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About 123 from USA:
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Re: Cohesion (86,702) (86,707)
by 123 from USA
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Read ha AB.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 21:15)
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Re: Cohesion (86,659) (86,683)
by 123 from USA
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Correction. Most people love tracks 7, 8, and 9 as most posters have discussed their love for these songs since the album came out. They are among the most discussed on the board. So if the album fails that automatically means the songs lack quality? That's a less than smart defense for your point of view. Your view is the minority for most lambs regarding those tracks and no amount of propaganda or posts from you repeating the same thing is going to change that. But I'm sure you'll keep repeating yourself One Mo Gen.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 03:11)
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Re: Almost Home (86,660) (86,682)
by 123 from USA
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Almost Home is not loved by non fans. You are reaching. It went no where on the charts and radio. Only lambs know that song and not all of us like it. Sounds like Siri is singing that song. OMG is lush and sorry that a lot of you never heard the term One Mo Gen as it's common to some of us. The piano intro until those lush backgrounds kick in along with the base line and chorus makes it instantaneously addicting. It's a perfect love song along with tracks 8 and 9. I imagine your bed is cold and empty. I can only imagine the blandness that is Almost Home being played for the poor soul that chooses you when your bar closes for the night. Mess.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 03:05)
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Re: Justice for AIWFCIY (86,565) (86,604)
by 123 from USA
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Hi jacker, it actually peaked at #9 last year on the Hot 100. This year is its best bet to hit #1 as both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are on the same tracking week. Last year it peaked in streams on Christmas Day but since both eve and day were on speedster tracking weeks, the streaming numbers were split. Her team needs to hold off on discounting the song until December 14th to give Ariana's streaming numbers to her video release of Thank U Next to die down. Lambs have already started a campaign and even created a website for the campaign called "#MakeMyWishComeThrough". Click on the red We Are Lambily button and it takes you to their twitter feed. They need to hold off on A No No remix until after Christmas if they want the song to stand a chance against All I Want For a Christmas Is You. If it can hit #1, she will get plenty of press and use the coverage to gain instead on A No No Remix afterwards. Since it's well on its way on beating its #9 position last year, it's best to hold off on a new single.
(Wednesday 28 November 2018; 03:47)
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Re: SiriusXM full interview (86,568) (86,597)
by 123 from USA
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Sorry I forgot to include the link to the interview.
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 23:22)
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SiriusXM full interview (86,568)
by 123 from USA
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Another great interview. Glad the full interview is available. Sounds like the label allowed her to release an experimental album of her career since she's always been required to focus on making hits. Glad she finally got a chance to do so. Glad the focus of the interview questions are more towards her songwriting and not shade and diva demands. I can hear her talk about her creative process all day. Interesting that the label wanted to release the album in time for Black Friday but missed the mark for China's gigantic singles' day. The Asian market is her biggest one and a new song wouldn't have hurt and the album wasn't out until 5 days after the event. Great interview. It's like we have the old Mariah back after Butterfly. Great answers. Articulate while still cracking jokes. Humble and discussing her creative process on all these great songs she has written.
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 07:20)
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Re: Where is the video? (86,562) (86,566)
by 123 from USA
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Caution promotion is on hold until next year. It's better this way since it's Christmas time and she's booked for concerts this whole month. Her team needs to put their focus on AIWFCIY as it will debut on the Hot 100 at #29 and we aren't even in December. If this song is going to hit #1 it's now or never. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are in the same tracking week this year. The song peaked in streams on Christmas but Christmas Eve and Day were on different tracking weeks so the numbers were split. Mark my words. This song will have a new peak this year. We need to wait until December 14th to start a campaign as Ariana is releasing her video soon to hold on to number 1 with additional streams. After Christmas she will be back to the States and she can film and promote A No No remix video until her Vegas shows in February.
