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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Last award (103,204) by Will from England
What was the last music related award that Mariah received, that was not a lifetime achievement-esque related?
(Thursday 17 August 2023; 22:05)
Perfection (103,175) by Will from England
Someone did an AI version of Mariah doing a snippet of All Cried Out.
(Sunday 13 August 2023; 01:04)
this is a reply to message 103,173
I owe Mariah's earpiece an apology (102,142) by Will from England
So I think they used those big box monitor speakers to play back the music that they still put out on stage, but not sure if they still use them or not. Even Micheal Jackson hated using the earpieces and fiddled with them as they felt like a fist in your ear, as he said during that This Is It documentary. I think even Mariah mentioned that she didn't like using them and only really started using them during TAOM tour, I've never seen her use them before then. I don't think that they're very comfortable pieces of equipment, as they are moulded to fit into your ear exactly, so that they're ultra noise cancelling so the artist can hear a click track/whatever part of the track you want to hear vs your own voice (hence why she says "turn me up a bit"/backstage comms/whatever. Back then in the 60s/70s, was it a thing to do huge stadium tours as is so common now? Also, the nature of people seeing shows has changed, as my dad regularly tells me, you would go to a show and you'd be quiet so you could hear the performance, not screaming all throughout as is most common now - that's why some artists get so thrown off by the Japanese/Asian fans during shows as they're most silent as a mark of respect.
(Friday 27 January 2023; 20:21)
this is a reply to message 102,128
Caution (102,101) by Will from England
I think there comes a point, in every artists life, where the well of inspiration runs a little dry. How many songs can you write about love? How many new ways is there to describe an emotion? This links to another post, but I can see why Mariah brings in other lyricists because they can offer a fresh prespective on a topic - she's probably written thousands of songs at this point, not all of them great, but still, there's only so many ways to write. She has a style of writing a song that is emotional, and comes from a certain place that, once you're past it, you can't access again. I doubt she can write another song as good as The Roof/Lullaby, nor one as heart wrenching as LTT/WBT/CTTA. Why? Because she's already done that many times over. How many times have lambs complained about her rehashing WBT in different formats, be it musical or lyrical? She has written and released every possible song that she can relate to and draw from over 30 years of recording sessions. She has written about her life, her highs and lows, her deepest desires and wants, thrown in with some less personal ones. MIAM was her last deeply personal record as it was her divorce album, so she had plenty to talk about emotionally and draw from. Caution, whilst I love it as an album, musically was fresh from her because she wanted to work with different people and have a new sound which worked well in her favour, but it's not a lyrical best, save from some quick lines here and there - but it works because she isn't chasing the sound that gave her her hits anymore. If she works with all the right people, and works with the people she's always wanted to work with (don't wait for the right song to come along, just meet up in the studio and jam it out and see what happens - we wouldn't have WBT, ABMB etc. if she hadn't done that), gets some fresh perspective on writing, I think she can produce another stellar album. The vocals, well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
(Saturday 21 January 2023; 14:03)
this is a reply to message 102,096
What's going on (101,841) by Will from England
It is quite shocking how bad her voice has become over the last few weeks. Whatever has happened to it is a very recent thing, because even though the quarantine shows/performances were pre-recorded, they actually were quite decent and had strength, fluidity, range etc. unless they were edited to the hilt. Everyone was praising them to some extent. These recent performances, I just can't put my finger on what she's done to have such a drastic change, even her stage presence is way off. It's over the top, even for a Mariah Carey performance. Everything that she knew how to do (breath control, timing, key selection, phrasing) is all off and it's showing. Is it possible that she's had surgery on them already and it's not healed fully? The voice we have currently is not even a distant relative to the one that recorded Caution, and she considered the vocals on that to not be at their best, I doubt she would even be able to sing any song on that album, let alone her classic hits.
