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About Mirage_Nunez from America :

Re: Faded (65,315) (65,318) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Well that's art for you: different interpretations, vibes, meanings to different people. Agree to disagree we shall.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 1:26)
Re: Faded (65,308) (65,312) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Thus is the appeal of Cry, it's raw emotional, unpolished sound. I believe that was the whole purpose. She literally said people will be surprised at how many raw ballads she did for the album (though many have clearly been left on the cutting room floor ). I think you just have to really understand soul/blues music to appreciate it. Cry gives me Al Green meets Gladys Knight. I know you're looking at me like but hear me out: the organs and background vocal arrangement has Al's influence all over it just listen to "For The Good Times" or "How To Mend A Broken Heart"; the emotional delivery gives me Gladys Knight, "If I Was Your Woman". I could actually hear Gladys singing Cry back in her era, it would seamlessly in her back catalogue.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 0:30)
Re: Faded (65,277) (65,289) by Mirage_Nunez from America
I still can't get enough of Faded and Cry. It's the perfect "back to back" for me and it usually takes me awhile to get past that point on the cd from constantly repeating (I have to listen to these particular songs atleast three times before letting the rest of the cd play through). And I'm sorry I love "Vanishing" it's one of my most favorite gems in her archive, it's a beatifful vocal masterpiece etc, but for me "Cry"is more raw and heartfelt. I feel all types of emotions and heart strings being pulled when I listen to Cry. It has to be one of her most emotionally soulful tracks to date or dare I say her most soulful tracks yet.
(Monday 15 August 2016; 15:29)
Re: The emancipation of boobies (65,232) (65,239) by Mirage_Nunez from America
That's the whole point though. She's not really doing anything that she hasn't done before (fashion wise) imo. She's been showing clevage and having splashes since the 90s. Everyone has a different perspective on what deserves a pass or what should be called out. For me she hasn't done anything horrible enough to deserve the kind of ridicule she has received here. I feel that many of her antics have been over exaggerated and blown out of proportion. So yes sometimes worse things do need to be pointed out for the sake of putting everything into proper perspective.
(Sunday 14 August 2016; 5:10)
Re: The emancipation of boobies (65,198) (65,220) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Right. I said the same thing. I mean I was completely shocked in 1997 when she emerged from the pool in a gold bikini and stilettos. But now I'm so immuned, I barely blink when Mimi wears something risqué (especially during this day and time). Now if she were to show them off Rihanna style (with piercing and all) or do a Lil Kim with one boob out, then I would be in an complete uproar. Now don't get me wrong she has worn quite a few cringe worthy ensembles, but nothing that would make me want to denounce her. Mariah would have to do a lot more than enjoy a few splashes and wear a tacky outfit here and there to lose my undying love and support. The way some folks speak of her on here you would think she got into a nasty twitter war with Nicki, a bar brawl with JLo, and dangled Roc and Roe over the balcony of her yacht.
(Saturday 13 August 2016; 15:38)
AI Shade (65,062) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Oh okay so it was Lazaros (the guy with the speech impediment) that spoke out against MC's AI shade. I was thinking it was Devin the whole time (he's the guy Mariah loved and really believed in), which would've surprised me. Anyway I'm not surprised at how harsh and biased Lazaros statement was because he's shaded Mariah before in the media. I believe he's had it out for Mariah ever since her last critique of his Carpenters performance when he didn't change the key of his voice when the key changed in the song. Anyway I agree with both sides of the argument. I believe MC has every right to speak her truth on the AI experience. However, I also think that she should add American Idol to her "do not ask me about" list at this point in her career, because other people will only see that she's complaining about making a fortune. As a fan I feel and agree with her sentiments though Nicki's attitude was foul and the producers did seem biased and catered to her attitude, because they felt she would bring in the ratings. Boy were they wrong. Anyway letting go ain't easy Mimi, but you have to shake it off and rise steadily sailing out of their reach.