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 06:23)
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Suss One interview (86,348)
by 123 from USA
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She's really everywhere. She's done so many radio interviews. This one is more relaxed. I loved the convo between the both of them. Why do I feel like Suss has feelings for her? I wonder if they dated in the past. The car/police story is old. They told it during the MIAM era. Which shows that Mariah has hung around and been emersed in her urban/black/her own culture more often than not since her divorce and witnessesed racial profiling. I love the remix talk and actually getting back in the studio for a session. Looks like Suss is going to make some calls to make the Cardi/Kim remix happen. I love all of their private stories and Mariah's microwave anology to today's music.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 05:37)
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TRL Elevator (86,347)
by 123 from USA
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This looks like so much fun. All the lambs looked so excited. MC looks like she is so much fun to hang out with. They got to sing along with her and stand next to her without security keeping them at bay. It feels like we got the old Mariah back. The one that pushed her product with interviews on radio and tv, good tv performances, cd signings, and cool fan interaction moments. In recent years she seemed reclusive and untouchable. Didn't one of the lambs on this board say he was in the elevator with her. Care to reveal who you are? It looked like a good time
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 05:30)
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Re: A No No feat. Cardi B and Li'l Kim (86,298) (86,322)
by 123 from USA
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I agree Elena and can I say respectfully. You fine girl.
(Tuesday 20 November 2018; 22:11)
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Understocked album (86,300)
by 123 from USA
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So I went to Target in downtown Chicago and they had no more copies. She only had one slot. Buble had a whole top shelf and all his copies were gone. Mullford and Sons had half a shelf but plenty of copies. Looks like retailers understocked the album since her last projects didn't sell. I a lot of other lambs have complained about not being able I find a physical copy to purchase. So she would have never been able to obtain a #1 album unless people ordered online, bought a downloable copy, or streamed. Hopefully retailers order more for Black Friday. I will continue my hunt and in the meantime stream away.
(Tuesday 20 November 2018; 17:49)
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Jimmy Fallon (86,169)
by 123 from USA
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Was this all live? For once? I was for sure she'd lip the belts like the not so good performances of the song in Asia but this performance was solid. I saw her take a drink of splash that morning in a radio interview and figured she'd lip but she sounded and looked great. There is a lyric video for this song now so they might just decide to push it. It's the most mass appeal song on the album. Would also love A No No as a single as well.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 07:20)
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Re: Caution vs MIAMTEC (86,104) (86,168)
by 123 from USA
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You nailed it right on the head. MIAM had stronger songs with hit potential but it had its fair share of filler that I always skip with badly studio engineered vocals on some songs (OMT, Heavenly, etc). Each song is listenable to on Caution and has no filler. The songs are not as strong but individually and as a whole they work well and leaves you wanting more. Caution is the first album she is getting rave reviews from the critics. Even Rolling Stone gave it 4 out of 5 stars. Happy the critics are finally recognizing her pen game and I keep reading things like fresh when they describe the album. She’s finally being respected by reviewers. Even that Showbiz guy who bashes her at every turn gave a positive review.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 07:06)
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Re: Multiple copies (86,149) (86,167)
by 123 from USA
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I've heard that but doesn't the record company keep track of how many copies it ships to stores, irregardless of how they are rung up at the register? I want the cool vinyl (blue and pink) and a physical CD as I'm old school and like tanglible things. The smell of a new booklet, reading the lyrics, songwriting and production credits. So I'm waiting to get my physical copy to post my actual review. It's getting harder to understand what she is singing these days. Anyway, you can always just stream from any of the streaming formats. More cost effective if you don't have much funds and want to help with album sales. I don't care if she gets a #1 album myself but I do like all the cool versions like the cassette tape, different color vinyls, and alternate covers. They actually made it worth while and fun to buy multiple copies as you can get unique versions with this album. To each his own as long as your happy with what you spent your money on.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 06:51)
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Importance of streaming (86,060)
by 123 from USA
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Hello Lambs. Please make sure you stream the album on any streaming formats on top of buying the album. Legacy artists struggle with streaming such as Mariah as most of fans are accustomed to buying the album. Billboard now includes streams in the Billboard 200 calculations. That's why these new artists tend to not have as many actual sales as the younger generation tends to prefer streaming. Babs who normally ends up with a #1 album with each release scored a #12 with her 2018 release in comparison to 2016 and 2014. So if you can, read the article and stream the album and just lower (don't mute) the volume.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 22:59)
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Re: Glitter #1 (85,993) (86,015)
by 123 from USA
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I bought Glitter on September 11th along with Jay-Z Blackout and Alicia Keyes Songs in A Minor. It was a weird day because of what happened that morning and I drove around mostly playing Loverboy and If We (should have been a single). I didn't care for the album at all but I actually appreciate it more nowadays. Want You and All My Life have grown on me and even though the ballads are pop leaning because of the character I do like the vocals and lyrics (Reflections being the fav).
