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About Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway: Fan since 1997

Make It Happen live performances (108,147) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
My favorite live performance of Make it Happen, which is also my favorite live performance overall, I have watched it almost every day the past 25 years, it gives me chills every time, is from "Fantasy: Live at Madison Square Garden". It's my go to song for getting through life.
(Sunday 9 February 2025; 11:42)
this is a reply to message 108,146
What's left out in the conversation (108,059) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I agree. A friend of mine, who is a surgeon, said many years ago that her breast augmentation might have been the reason for her vocal decline between Daydream and Butterfly as well.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 13:42)
this is a reply to message 108,054
Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas To All (107,754) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I know at least one other Norwegian fan on this message board, hope there are more, but just wanted to say that "Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas To All" will be broadcasted on the national broadcaster her in Norway, Nrk, tomorrow, Friday, at 08.20pm local time. I think this is actually the first concert they broadcast since her Butterfly tour. They are announcing her as the first lady of Christmas, so that is nice, enjoy my fellow Norwegian lambs.
(Thursday 5 December 2024; 13:17)
Hot 100 (107,698) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Yes, that is very strange. New rule is that an old song has to chart 25 or higher on the Hot 100 to be included on the chart, so how Last Christmas can chart at 38, I have no idea.
(Friday 22 November 2024; 15:05)
this is a reply to message 107,692
New music? (107,664) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
No need to worry about AIWFCIY chart position, it is predicted to be number 10 on next week's Hot 100 chart
(Monday 18 November 2024; 12:25)
this is a reply to message 107,658
Christmas shows (107,634) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I agree with the people that feels she seems stiff, and I'm too surprised she uses prerecorded vocals so much, I thought her voice was in god condition, and the notes she actually sings live sounds good. It seems like she is affraid to go in higher register live these days. The constant looking at the monitors I really don't know why, she didn't do this until two years ago. As I have said before, I think she used Ozempic a year ago, and I came with a controversial theory that that medicine made her depressed, as is a common side effect to Ozempic. What Ozempic also can do, is causing temporarily dementia, I know it's far fetched, but maybe Mariah has a hard time remembering her own lyrics. Or it's just that her singing is so cut and paste these days it is to remember where she lip synchs and not.
(Tuesday 12 November 2024; 16:47)
Billboard's 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st century (107,559) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Billboard has counted down the 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st century over the last few months, and the top 5 will be revealed the next weeks. Mariah is not on the list yet, and she was not mentioned in their article about honorable mentions wich consisted of the 25 artists that didn't make the list. It's impossible to think that she isn't mentioned in that article if she is not considered as one of the 25 greatest, so, I think she will be in the top 5.

Billboard accompanies each reveal with a lenghty essay, and she might just be 5th in that list, so be sure to check out Billboard next week and the next five weeks.
(Wednesday 30 October 2024; 19:49)
AMA's (107,465) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Mariah looked stunning and the performance was good, the audience seemed to love her performance. It's so nice to se Mariah get a bit of resurgence besides her Christmas empire.
(Monday 7 October 2024; 13:47)
AMA's (107,422) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I just can't wait for this performance, and it's so nice of the AMA's to include her when they are celebrating their 50 years anniversary. Mariah, she's on fi'a.
(Friday 27 September 2024; 16:08)
China and Brazil (107,343) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
She seems very prepared and her voice seems to be in a good shape.
(Thursday 12 September 2024; 07:06)
this is a reply to message 107,340
China and Brazil (107,339) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I think the concerts in China and Brazil will be absolutely spectacular, seems like Mariah is on fire these days, although she has been through a lot. And Merry Christmas is already making its way throughout the world, this is what we have been waiting for guys, Mariah getting recognition for the icon she is
(Monday 9 September 2024; 18:29)
Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,258) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
My heart is broken, my thoughts go out to Mariah, I hope she has support from good friends.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 08:02)
this is a reply to message 107,253
Saved (107,214) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Thank you for such kind words, Mara.
(Thursday 15 August 2024; 15:58)
this is a reply to message 107,209
Live duet versions (107,206) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Me too.
(Tuesday 13 August 2024; 20:39)
this is a reply to message 107,202
Breaking news (107,205) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
AIWFCIY is projected to become the biggest song of the 2020's decade this Christmas.
(Tuesday 13 August 2024; 20:36)
Saved (107,198) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
This community must be one of the best communities in the world. I listened to all of you, and just woke from one of the best nights of my life. Thanks to Jamie who reached out to me personally, and to all the other lambs, thank you again

And Mariah, please never change, but you know that better than me, it's like a blessing from the skies, it's intense, and it's right. Your Christmas shows may be a bit early for me, but I hope to see you in 2025, maybe I'm just talking to myself, who knows, right?

Lambs, keep on posting, we saved ourselves tonight, and that feels juuuust right. Have a splendid Monday, going to start on medication today, who cares if I might gain 20 pounds, It will all be off before first of November.
(Monday 12 August 2024; 06:38)
Christmas shows (107,177) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I attended the Charmbracelet tour in London in 2003 right before Halloween, and this year I'm actually planning on going back and see her Christmas shows

I'm currently hospitalized for depression with previous suicidal thoughts for the second time since 2009. If it hadn't been for my mobile phone and YouTube and the existence of Mariah Carey, I wouldn't have survived. I have to thank Mariah again for saving my life, thank you Mariah.
(Saturday 10 August 2024; 19:38)
Mariah saved me (106,875) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I've listened to [Make it happen] live at Madison Square Garden for over 25 years, and recently had a 40 years [crisis] worse than I could ever imagine. If I had listened to that [song] for almost every day, I wouldn't have been [here] today, Mariah.
(Sunday 14 July 2024; 20:49)
Ace (106,851) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
It's just so funny how it can be news that Mariah aces on her own songs. But at lest we know she reads the New York Times.
(Tuesday 9 July 2024; 18:14)
She has been practicing lip synching (106,775) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I think what has happened the last couple of years, is that Mariah has had a very good lip synching coach. We all know Celine Dion is the master of lip synching, nobody accuses her of doing it, but we all know she has almost whole concerts with just lip synching.

Mariah is relaxing on stage now, doesn't try to pretend to sing live, just doing the emotions in her face without lifting an eyebrow, and it works, it actually looks like she is singing, it works brilliantly.

The playback is her real curent voice, but to not experience the fear of being caught out, she does that now, I sing it's soothing for her.

And, by the way, Mariah is being seen the heroine in this Jen**fer Lo**z downfall, and that might have something to do with new found respect Mariah is recieving in the world right now. Mariah called out the girl she doesn't know in a very classy way 25 years ago. Karma is a bi**h, isn't it?
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 00:10)
this is a reply to message 106,756
Heartbeaker harmonies (106,754) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
The new Heartbreaker harmonies video Mariah posted, is maybe the greatest post she has ever done.
(Thursday 20 June 2024; 07:29)
Nice article (106,609) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
This is a very nice article, and I think we all can agree to this. Mariah's music speaks to me the exact same way, and in some periods of my life, Mariah has been my best friend.
(Friday 7 June 2024; 11:57)
Article: Mariah surprises with her first career hit on one chart (106,608) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
This was a nice surprise.
(Friday 7 June 2024; 11:28)
Caution is probably better than TEOM (106,583) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Yes, you are explaining it very well, very nice to read your post.
(Sunday 2 June 2024; 18:09)
this is a reply to message 106,581
Caution is probably better than TEOM (106,577) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
How can you say this? [To the floor] is one of her best [danceable] songs, I don't think you are a BFF anymore.
(Saturday 1 June 2024; 17:53)
this is a reply to message 106,576


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