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About Edward from USA:

JD, you're so lucky to have run as far... (68,091) by Edward from USA
Mariah, like Prince and Michael Jackson, has created a bubble she can always be in control of. She's surrounded herself with "yes people", just like the other two. She can't exist by herself for one second, the posse has to follow her wherever she goes. When does she have the time to be with herself to reach within and come out with unrushed meaningful great lyrics? Mariah could pull a great song even when if it came to her while she was peacefully doing number 2 writing the lyrics on the toilet paper she was about to use. Visual-pun intended, lol. She was unstoppable. Her music was what represented her. She was known for her voice; the rest was just some welcomed extra. I don't really care about her personal life much, but often wonder why her diva ways have overshadowed her legendary status as a great vocalist and lyricist. It pains me when I read people's comments on YouTube stating that Mariah sounds like Ariana instead of the other way around. It is sad to see people blaming Patricia for whatever negative Mariah involves herself in. Many of us fans like to play the blaming game when it comes the bad things Mariah is clearly responsible for. Patricia did the best she could with the situation she was facing while raising her biracial kids. she pulled through against all odds. Mariah, Alison, and Morgan are three grown ass people and they only have themselves to blame for whatever decisions they make in their lives, not Patricia. Let's remember that when you point a finger at someone, there are three other of your own fingers pointing back at you. Nobody's perfect, we all have had to deal with shit in our lives.
(Monday 7 November 2016; 19:50)
Let's play the make-believe game? (68,089) by Edward from USA
It's evident to me that all this mess that's happening with Mariah and Packer is a publicity stunt. A publicity stunt they're both taking part in, with Mariah's team feeding information to the most notorious gossip outlets, letting the other gossip website follow up and make up whatever along the way. TMZ usually reports on things that they have some receipt for. Just like when magically they got hold of a perfect Mariah's voice recording of her Vegas gig right before it started, she's feeding the gossip parading herself with Mr. Tanaka, carefully playing with her ring thus playing everybody who is willing to keep entertaining this ridiculous madness. I'm almost certain that, while many lambs here are burning in flames trying to make some sense of what it is happening, Mariah and James are probably laughing it all up, and they might or might not come out happily married putting the rumours to sleep. Believe me, whether they're a real couple or not, there's going to be a public statement to supposedly clear everything up. I wonder why she's putting what's left of her once gigantic fanbase through all this bulshit. I will neither understand nor support her newly found Keeping Up With The Cardashian's attitude. Where's the great music? Mariah's has become a walking pair of gigantic boobs, and it is sad. She used to be so cool.
(Monday 7 November 2016; 19:06)
Let's hold hands (67,150) by Edward from USA
I wish we could all get along and twerk like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows, smiles, butterflies and unicorns, and everyone would eat and be happy. Wait a minute, I'm not even a member of this messageboard. I guess just have a lot of feelings.
(Monday 10 October 2016; 4:59)
Travon Austin (67,118) by Edward from USA
Travon, I appreciate your humble apology. The best thing is that you grew out of everything that went on, and that's what counts. I think that your input on the board is always welcome. I know for certain you're a hardcore fan.
(Sunday 9 October 2016; 2:15)
Kitty, Jussie and his hit the right-note pills (67,061) by Edward from USA
I know I'm going to be slowly tortured, killed, cut into pieces and thrown to the lambs, but I actually think Mariah's semi-cameo on Empire was pointless and didn't actually had much to do with what her character was supposed to be doing for Jussie. There wasn't even any real interaction between Jussie and Kitty to justify her helping him save the day. He hits the wrong note, turns his back to everybody, pops a pill, and then everything comes out right. So, who was helping him, Kitty or the pill that he popped? It was as if Mariah needed to plug in her upcoming tour in exchange for a brief appearance on the show to hopefully bring some ratings to the show. Even though the song had been out for about a week before the episode aired, I was watching iTunes by the time the episode ended, and to my surprise, Infamous didn't show anywhere on iTunes Top 100. Not even briefly. It is as if her fanbase has shrunk so drastically that we cannot even make a brief impact with the aid of a popular TV show. And for those who claim that those who sometimes criticize her don't support her, I bought the song twice again after the episode. I don't understand how they could write Alicia Keys' character in a way that it made sense and meant something, but Mariah's was just thrown in there.