(Thursday 15 December 2022; 18:54)
this is a reply to message 101,838
Concert in Saudi Arabia (101,522) by Will from England
I've noticed when Mariah has any form of decent voice back, she instantly goes at it 120% to use every facet of it and damage it even further. With TEOM, she belted like there was no tomorrow, resulting in the more restrained vocals on E=MC2 and Memoirs. Then post pregnancy when she had brilliant fluidity, tone and range, she again went to the max with her voice and undid all the rest (and lack of alcohol) that had helped her. And now, when she says her voice is back to a decent level, she uses every part of it in recording sessions (WBT Valentine Mix and The Roof with Brandy, plus all the other singing projects she has on the go) which ends up becoming lack luster vocal moments live on stage. I love Mariah, but she has missed several great opportunities to learn how to extend those moments where her voice was in great shape and preserve it. And that bloody corset isn't helping matters, she needs to find new ways to dress so that she doesn't have to worry about her weight on stage and maintaining the 8 figure.
(Monday 24 October 2022; 00:03)
this is a reply to message 101,518
Re: Just a thought, let's be kind (101,409) (101,415) by Will from England
I mean, it's either cover it up, or have a moment that Whitney had during her ill-advised tour that should never have happened, where she tried to sing live and it just wasn't good with audience walk out - you can bet that Mariah was aware of that is using every trick she knows to mask it, and quite rightly so. Caution was a good step in the right direction where she doesn't use over the top runs that she can't replicate live, isn't using belts etc. and focuses on the strengths her current voice has such as her lower register and straight forward middle of the road vocals, and produced stellar results. When she slows down, has time to breath and doesn't have to do rapid vocal runs, her voice is good in a different way to what it was.
(Thursday 6 October 2022; 20:15)
Re: Rock album (101,247) (101,251) by Will from England
Not exactly news, she talked about it in her book and I think some of the songs are on YouTube? I'm probably wrong on the last one. It's called Someone's Ugly Daughter.
(Sunday 18 September 2022; 00:13)
Re: Did Mariah actually write The Roof (100,229) (100,230) by Will from England
Think you're thinking way to much into it. Look at Emotions, they list the album as "Elsa Walking Music Vol.1" - wouldn't exactly take what's written as gospel. And not all the videos have writing credits on at all. Not a big deal.
(Friday 29 April 2022; 22:07)
Re: "Big big energy baby when I close my eyes" (100,000) (100,015) by Will from England
Yay for 100,000 messages! Webmaster, do you know who has messaged the most on this site?
(Monday 28 March 2022; 01:18)
Re: So much for my dream (100,010) (100,014) by Will from England
Pretty sure it does, Jay-Z's first was his appearance was on HB.
(Monday 28 March 2022; 01:16)
Re: New WBT (99,713) (99,724) by Will from England
Oh yeah, that's from last year, she released it as a single along with an extended version.
(Friday 18 February 2022; 21:36)
Re: New WBT (99,701) (99,711) by Will from England
Are you talking about the new version she did last year?
(Wednesday 16 February 2022; 19:13)
Album re-release (99,507) by Will from England
I was thinking, what if Mariah re-released her early albums up to Memoirs, but restructure them to have some of the already released songs but also to have some demos and unreleased tracks? It would be a cool way to have her rarities part 2 moment but not have to pick select tracks for just one release. There have been so many songs that she has said didn't make the cut for the final albums, she could do something creative for them.
(Sunday 23 January 2022; 12:19)
Re: Caution (99,444) (99,451) by Will from England
Because what Mariah loves doesn't become a hit, whilst if she doesn't like it, it becomes a fan favourite and critics like it.
(Monday 17 January 2022; 01:04)
Re: Article: Mariah celebrates topping Hot 100 for another week (99,331) (99,344) by Will from England
Would she? I thought it had to be consecutive weeks to get that back?
(Sunday 2 January 2022; 00:25)
Re: Mariah surprises fans (99,336) (99,343) by Will from England
Because that's what she's always done? Taken a song of hers, deconstructed it and re-imagined it for the remix with new vocals, potentially new lyrics and other song samples? Only difference here is that she's using an old song. And why not? Let her have fun, the WBT redo was quite enjoyable and got her to be creative again, something she couldn't really do since the rules regarding what constitutes a remix changed and she was stuck with just keeping the studio vocals and having them over a dance beat, given the odd exception here and there (I'm assuming that's why that re-sung version of HATE U or Beautiful were never released as they wouldn't have helped the original song with the charting).