(Monday 8 August 2016; 16:21)
Re: Perfect example (65,016) (65,022) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Actually I don't feel that Mariah's purpose of showing off her body is to "attract men". I believe she does it because "she" likes the way she looks and feels in what she's wearing and its fun for her to play dress up. I'm sure Mariah never had trouble attracting men, whether she's an A cup, Z cup, wearing a potatoe sack, or a lace bikini. I can agree that her fashion has had a lot of misses when it comes to showing skin, but in my opinion Mariah always carries herself like a lady regardless of what she's wearing. She knows how to properly sit with her legs closed, she know how to get out of vehicles without exposing herself, she's always aware of the camera angles etc. She doesn't give off "vulgar" or "crass" to me whatsoever. She's not the most exposed celebrity out there ask Rihanna, Beyonce, Nicki, Madonna, Gaga and others. And her boobs don't even look fake, they actually look very natural and nice. I can't be mad at her, because I would be them showing off too.
(Saturday 6 August 2016; 20:33)
Disgusted and appalled (63,423) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Some of you have reached an all time low on this board. This tragedy is not about a Mariah tweet. Stop it. You're starting to sound beyond pathetic and petty focusing on Mariah's response rather than the victims of this henious act. Direct those hard feelings towards Omar Mateen (you know the person who actually hurt and killed people). You are no better than Mariah in this matter. Anybody with a pure heart quite naturally would be in mourning, we don't need a tweet to verfiy that. That doesn't make her any less of a person that supports the gay community. The woman gave her sincere condolences on radio and dedicated her One Sweet Day performance to the victims and their loved ones (just as I suspected she would do). Just accept that you jumped the gun on this situation. Stop being so desperate to find a way to blame her for everything that goes wrong in the world and stop trying to destroy her character. You should know better.
(Wednesday 15 June 2016; 21:11)
Re: Give Mariah a break (63,373) (63,377) by Mirage_Nunez from America
You just always have to squeeze in an unnecessary insult towards her don't you? I'm starting to think you're jealous of her "tits" and "clown makeup". Mad that she showed love to her children on "World's Children Day". Get over yourself dude. I'm now starting to doubt [...] you even really care about what happened, you're more focus on who tweeted about it than what's most important, the actual victims. Smh.
(Tuesday 14 June 2016; 17:44)
Re: Give Mariah a break (63,366) (63,370) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Exactly Giovanni. It's one thing to be curious or maybe even a little disappointed that she didn't tweet, but implying that it must mean she doesn't care or isn't moved by the tragedy is absurd. I also find it a bit selfish and twisted that someone would use this tragedy as an agenda to try and prove that Mariah doesn't care about the gay community or gay issues. Where were these people when Mariah tweeted her support for the gay marriage bill being passed successfully and when she actually hit the gay clubs to celebrate with B Scott? *crickets*
(Tuesday 14 June 2016; 14:43)
Re: #1's to Insanity (63,347) (63,354) by Mirage_Nunez from America
But why be so obsessed and fixated on what the "public" thinks about Mariah though? Why are you allowing it to affect your feelings towards her? Why do you feel the need to spread the hatred of the people who don't like her instead of the love for her on here? Don't you have your own mind? What good is it doing crying over the same thing over, and over, and over, and over again? We already know MC voice changed after Daydream. We have researched, dissected, and analyzed this topic a billion times and all came to a consensus as to what, when, where, and why her voice changed and have moved on. The "insanity" is in keep on asking a the same (in all caps) rhetorical redundant question like it just happened yesterday. It like please let it go, we get it and got it already baby. If you have outgrown Mariah accept it and move on like others have. If you have turned on Mariah then just admit it and stop trolling so hard and making negativity your stole purpose for posting i.e. move on. If she's such a titty flashing, bitchy, drunk, classless, slutty, non gay community supporting, irritating, childish, horrible music making, lip syncing, no more voice having, bitter, lazy, fragile victim then why are you here? Why be an oppressed as a former fan? How long will allow yourself to be consumed by someone you don't like anymore?