(Friday 16 November 2018; 10:11)
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Re: Bilboard Top 200 (85,979) (85,981)
by 123 from USA
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No Billy. Hopefully it will chart but I'll take #1 on iTunes and all the media coverage it's getting. Padma (Sylk) even got in on the action on Twitter with a make shift single cover with the title You and Only You and the hashtag justice for glitter. I'm going to listen to it when I get home until Caution drops here in the States at midnight. It's alreay dropped in other countries and lambs are loving the album saying it's her most experimental and Giving Me Life being compared to The Roof. So excited, I will have some wine ready for my listening party.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 23:21)
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Re: Bilboard Top 200 (85,960) (85,971)
by 123 from USA
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It won't be enough without streams and Glitter isn't available on streaming formats.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 20:33)
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Re: "Glitter" (85,933) (85,935)
by 123 from USA
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Licia I agree. CB one of her best albums lyrically while Glitter had vocals. CB was always Butterfly Part II in my eyes as one was the inception of the whispery/airy vocals while the other was the peak of said vocal technique. I didn't care too much for Glitter, the ballads were nice but too poppy for me as my guess Billy was a pop artist in the movie. All My Life vocals in the movie were so good. Twister is such an emotional ballad and I always loved Loverboy. Licia, have any of the Caution songs grown on you or are you on strike as a lamb until the album is released? Lol. Is Cha cha going to get it if you don't like the album? Lol. I think Cha cha is a bad influence on Mariah's vocals. She isn't motherly as she tried to drown her pup. Add Chacha to the list of reasons for vocal issues. Lol.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 23:36)
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Re: Glitter revival (85,902) (85,918)
by 123 from USA
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A lamb from another board thought of a cool idea to listen to each album per day as a countdown to Caution. Each album had a day assigned to it. Glitter is not on any streaming services so many lambs just bought the album instead to listen to it on the day it was Glitters turn.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 17:17)
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Re: GTFO, next (85,905) (85,912)
by 123 from USA
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Dahling I was the first one on the said list until I got bored. Proceed with Caution.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 16:07)
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Re: GTFO, next (85,889) (85,899)
by 123 from USA
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Now this post Andrew is more your style. I not only agree with you but have receipts. Here is Ariana's Spotify feed where it shows her listening to GTFO when it was released. Then when she sang her new song (which I do like) on Ellen, the oddest, most pr obvious intro. "This is Ariana Grande and she is singing a new song about her last relationships." Then the performance. She messes up (cute recovery but was it on purpose), the almost breaking down crying (she's a trained Disney actress), I hope all random and not a cleverly staged performance for sympathy and interest. Looks like the music isn't enough for a #1. Her manager proudly called her the next Mariah Carey on Twitter (and added "yeah I said it" afterwards). Clearly she isn't and should have just been pushed as a new talented voice.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 03:35)
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Re: Caution top 4 so far (85,890) (85,898)
by 123 from USA
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Hi Will, mine is as follows: 1. a No No 2. GTFO 3. The Distance 4. With You I'd like to add that I like all 4 songs and there isn't a "bad song" in the bunch. I do believe there are stronger songs on the album. I don't seek to play With You but when it comes on during my Caution shuffle, I don't skip it and end up singing along as it gives me a happy, don't give up on love feeling.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 03:02)
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Re: All I want for my birthday is to see Mariah Carey (85,888) (85,896)
by 123 from USA
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So because people have commented about your pic that makes it right? That's rich coming from you and a poor reason. What happened to all that vocabulary you like to throw around? You can't think of anything else but to go low about people's looks, private conversations, etc? Do better, be better instead of stooping down to a level you should be proud to never sink down to. I know I've never bashed your looks so you might be talking about someone else so take that argument elsewhere. All I'm saying is it's wrong and I won't stand here watching you bash another person because they are delusional in your eyes. Get off Bs jock, it looks sad.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 02:41)
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Re: All I want for my birthday is to see Mariah Carey (85,849) (85,886)
by 123 from USA
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So when did it become ok to bash someone over their looks? No one seems to bat an eye?
(Tuesday 13 November 2018; 17:57)
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