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About Jamie from UK:

Changing the subject... (106,975) by Jamie from UK
Yes she was great. Best part of the whole opening ceremony. I found the rest of it not great. Great idea to show the city, which looked amazing, however the rest of it didn’t translate well on TV I felt.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 09:15)
this is a reply to message 106,971
What do you do for a living? (106,947) by Jamie from UK
I'm a Cabin Manager for a long haul airline. I'm often in NYC and do a run down the Hudson and up past Mariah's apartment. One day I will see her coming out.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 12:18)
this is a reply to message 106,939
Album coming soon? (106,932) by Jamie from UK
(Tuesday 23 July 2024; 11:24)
this is a reply to message 106,928
Album coming soon? (106,926) by Jamie from UK
Nobody stands a chance with the media propaganda that is Taylor Swift. Do not get how she is so big, sorry to any Swifties. She's good but she's no where as good as she's made out to be.
(Monday 22 July 2024; 10:00)
this is a reply to message 106,923
Mariah saved me (106,888) by Jamie from UK
I hope you're ok. Life can be difficult at times. You've got this though and you will only be stronger from it.
(Tuesday 16 July 2024; 02:34)
this is a reply to message 106,875
E=MC2 off on the beaten path (106,867) by Jamie from UK
I think it was the choice to release Bye Bye as the 2nd single. After that I think she just lost momentum and they didn't play. She should have followed up with an upbeat song to keep the momentum going. Bye Bye is to similar slow beat to WBT and DFAU. I love I'm That Chick, that would have been a good follow up with a fun video. I would have loved Migrate as a single but not sure if the video would have been too hoodriah for the general public to take.
(Friday 12 July 2024; 09:34)
this is a reply to message 106,865
Holiday (106,858) by Jamie from UK
Good spot. I was in a cafe Sunday and Hero came on. Seems to be hearing her a lot at the moment out and about.
(Wednesday 10 July 2024; 09:24)
this is a reply to message 106,852
Lucky Daye (106,857) by Jamie from UK
I hope those rumours are true. We defo need an original song from Mariah and Ariana. And yes whilst she is all about Christmas it does now restrict her release dates.
(Wednesday 10 July 2024; 09:22)
this is a reply to message 106,849
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,856) by Jamie from UK
I'm sorry I'm not ashamed to have said that, I love Celine and I never said it wasn't awful what she's been through. It's a terrible disease and I can't imagine how it's been for her. However let's be realistic, this is the entertainment industry and where's there's money to be made the industry and its stars will make money out of such things. That's not me taking away from her illness as you think I am. I'm just stating a fact. Could Celine have chosen just to get better and not even mention about her voice then just release a new album, absolutely. Or does she document her whole experience and make money off it, then release an album and make double the money, course she will. She's a business woman at the end of the day. It's heartbreaking what she has been through and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. So don't tell me I'm being callous when you don't even know me.
(Wednesday 10 July 2024; 08:45)
this is a reply to message 106,854
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,850) by Jamie from UK
I disagree, Mariah has said her voice isn't where she has liked it to have been on various projects and when she is performing live and not hit the note how she wanted she's said on numerous times, it is what it is. I think she does acknowledge the change in her voice but just on a personal level and doesn't feel the need to announce it like Celine has. Celine had lip synced for a while now too, had she not got this illness would she be doing this documentary and saying she can't sing, I very much doubt it. Whilst she has been really ill, she's capitalising on the fact and throwing in that her voice wasn't what it was, because let's face it, the programme wouldn't be as interesting if it was just about her being ill. Miraculously she will soon be able to sing again and then a new album and book will be released about her struggles and then she's laughing all the way to the bank. Sorry to sound cynical but it's easier to associate the loss of a once powerful voice to something else than just older age, if Mariah had been severely ill like Celine she too could have done a programme and said that's what attributed to her vocal decline but without that it doesn't make an interesting story.
(Tuesday 9 July 2024; 18:03)
this is a reply to message 106,848
Honey (106,819) by Jamie from UK
Just off on holiday/vacation I'm sat in the airport and Mariah Honey is playing out loud. Great start to my day. Have a good one everyone.