(Tuesday 14 June 2016; 0:47)
Re: Billy, B, Giovanni and One Sweet Day (63,310) (63,325) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Yes you have been beating that dead horse for way too long and I don't get the point of your redundant, depressing, "oppressed lamb" post. Seriously you've just out grown Mariah if all you can do is come on here and cry about missing her early 90s voice and how your friends give her a hard time about not being able to sing anymore. Now you've allow edthem to sway you into spewing their sentiments all over this messageboard. And for what? If you prefer all those other singers voices over Mariah then that's fine. Whoever is the best singer to you is all subjective anyway. Mariah is still my favorite vocalist for many reasons that I'll just sum up as her voice affects me more than any other singer. It's not about one quality particular quality to me, it's about how that persons voice makes you feel.
(Monday 13 June 2016; 18:16)
Re: JLo responds to Mariah, again (63,110) (63,113) by Mirage_Nunez from America
JLo just needs to go back to not acknowledging the "feud". I'm so over the whole thing with her all of a sudden clap backs, then playing nice. She just shouldn't have tried it with MC. Maybe if everyone stop bringing it up it'll just go away and be an irrelevant topic again. Let's practice.
(Tuesday 7 June 2016; 17:37)
Re: Mariah Carey talks about J-Lo (radio interview) (63,025) (63,028) by Mirage_Nunez from America
True. The thing that many are failing to acknowledge is that Mariah did clear up the confusion, said something pleasant regarding JLo, and had totally put a rest to the rumoured feud. So she did infact let it go. They could've easily just moved on from there and possibly fully made amends one day, but this time it was JLo throwing the shade. I'm sorry guys, but texting during Mariah's performance, then describing it as "a long performance", and playing into Wendy's mess by calling MC "forgetful" was all shadiness. Wendy had her facts wrong anyway because Mariah never said "who" when JLo is mentioned. So JLo shouldn't have fell for that. All JLo had to say was "We've met in passing a few times, but we don't know each other on a personal level" and that would've been cool with no shade detected. I think you are totally on to something when saying it's being used to stay relevant, because I noticed JLo never acknowledge the feud until her career cooled off. I don't see what Mariah said that was so terrible in recent interviews anyway, she just jokes about being "forgetful". But in all seriousness, I'm not an advocate for bad blood or bad energy, so I would love it if they both step up to the plate and ended the pettiness.
(Saturday 4 June 2016; 22:50)
Re: I don't know her - again (62,905) (62,909) by Mirage_Nunez from America
At this point I don't really think the phrase is exclusively for Jennifer anymore. She was the original source, but it totally took on a life of its own from there. When Jussie brought it up it seems more of them playfully mocking Mariah and her chiming in with mocking herself. I honestly think MC is just amused by the whole thing (including JLo's "forgetful" jab at her), but I agree everyone needs to give it a rest now. The phrase is rivaling All I Want For Christmas in popularity.
(Wednesday 1 June 2016; 13:00)
Re: Clapback at Wendy Williams (62,837) (62,856) by Mirage_Nunez from America
I see nothing wrong with an occasional clap back, sometimes it's okay to address certain things, and virtually every celeb does it here or there when they feel the need to (even Beyonce). Don't be so quick to fault someone for occasionally defending themselves against an unflattering perception. Besides MC did it very lighthearted and playfully, it wasn't like she uploaded a video from her iPhone going on a minute long profanity filled tangent about it. She was more so just laughing it off and saying Lee and I are good.
(Monday 30 May 2016; 20:08)
Re: Divas Live Natural Woman (62,787) (62,791) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Correction: "perspective" not prospective.
(Saturday 28 May 2016; 23:14)
Divas Live Natural Woman (62,787) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Carol King's commentary on the showdown Divas' showdown. Maybe this will give everyone more prospective on what was actually going on. I agree with Randy Jacksons commentary. At the end of the day it was the best rendition I've ever witness of this song, I just wish Carol would've gotten a line.
(Saturday 28 May 2016; 22:20)
Re: Celine, Patti, Aretha, and all that stuff (62,757) (62,760) by Mirage_Nunez from America
I agree and disagree. First let me say I completely loved all the divas' voices on Natural Woman that night, they all brought a special flavor to their parts. I throughly enjoyed Celine and Aretha's back and forth towards the end both really shine and held their own. However, technically speaking Natural Woman is Aretha's signature song and it is kind of in bad taste to try to outsing someone on their song. Aretha and Celine were so busy competing that they didn't allow poor Carol King (the writer of the song) to sing one line. Now I don't care what anyone says that's sad on both their parts. I have to agree with Mariah you should revere the legends that came before you and at the same time they should show respect as well. My verdict is it's better to try to compliment each others voices rather than having a sing off.