(Friday 7 October 2016; 3:12)
Sheila, don't conceal it (66,939) by Edward from USA
Dear Sheila, I don't judge those who use make up, but in my case is just a healthy lifestyle, and my main secret, lots of vitamin c and water. You should try it too, maybe, just maybe, you could get your face decent enough so you feel comfortable showing your very own picture here too. Don't conceal it.
(Sunday 2 October 2016; 1:18)
Don't hide your support using "Concealer" (66,923) by Edward from USA
Licia, I love your post. You made it so clear that your message didn't need "councealer" or any other derogatory gay bashing diatribe. I bought the song, and gifted a copy to a friend. Let's hope when the episode airs the masses buy it too.
(Saturday 1 October 2016; 19:27)
RibbonB, (66,915) (66,918) by Edward from USA
RibbonB, and because I love your posts and your humor, I'll say: RibbonB with a Bow on it, lol. Mariah could give an Oscar worthy performance on Empire, but that won't turn "Infamous" into a great record. A great record for me is not necessarily a song that would be a hit on the radio, a great record is just great, like many of Mariah's album cuts. Petals, Vanishing, Outside, Close My Eyes, and When I Saw You, just to name a few, would've been flop singles, but that wouldn't have taken away the greatness of those songs. In fact most of Mariah's #1's won't hold a candle to the aforementioned tracks. A hit doesn't necessarily mean a record is great, a good example would be Rihanna's "Work". It is evident that "The Emperor has no clothes", even though we can keep pretending his outfit is yasss queen to die for.
(Saturday 1 October 2016; 17:53)
Is it really decent or is it "Infamous" (66,897) by Edward from USA
I've listened to "Infamous" several times now. I consider it just a filler song, but not by Mariah standards. I love how Mariah beautifully and intelligently places those whistles to adorn the song though, the main highlight. It reminded me of Underneath The Stars and 4th Of July, something that I've missed. Jussie Smollett's voice sounds fine to me, but he turns into a dying screaming goat while being skinned alive when he's autoned to death on his very own T-Pain moment. Infamous is just half of the definition of the word Infamous thus being half a step up "Floppinity". The issue with most people is with the hype the created around it leading up to its release. They talked all sorts of stuff leading people on. Then when people get something that is not up to part with the hype and get disappointed, here comes the head of the Holy Inquisition, Sheila, that is, and her finger and a half of followers blasting on people's asses for daring to express their opinions. I'm not disappointed because I wasn't expecting anything out of this world. I'm just sad that she didn't use "Empire" as a means to actually put out a great record, that's what they led everybody to believe, so don't blame us for having expected that. She had lots of time to come with something better than that. I don't know if Mariah ran out of things to write about or maybe her muse has been on vacation for quite a while, but "Infamous" is just that, just another track. When I listen to it, I like it, when I don't, I don't miss it.
(Saturday 1 October 2016; 3:45)
Miley vs Mariah (66,788) by Edward from USA
Stop shading and going against Miley Cyrus. These lambs are so touchy. Mariah is definitely about what she wears. On the contrary, if you look at Miley riding on her wrecking ball, it's clear she's not about what she wears, she's deeper than that. She's so deep they want people to see her, naked. And besides, 20 years from now, a whole new generation will be "twerking" thanks tor her and her horns. As for Mariah, she'll be remembered for a no so popular Christmas tune, 18 mere #1's songs, the voice of a generation and just 200,000,000 sold. If Mariah twerked, she would definitely be more inspired. I'm sorry, but Miley win this one.
(Wednesday 28 September 2016; 21:25)
Re: Your own private concert (66,576) (66,599) by Edward from USA
1. Sent From Up Above
2. Miss You Most At Christmas Time
3. Outside
4. Thank God I Find You (Make It Last Remix) No rap Version
5. Do You Know Where You're Going To
(Friday 23 September 2016; 1:32)
Re: Battle of the interludes / 2 minute songs (66,521) (66,527) by Edward from USA
I would definitely pick "Twister". It's a sad song, but it is once again Mariah serving great lyrics. When she sings "Lord I pray she's found some peace, and her soul's somewhere at ease". If that piercing whistle doesn't deliver the world "ease" into your soul, it is because you ain't got one. Enough said, and nobody is allowed to disagree with me on this one. Don't try it because if you do, Eric won't post it.
