too.
(Sunday 25 February 2024; 19:57)
this is a reply to message 105,751
New album (105,727) by Jamie from UK
I think she's just gonna have to go with it, I feel there's never a great time to release albums especially when you're up against all the latest trends. I think she should just release a great album and what will be will be. But we need a great promotion strategy, plenty of appearances, interviews and a lead song that's gonna grab the attention of radio. It's so much harder with the older artists to get the radio airplay that they need, but I'm hoping Mariah has a great album up her sleeve. I loved Caution, But we need some more uptempo tracks with a lighter carefree sound.
(Saturday 24 February 2024; 21:58)
this is a reply to message 105,709
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,726) by Jamie from UK
Problem with you is you want everyone to agree with what you think, but unfortunately they didn't, you lost this argument. Even the webmaster jumped in to say it.

I've seen that clip before, nobody ever wants to hear criticism but if you can accept it and learn from it then all the better. I'm not hating on her and being negative like some none fans are on twitter. I just think a bit of constructive criticism would be good at times with Mariah as I only want the best for her as do a lot of people on this forum hence why we're so passionate. If you think that your gonna come here and not hear fans give constructive criticism at times with something they choose not to like then your gonna be constantly disappointed. As a fan you're allowed to not like certain songs, it doesn't make you any less of a fan.
(Saturday 24 February 2024; 21:50)
this is a reply to message 105,716
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,701) by Jamie from UK
Thanks Libra Lamb.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 23:02)
this is a reply to message 105,699
Taryn Murphy / Make it go away (105,698) by Jamie from UK
Yes I love that song, I always wished that MC sung it.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 21:42)
this is a reply to message 105,695
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,697) by Jamie from UK