(Sunday 2 January 2022; 00:24)
Re: Sides: right vs. left (99,263) (99,270) by Will from England
I think everyone really has a certain way in which they would like to be photographed or filmed, no? Doesn't have to be on a specific side, but you know how you want to look good in a photo. For me personally, I do prefer to be photographed one particular side over the other. Can't explain how or when that started but there it is. I don't see why Mariah gets ragged on for this when most people, if not everyone, has a preference even if you're not conscious of it. And some don't have a preference and that's great too! Just depends on how comfortable you are.
(Wednesday 22 December 2021; 21:45)
Re: MC diamond edition (99,016) (99,023) by Will from England
Problem is is that in the last two years we have had two Christmas albums, one of which was already a double disc feature and that was celebrating the anniversary of the Christmas album - a worthier reason to release it, plus new songs and everything else we've asked for. Another double disc would just be redundant at this point. It's a nice idea, but not a good enough reason to release it.
(Wednesday 1 December 2021; 23:24)
Re: Easy on me (98,754) (98,755) by Will from England
Thumbs up, because what Adele manages to now which Mariah used to do, is create a personal, emotionally driven song but keeps it open lyrically so other people can flip it onto their own lives - which is part of the enduring appeal of Adele, the gp know that they can go to her for the heart-wrenching lyrics or the sassy kiss-off ones. Mariah used to be perfect at that (Close My Eyes, Outside, Bye Bye being the real last open ended song), and yet her work now is more centred and focused on her life that it makes it difficult to relate to - am I wrong in saying this? And yes, she had a formula in the 90s, dropped it, found a new one with WBT and tried to replicate it many times until Caution, which truly seemed to be more growth from her. Also, I get the feeling that sometimes Mariah overthinks the song and over complicates it with too much going on (In The Mix, Infinity, Save The Day, Runway), whilst Adele's latest offering is straight forward and delivers what it is supposed to, whilst throwing in some vocal gymnastics - following the same formula since she knows that's what works well for her. I would not be surprised that once 30 has been finished with, her next lead single is an uptempo one like RITD. Caution was a step in the right direction for Mariah, and I hope she continues down this route, but learnt that using a lead single as a ballad isn't the right move for her right now.
(Sunday 17 October 2021; 00:54)
Re: Twitter Spaces (98,612) (98,614) by Will from England
One thing that stood out to me most was her openly talking about the upcoming projects that would be for her legacy. To me, that's the first time she really has openly talked about her legacy, and how she is now actively thinking about what comes next to build upon it and controlling that narrative rather than leaving it until later. It shows that, from my perspective at least, she isn't focused on having a chart hit, but just creating music that she enjoys.
(Wednesday 15 September 2021; 21:41)
My ranking of Mariah's albums (97,446) by Will from England
1. Caution
2. Memoirs
3. Butterfly
4. Charmbracelet
6. Elusive
7. Daydream
8. Rainbow
9. Music Box
10. Mariah Carey
11. Emotions
(Monday 22 February 2021; 21:43)
Re: Melissa (97,260) (97,263) by Will from England
She probably feels some form of loyalty to Jay Z and trusts him to look after her. She did well with Melissa, I doubt that Jay Z would allow someone less than her to work with Mariah, because they would be representing him as well. I don't think we will get another Stella era, but I hope she can get someone who will steer the ship just as well. Melissa got them back on track, they just need someone to take it further and higher.
(Monday 1 February 2021; 00:23)
Re: Emancipation EP's for #MC30 (97,256) (97,261) by Will from England
Wasn't "Your Girl" originally supposed to be a feature song with NORE anyway? LA had the feature cut because he felt the album had too many. So the "remix" version actually is the original version that Mariah wanted on the record, we're just used to hearing the released one. Here's the interview.
(Sunday 31 January 2021; 18:45)
Re: Ryan and Kelly show, thank you, next (97,043) (97,045) by Will from England
She needs to find a happy middle ground between doing the music that she loves, and a strong earworm/hook which the public will pay attention to and remember. GTFO had it a little with the "how bout you?" line all throughout, but wasn't strong enough to garner much attention. I don't listen to BTS, but I keep hearing that lyric "light it up like dynamite" in my head and I don't fully know the song lol (nicely linking to my previous post ).
(Monday 28 December 2020; 23:21)


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