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About Will from England:
You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife
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Re: Ryan and Kelly show, thank you, next (97,043) (97,045)
by Will from England
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She needs to find a happy middle ground between doing the music that she loves, and a strong earworm/hook which the public will pay attention to and remember. GTFO had it a little with the "how bout you?" line all throughout, but wasn't strong enough to garner much attention. I don't listen to BTS, but I keep hearing that lyric "light it up like dynamite" in my head and I don't fully know the song lol (nicely linking to my previous post ).
(Monday 28 December 2020; 23:21)
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Mariah Carey, BTS (I'm That Chick/Dynamite) (97,044)
by Will from England
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This was brought up on Twitter a few days ago, and as far as fan made mash-ups are, this is a good one (another was Charlie Puth's Long and Someday mashed together, very well done). It would be interesting to see her collab with another international artist/group from a different background. Considering how big she is with Asian markets, and what BTS are doing, it would be an interesting experimental sound (for her) to put out, even if it is a remix of a song.
(Monday 28 December 2020; 23:15)
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Re: JD produced the new Oh Santa (96,769) (96,770)
by Will from England
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Didn't he produce the original as well?
(Wednesday 2 December 2020; 16:48)
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Re: Mariah's DefJam / Universal catalog (96,704) (96,707)
by Will from England
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I suppose she has finished with Rainbow because after that, most remixes are already digital singles that can be readily found. For someone like me who has never had the opportunity to listen to them, it is nice to actually be able to listen to the older mixes. Althought it would be nice to hear the shelved Beautiful dance mix that she re-sang and at last at the official HATEU remix.
(Sunday 22 November 2020; 00:24)
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Re: MC 30 (96,546) (96,548)
by Will from England
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I thought this was just paused whilst the election is going on.
(Friday 6 November 2020; 19:40)
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Re: Hopes for Glitter EPs (96,163) (96,173)
by Will from England
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I would love it for There for Me to be included, since it was a B-side to the NTF/Hero single?
(Wednesday 14 October 2020; 00:33)
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Re: Glitter week (95,541) (95,548)
by Will from England
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Might have got no new EP's but we did get all of her albums remastered on vinyl. Hardly nothing.
(Tuesday 15 September 2020; 08:26)
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Mariah Network (95,289)
by Will from England
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The Mariah Network posted the interview that the New York magazine did with Mariah recently. Very good read and great insight on what she will be talking about in her book.
(Monday 31 August 2020; 00:51)
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Re: Another take on the voice (95,218) (95,221)
by Will from England
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The thing with writing is that unless you are surrounded by new inspiration, ideas and expressions, or you are writing about a personal experience from which you can draw some emotion from, you will at some point struggle to find new ways to write about something that everyone else is writing about, which for 90% of Mariah's catalouge is love. When you're young, you have so much to say, so many new ways to express an idea or a concept. But after 30 years, after writing so many songs that have been released, and also kept in the vault, can you still write the same way as you did five years ago and keep it fresh? I doubt it. Caution was Mariah surrounded by new people with new ideas and sounds, which is why it sounds so new yet so Mariah.
(Wednesday 26 August 2020; 19:22)
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Re: Save The Day (95,146) (95,159)
by Will from England
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And just to add to the point about her voice, I think she only re-sang it so high, was to match how she originally wrote it. If she sings in her lower to mid registers (giving me life etc.) I think she will sound great, and leave the breathy voice behind/use it less regularly. But yes, between GTFO (which was mostly that register) to STD re-recording, her voice had changed once again, but it is interesting to notice that the chorus and the verses are almost two different voices. Watching a video analysis recently (taking it with a pinch of salt naturally), the commentator noticed she is now more comfortable using her mid-voice rather than the higher, breathy whisper register. I think she could have taken more time to adapt the song to her current voice rather than match it to whatever draft version she had from all those years ago.
(Sunday 23 August 2020; 22:54)
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Re: Rarities partial tracklisting (95,127) (95,158)
by Will from England
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I wonder if "Imperfect" will make the cut.
(Sunday 23 August 2020; 22:15)
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Re: Save The Day (95,146) (95,157)
by Will from England
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Listening to the song, I get the feeling that it was mainly the chorus that they had down, and the verses were added later which is why it sounds a little disjointed, if that indeed was the case. I agree with the KMS sample being an afterthought, but maybe using the sample was the original intent to be a part of their failed previous attempt at a duet? Just depends on when exactly Mariah got the rights to use the song.