(Monday 1 July 2024; 06:24)
Remastered Rainbow album (106,771) by Jamie from UK
Yes it's crazy I've been hearing lots a vocals I'd never heard before.
(Saturday 22 June 2024; 09:00)
this is a reply to message 106,762
Rainbow Mariah (106,750) by Jamie from UK
Yes Rainbow Mariah was on fire.
(Wednesday 19 June 2024; 16:01)
this is a reply to message 106,748
Favorite Rainbow track (106,740) by Jamie from UK
The background vocals on [Can't take that away] triumphant mix is it the [Price Sisters]?
(Tuesday 18 June 2024; 17:02)
this is a reply to message 106,731
Mariah Carey reflects on 25 years of Rainbow (106,727) by Jamie from UK
Sorry to didn't get to go. But my mum would have been the same if I was younger. I got to go to the Daydream tour too. I wanted to go to see Madonna's Blond Ambition tour in 1990 but I was only 12 at the time and my mum was the same lol.
(Sunday 16 June 2024; 22:06)
this is a reply to message 106,726
Mariah Carey reflects on 25 years of Rainbow (106,725) by Jamie from UK
I loved the Rainbow tour. Lots of people say this album was rushed just to finish with Sony. I disagree, there was so much put into this album, tours, resung vocals for remixes, catchy songs, great music videos, live performances etc.
(Sunday 16 June 2024; 17:31)
this is a reply to message 106,723
Debut and Emotions anniversaries (106,721) by Jamie from UK
I wonder if the reason she never celebrated these anniversaries was due to the royalties that Ben Margulies would get. We know she signed a bad deal with him and he'd get a big chunk of money, decreasing by each album.
(Sunday 16 June 2024; 11:49)
Rainbow 25 (106,705) by Jamie from UK
That's how I felt, it's almost like the vocals don't fit.
(Saturday 15 June 2024; 15:41)
this is a reply to message 106,700
Rainbow 25 (106,699) by Jamie from UK
Just listen to both simultaneously and you can't hear any difference, if anything the enhanced Dolby version is just clearer.
(Saturday 15 June 2024; 11:48)
this is a reply to message 106,695
Rainbow's End (106,698) by Jamie from UK
I think Mariah should have done a 3 minute version of Rainbow's End. Added a second verse like the one at the beginning and reduce all the extras and released that version as a single for Pride season
(Saturday 15 June 2024; 11:00)
Rainbow 25 (106,684) by Jamie from UK
It's always the 90's in my house lol.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 17:16)
this is a reply to message 106,682
Rainbow's End vocals (106,681) by Jamie from UK
She sounds so good in this, is it completely new vocals?
(Friday 14 June 2024; 16:13)
25 vs 30 (106,673) by Jamie from UK
I wonder why Mariah chose to celebrate some albums at 25 years and others at 30 years. I would love for her to have celebrated the debut and Emotions albums, I wonder why she didn't.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 09:53)
Article: Mariah Carey's "Rainbow" gets remastered (106,654) by Jamie from UK
I sometimes feel Mariah spends too much time on projects, perfecting them. Sometimes the best ideas are sporadic. And analyzing and perfecting things can sometimes take away from the original idea. I also think when you analyse something over and over something that isn't that great from the start can almost feel better after becoming over familiar with it. It's like when a song is released from her that isn't that great and after a while you learn to love it as you have become over familiar with it. I bet most of her big hits were all in the moment songs that were great from the offset.
(Thursday 13 June 2024; 16:30)
this is a reply to message 106,651
Mariah queen of remixes (106,624) by Jamie from UK
My top 10 would me:
1. Dreamlover (Morales)
2. Anytime You Need A Friend (C&C)
3. My All/Stay A While
4. Fantasy (Def Club)
5. Heartbreaker/If You Should Ever Be Lonely
6. Fly Away (Butterfly Reprise)
7. Emotions (Special Motion Edit)
8. Sweetheart (The Dance)
9. Bringin On The Heartbreak (Global Soul)
10. The Roof (Mobb Deep Extended)
(Monday 10 June 2024; 01:30)
this is a reply to message 106,622


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