(Saturday 28 May 2016; 2:47)
Re: Mariah is cheating (62,520) (62,558) by Mirage_Nunez from America
What a lazy accusation. I don't think she would make it so obvious if she was truly cheating on her fiancé with Bryan. She probably would be more discreet and I'm sure she wouldn't have attempted the lapdance or the Bryan guy wouldn't be posting her all over snapchat if they were truly up to no good. I agree with the person that mentioned Mariah priding herself on being loyal. Some of you all are going off the deep end with your speculations, it's actually hilarious at this point.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 15:16)
Re: Bryan is not a love interest, he's gay (62,483) (62,488) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Brian and Mariah goes back like babies with pacifiers, he danced backup on the adventures of Mimi tour. I just think they're really cool. And I agree that a lot of what we're seeing is just created moments for the docuseries.
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 21:47)
Feeling vindication / Lee Daniels (62,463) by Mirage_Nunez from America
I don't think anybody argued the whole diva thing being an act and her shade being a defense mechanism or anything else Lee Daniels said. So I'm not getting why people are gloating about being vindicated. The difference between what Lee said and what some people on here say about Mariah is how he spoke of Mariah in a respectful, protective manner, and pointed out how she has been a victim of abuse and bullied (hello) by not only family and loved ones, but the public as well. He sure didn't sound parallel to people who blatantly hate Mariah like some indivuals here do. I love how he pointed out on how loyal, good hearted, yet fragile Mariah really is as a person. I've always felt that and have always been very perceptive of Mariah as a person. That's why I ride so hard for her, because I see beyond the protective exterior. I can go deeper with this topic as far as how creating an ulterego can help people cope with drama, hurt and betrayal, but I'll save that for a later discussion. Meanwhile I'm still optimistic about Mariah's World. It's okay to have reservations (nobody argued that), it's when people try to predict/claim doom to her life and future that's bothersome. The show is coming no matter what so all we can do is hope for the best.
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 0:10)
"Trainwreck" (62,458) by Mirage_Nunez from America
"Trainwreck" has been used rather loosely in the past in reference to Mariah. For example her classic Cribs episode (which the general public enjoyed and ate up) was describe as a "train wreck" along with her Home Shopping Network shows which many also found entertaining. So I'm not alarmed by people using that term, I actually think it's a selling point to people so they'll tuned in. As long as we she get to see all sides of Mariah. It will do her good.
(Friday 20 May 2016; 20:46)
Just to be clear Mimi L. (62,457) by Mirage_Nunez from America
Mimi L., it was JLo's second appearance on Andy when he asked the hypothetical question about seeing Britney or Mariah.
I was referring to her last appearance (after she went to Vegas) in which Andy called her out for texting during Mariah's AMA performance and not going to her Vegas show. Here. Then within the same week or something she appeared on Wendy and gave a different reason for not attending here. I'm not saying she was obligated to go see MC's show, I meant I get it. I'm just pointing out that she couldn't have been sincere about why she didn't go. Aka being fake about it. Anyway no more beating this dead horse, moving on.
(Friday 20 May 2016; 20:39)
Re: Yes, you do know her (62,433) (62,437) by Mirage_Nunez from America
JLo has been on WWHL three times total. The very last time she was on she said she was too busy to see Mariah, but on Wendy she named everybody she saw in Vegas and mentioned not seeing Mariah because Mariah's show wasn't playing at the time. Two totally different reasons, it comes across as a bad job of lying. I can agree Mariah does over explain things and should practice shorter answers, but other than that I still enjoyed her and saw nothing worth being bothered by on Andy. She just has a huge personality. Love her or hate her there's still some people in the general public who gets it and find her funny and entertaining. I'm just hoping for Mariah's World to show everybody the multifacets of who she truly is. Then maybe just maybe everyone would be able to calm down for a change.
(Friday 20 May 2016; 16:48)


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