(Sunday 23 August 2020; 22:13)
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Re: Name game (94,924) (94,937)
by Will from England
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Without You I Still Believe Languishing Love Takes Time It's Like That Anytime You Need A Friend Migrate
(Tuesday 18 August 2020; 00:56)
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Re: From the vaults (94,711) (94,713)
by Will from England
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Don't want her to rush through this. To think she has so many rough cuts and demos etc. she can take her time going through it all.
(Saturday 25 July 2020; 23:44)
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Re: The Live Debut (94,636) (94,641)
by Will from England
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To be fair though that whole performance was a big mishap with missed cues and having to play catch up on her part. Not surprised it was included.
(Friday 17 July 2020; 23:18)
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Re: Hopes for the memoir (94,570) (94,573)
by Will from England
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Well, this means we can have a follow up in ten years.
(Sunday 12 July 2020; 23:51)
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Re: Her name twice on the cover (94,555) (94,559)
by Will from England
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This is actually a good analysis and one I hadn't thought of. The name "Mariah Carey" means a lot to different people, even herself (indeed she has in the past referenced "Mariah Carey" as a different persona/entity to herself), from different backgrounds from professional to ethnicity to personal. I wonder if she does go down that route.
(Saturday 11 July 2020; 23:54)
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Re: The Meaning of Ridicule (94,529) (94,553)
by Will from England
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Forgive me, but isn't the point of an autobiography supposed to be all about the person writing it, therefore the title should reference this in some way? Looking at other titles for memoirs, she could have gone down two routes: either have a title that is vague but intriguing (e.g. Life's What You Make It - Philip Scholfield or Handstands In The Dark: A True Story of Growing Up and Survival - Jane Godley or Becoming - Michelle Obama) or she has a title that is more on the nose, tells the reader what this book may be/is about (e.g. Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man - Mary Trump or This Is Me - Mrs Hitch or Eye of the Storm: Twenty-Five Years in Action with the SAS - Peter Ratcliff). Mariah has always picked titles that she feels embodies the work that she has put out, more so with her albums. Yes some are self-referential but there is nothing wrong with that, and more so when it comes to a book. I'm sure she had a lot of titles that she went through with the book before settling on one that suited the theme and subject matter within the book.
(Saturday 11 July 2020; 09:36)
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Re: Mariah's memoir (94,512) (94,516)
by Will from England
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It would not surprise me if there was a ghostwriter involved. Didn't she say a while back that she was? I have a faint recollection of her mentioning it very briefly, but I may be wrong. Can't wait for the audiobook version as well.
(Thursday 9 July 2020; 09:20)
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Article: Mariah crashes "Schitt's Creek" performance of "Hero" (94,326)
by Will from England
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To be fair, I would have had the same reaction as David. Love that she popped in with perfect lighting and that wind machine going.
(Monday 8 June 2020; 00:16)
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Through The Rain / Make It happen (94,070)
by Will from England
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Another good performance, and I like she switched it up a bit by including TTR. So nice to hear her sing it again.
(Tuesday 12 May 2020; 09:38)
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E=MC2 iTunes UK (93,848)
by Will from England
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If you look at the top albums on the main chart iTunes UK, you can clearly see that it's mostly made up of compilation albums and older albums. Mariah isn't the oldest album on there by far since Nirvana, Jagged Little Pill and the Beach Boys are also very much present near the top of the chart. So for a ressuragnace now doesn't look too unusual. If it had happened outside of this whole lockdown and artists were still releasing new material, then yes it would look odd. But hey, let's celebrate this moment and see what happens next. Showbiz is just looking for a story because there is literally nothing else for them to talk about.
(Wednesday 29 April 2020; 12:49)
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Hero (93,563)
by Will from England
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Another superb home performance. The vocals, the clarity, the tone, all present. Can't wait to watch the vocal teachers/reactors on YouTube watch this.
(Friday 10 April 2020; 23:21)
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The memoir (92,275)
by Will from England
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Why isn't it surprising for me to visit the messageboard after a few months off it, to see people already bashing the memoir before it's even been released? We don't know what Mariah will talk about, how she will present it, what topics she will cover, how current in the book she will go regarding her career, what the publishers will expect. For all we know it may just be covering her childhood up to her first deal. Why don't we just wait and find out a little more, before judging it? I know this board likes to do that well before Mariah puts anything out, but still, give it a bit of a chance.
(Saturday 11 January 2020; 19:12)
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Re: St John the Divine (91,228) (91,229)
by Will from England
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Scroll down a little further. Plenty of good comments on it.
(Saturday 2 November 2019; 22:46)
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