(Friday 23 February 2024; 21:39)
this is a reply to message 105,693
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,691) by Jamie from UK
Did Mariah not say on numerous occasions "I owe it all to the fans"? Well that works both ways I'm afraid when you put yourself in the public domain. You have to earn people's respect and give your fans what they want. Do whatever you like in your personal life but when it comes to your fanbase they have invested a lot of time in her as an artist and only want the best from her. I wasn't negative about her latest release with Ariana, I actually praised it. But I appreciate it's not everyone's favourite, I'm not gonna sit here and type your all something else for not like it as I accept everyone has a difference in opinions. From your post you think Mariah should just do mediocre performances from now on, and everyone should just say that's ok it's Mariah she's allowed to, she doesn't care about that stuff. And again that's fine you're entitled to your opinion, but remember a lot of us have an opinion to you and that's ok too. Ps I sang this back to myself just so you know some of us can sing.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 16:50)
this is a reply to message 105,687
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,690) by Jamie from UK
But I haven't said I want or expect another Music Box. And I think any of us knows that's not gonna happen. My point is that not everyone will like what she puts out and that's fine. Some people don't like Music Box but that's ok too. We're not all robots that have to agree with everything.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 16:35)
this is a reply to message 105,684
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,682) by Jamie from UK
Because everyone is individual and has their own opinions. Not one fan is the same. I personally love the remix and stated I thought her vocals were great in it. But I'm open to the thought that others might not like it and that's ok. It's that the point of a forum for everyone to bring their thoughts to the table and create a debate. I'm all for positivity but I'm also open to criticism too otherwise how do people grow. No one truly knows what's going on with Mariah or her voice at times but as fans who have invested so much time in our artist it's only normal to have an opinion one way or the other. It doesn't mean people love her any less. If people didn't comment one way or the other then I would be worried as to me that would show that any passion they have for Mariah has gone. I'm so excited for a new Mariah album if every track is amazing then fantastic but I don't think we should be getting into a culture where we can't say exactly how we feel about something because as I said not everyone likes the same things and that is ok.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 11:07)
this is a reply to message 105,674
General public or bad decisions (105,644) by Jamie from UK
Yes I agree, what Mariah and Walter had was magical. They should have continued to work together whilst allowing her to still experiment with different sounds as she did with David & Robert. I sometimes feel once singers are established they then want to go off and do what they like. I think it's important to follow things you like however as an artist they are launched in a way that the record executives know will work, and I feel being a music artist should be like an actor. Stick with what works, take advice from others, live your private life the way you want to. But ultimately don't accept a career launch that you say goes against what you believe in and like just to get famous and then decide to turn against that image and style because your now famous and think you can do what you like. People already bought into and loved the Mariah we were introduced to from day one. Changing the dynamics so much to the point your artistry is no longer recognizable, I'm afraid cost her her popularity with the general public. I'm still a Mariah fan because I like her music but I don't agree with how much she changed from what people loved about her and in my eyes actually worked for her and ultimately made her more popular.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 15:26)
this is a reply to message 105,624
SNL (105,637) by Jamie from UK
I wonder if it's true, time will tell.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 12:52)
this is a reply to message 105,633
General public or bad decisions (105,612) by Jamie from UK
I'm sat here and a thought came into my head regarding Mariah and her career. For the majority of the 1990's Mariah could do no wrong, she was America's sweetheart and had countless number one songs and albums. People took her into their hearts and adored her. From 1997 she made what some call a drastic change in musical direction and lost some of her core fanbase as a result. However she continued to have number one songs and albums even through a difficult time with Sony and Tommy Mottola. Why was it then that during her most difficult time in her life in 2001 did people turn their backs on her? Surely someone who they had grown to love had spent so long adoring her and buying her music would want to support her during this difficult time. Glitter and Charmbracelet failed to sell anywhere near what she would normally sell. My point is, is it the general public who turn on an artist so quickly, is it the music industry and media that set current trends what is a hit and what the people want or is it bad decisions made by Mariah the artist. For me it's just difficult to understand how such a quick switch in popularity can happen with someone who was literally a force of nature at one point. Firstly I don't think the whole Glitter film helped her persona one bit, 9/11 didn't help but the film just wasn't good enough 9/11 or not. The album or soundtrack is great but in hindsight should it have been left on the shelf once the film tanked to help control the damage from the film and save her also having a music flop too which was unheard of at the time. Would her next album then have been more well received by the public. For me I like Charmbracelet but it feels almost like a complete different body of work to the rest of her catalogue (present and past included) the whole vibe is just different. Were bad decisions made by Mariah creatively should she have come back with an upbeat track ala Fantasy/Honey mode and had less rappers on the album, it would be interesting to see if the Glitter album hadn't been released and she had come back with a stronger album (maybe a combination of Glitter tracks and new ones and called it something else) how her popularity would have been at that time and now. Or had the public already turned their backs on her and changed their view of her as a person. Obviously we had Emancipation but that was very short lived, and since then with the exception of Touch My Body and Christmas she hasn't got anywhere near the popularity she should have had. Do you think the general public just doesn't warm to her anymore, is it Mariah's decisions of music creativity or the way her persona has come across post 2001, or do you think it's the music industry making wrong decisions for her career? We can't change what happens but sometimes it's interesting to put a different spin on how we think things could have gone or been. Would love to hear your views and where you think things went wrong or could have been different for her.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 17:36)
It just occured to me (105,603) by Jamie from UK
Yes I agree, it's a catchy song at first which I like, but it's not strong enough to stay around longer than it has. I've enjoyed the remix too, but like you said the original was already waning. Had the remix been the original version, then I'm sure it would have been number 1 and still lasted the same amount of time on the charts as the original has done. It's not a poor performance from either Ariana or Mariah, it's just one of those fly in fly out songs.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 14:54)
this is a reply to message 105,598
Writing (105,579) by Jamie from UK
Maybe she does under a different name.
(Monday 19 February 2024; 19:07)
this is a reply to message 105,574
Yes, And, I Don't (105,563) by Jamie from UK
I think this track is what it is, I like the song. I liked it when it was just Ariana. Having Mariah on it now singing up beat is music to my ears. Is it Mariah's best performance no, but is it really her worst? I'd rather have this over I Don't any day. I think we need to cut her some slack, she's never gonna blow us away as she once did, she's 54 this year and unfortunately has declining vocals which I'm sure she herself is very well aware of. I was actually quite happy with her vocals on this track, let's be honest we've heard worse over the last few years. For a long time now we've been asking for Mariah to get herself together, she's finally started to clean up her act, her public presence and persona is back up to where it should be, her PR is back to where it should be and she's getting lots of attention and respect from fellow artists. Yet we continue to dissect everything she does and bash her when she finally does something positive. I would love Mariah to have her full 90's vocals back and to some degree her personality, but unfortunately it's not gonna happen. Vocal decline has happened for various reasons and she suffered a major breakdown which has changed her as it would. Not forgetting she's been living this famous life for a long time now and as much as stars say they haven't changed. They always do over time one way or another, hey non famous people change over time believe it or not. Nobody is the same or doing the same things as they once did 25 plus years ago. But instead of tearing her down let's give her praise for still being here, making music and gracing us with her presence for nearly 34 years, I'd much rather have her still with us than not. The track isn't that bad and who knows what's in-store for us this year on her solo projects. Let's celebrate Mariah.
(Monday 19 February 2024; 03:14)
Yes, And? (105,479) by Jamie from UK
I agree. I'm not hearing auto tune at all. I think she sounds more youthful and energised.
(Friday 16 February 2024; 12:55)
this is a reply to message 105,473
Yes And? remix (105,471) by Jamie from UK
I love it, it's great to hear Mariah singing in an upbeat way and not just mid tempo.
(Friday 16 February 2024; 10:46)
this is a reply to message 105,463
Time of release UK (105,449) by Jamie from UK
Mariah just posted 14 hours to go. Will it be available in UK at midnight ahead of USA?
(Thursday 15 February 2024; 21:14)
Not happy (105,433) by Jamie from UK
Yes I can't wait, I'm really excited for this project. Mariah can do no wrong at the moment. Her profile is in a great place and it feels like she is excited about making music again. Ariana is a great choice, she's popular and can help Mariah appeal to the younger crowd.
(Thursday 15 February 2024; 12:54)
this is a reply to message 105,431
Not happy (105,430) by Jamie from UK
Lol pull the remix now it's a travesty.
(Thursday 15 February 2024; 10:18)
this is a reply to message 105,427
Ariana Instagram (105,418) by Jamie from UK
Do I just look at an insta post from Ariana on 7th Februar? It's so obvious seeing MC in that post. How did we not see it.
(Wednesday 14 February 2024; 21:12)


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