(Wednesday 21 September 2016; 4:07)
So flutter through the sky, Butterfly (66,434) by Edward from USA
During the "Butterfly era" there was this beautiful ethereal aura around Mariah I can't explain, it was just there. Nothing seemed forced during that time. Mariah was pure fire. It was not only the music, but the way she carried herself and the emotion in her voice. I love me some Daydream, actually it is an album I hold close to my hear, but Butterfly being a completely different sound and its many colors and depth totally captivated me. In numerous occasions some friends have asked me if Butterfly was a new CD, that they love this or that song. It is really timeless. No wonder it is listed as one of the albums you should listen to before you die. As Mimi L. already stated with those beautiful pics, Mariah was sexy, showing lots of skin at times, but she never looked as if she was trying too hard and far from trashy. It's not about her not showing skin, it is about doing it keeping in mind that she's a legend with lots of money to make things happen in a way that she could present herself as the best. Maybe she hasn't realized it yet, but her humble demeanor made her look somewhat innocent and much more beautiful. She was already filthy rich back then, but it was more believable to me when she sung deep songs then than when she does it now.
(Sunday 18 September 2016; 17:07)
Webmaster (66,396) by Edward from USA
There are a couple of posters here whose messages are so edited out that most times is very difficult to decipher what they're talking about. I know you've made it clear many times about the rules, but they keep ignoring you. I don't see the point in posing their messages when all we see is a bunch of [...]. [Webmaster: Some like Sheila never learn, but I think it's too much to delete the message completely.]
(Saturday 17 September 2016; 18:55)
Re: New Insta pics (66,289) (66,296) by Edward from USA
Marissa, once again you have conveyed precisely the way many of us fans feel. We've always loved Mariah for her voice, music, and the story behind the music. We connected to these many songs she sung because they felt real to us, not just because they were nice songs put together giving people hope. "Make It Happen", "Anytime You Need a Friend", "Hero", "Looking In", "Buttefly", "Close My Eyes", "Outside" and the list goes on. All written and sung beautifully but also her life put into beautiful poetry. Mariah felt real, and we could feel the pain of the lady behind the music while she sung to us mere mortals her life story. And we felt that through her we also had a voice, and her songs helped us through tough stuff. Now, as Marissa very well stated, we're in a state of confusion, not because we hate her, but because we don't know this person she's become anymore. I all for woman empowerment, I'll for women expressing their sexiness, Mariah has done that gracefully so many times before. Mariah would get a concert dubbed even when her vocals were great, but now she allows a blurry and weird picture of her to be posted on her Instagram, and that I don't understand. Where is the perfectionist that she used to be?
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 22:39)
Re: New Insta pics (66,240) (66,243) by Edward from USA
Marissa, that's exactly what I was thinking. Why regurgitate the same thing when she doesn't seem to care. Actually she seems to be enjoying it. A pic basically emulating an orgasm is going to translate in millions in album sales. I never thought Mariah would turn into what Madonna has been doing, it looks so desperate. I'm not giving out my opinion on the subject of her pictures either, at this point it is abso-f*cking-diculous. If she's pulling these stunts to generate ratings, she should at least get better quality pictures. But let me be a "true lamb" and say: "yas queen", you're slaying and snatching wings. I really can't wait for new music.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 4:01)
Re: New music (66,218) (66,227) by Edward from USA
Mimi L., I think Mariah has so many songs already recorded that she could release an EP just for the fans to keeps salivating for new music. Just like when she released "Help Me Make it", "100%" and "Almost Home". We need something, and we need it yesterday, lol. Most likely her collaboration on Empire is going to be the prelude to her actual single. A song doesn't have to be single material to be great.
(Tuesday 13 September 2016; 17:39)
Re: Wow some post here (66,202) (66,208) by Edward from USA
Darren, don't be surprised. What can you expect from somebody who's an active member of Westboro Baptist Church. YouTube it if you don't know about it, you'll see Sheila spreading her hate there.
(Tuesday 13 September 2016; 3:47)
Annabelle (66,177) (66,188) (66,207) by Edward from USA
Annabelle is an evil porcelain doll that first appeared in the movie "The Conjuring". She was so evil that she got her very own movie called "Annabelle". Rumor has it that the doll was a regular poster on this messageboard. She was around for a year or so, then during a Full Moon, some regular posters here got together and cast a spell chasing her away. Rumor has it she was vanished to a place called Dreamville or something like, I don't really know. She was supposed to have a baby with not beginning and without an end. Don't ask me, I don't know what that means.
(Tuesday 13 September 2016; 3:35)
You can't have it both ways (66,118) (66,122) by Edward from USA
Marissa, I agree with you 100%. In perfect world, Mariah could be showing her nipples topless and it would be perfectly OK, but we're far from being in that utopic land. I love sexy Mariah, always have. When I first saw the Honey video, I was in awe of her beauty. There's a difference between sexy and trashy, but some people conveniently don't want to see it when it comes to Mariah. She claims her Mary Poppinsness (lol) at every chance she gets, and always claims to be eternally 12, then she turns offering her boobs for the next available hungry eyes at every chance she gets, not in a sexy way, but in a trashy way. If she doesn't care about what people think and about selling records anymore, then she should continue giving boobs left and right, but then she'll have to deal with the consequences. She's too damn talented to resort to stunts. Nobody is asking the woman to be a nun or not to show skin, just do it gracefully and leave something to the imagination. As someone said, those men peeping at her boobs won't be the ones buying her records.
(Sunday 11 September 2016; 5:20)
Re: Marilyn Monroe (66,039) (66,047) by Edward from USA
Mariah Carey is a fan of Marilyn Monroe's, she's not Marilyn Monroe, and she won't ever be in her category when it comes to what Marylin brought to the table. Marylin Monroe never pushed sexy, she exuded sexiness. She was glamorous, never trashy. Mariah came out of the cocoon and turned into a sexy and beautiful Bufferfly, never trashy. Even in the video for Breakdown she looks damn sexy. During the Rainbow era she was still a young woman, I don't remember any picture of her flashing her boobs as if she wanted to feed anybody. But now Mariah is borderline trashy. If there were a list of the top ten glamorous ladies in the music business, I don't think Mariah would be on that list. At least not the "Mariah Carey of the day" as she called a diva of the moment on an Oprah show.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 22:08)
Gasping - lack of air mix (66,043) by Edward from USA
I first noticed Mariah gasping for air when she started promoting "Butterfly". It was a shock to me since she'd always had lungs of steel. I'm not expert to say that it has to do with her implants, but it has always boggled my mind as to what the cause could be. That's when her unmatched effortless fluidity went down the drain too. Sometimes when I listen to some of the songs I like from Ariana Grande, I feel nostalgic of those times when Mariah could still sing a line without the worry look in her face. Ariana doesn't have Mariah's range or enunciation but she has that buttery tone Mariah used to have. I was listening to Celine Dion's new song "Recovering" written by P!nk, and and even though her voice definitely has changed, I wish Mariah had retained as much control of her voice as Celine has.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 21:53)
Re: Bathtub moments (66,026) (66,028) by Edward from USA
What scares me the most about the pics in the tub is the look in her eyes, like something isn't quite right. And the fake smile again with her head to the side. These pics are very unflattering. How many times do we have to see Mariah lying down touching herself? Not only in pictures but in videos. Is there anything ever left to the imagination? If this is the way she thinks she's going for a memorable comeback, she'd better think twice. I would've expected this type of behavior back when she was younger in her 20's. She seems to be going through some sort of a midlife crisis. When you have a fan who's been riding with you for 25 years ready to get off the wagon the situation is critical.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 17:13)
Have you heard it? (65,945) by Edward from USA
I would die if Mariah covered "Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy. It's an originally song by Sting, but I love Eva's take on it better. So soulful.
(Tuesday 6 September 2016; 17:04)
Randy, right to dream (65,944) by Edward from USA
Andrew, shut up. Randy has a "right to dream". Randy, keep on posting. I relate to your frustrations, but I would suggest one thing to you: Just don't set your expectations too high or you'll keep getting disappointed. I made my peace with the fact that even if Mariah slept with all Packer's money worth of humidifiers for 12 hours a night, her voice from the 90's would still never come back. It's gone. I don't entertain the idea or fool myself anymore. I do expect great lyrics and consistent decent performances/songs. One thing that has definitely helped Mariah's voice to be consistent is practice, she's said it before and it is evident now with her Vegas gig. I wish we could go back to when you would discover an album on first play, when we would only know the first single, and Mariah would come out just to start promoting the release of new material. I remembered unwrapping the Butterfly album, only knowing about Honey and nothing else, and then discovering each track as they played on. "Bufferfly", "Close My Eyes" and "Outside" spoke to my heart.
(Tuesday 6 September 2016; 16:38)


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