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Re: Clear up rumors (67,911) (67,916) by RibbonB from USA
I recall that she said the music since Tommy is the real music that she wanted to put out. Good on her for crafting great songs during both periods.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 17:44)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,911) (67,915) by RibbonB from USA
Or Tommy is the devil like MJ said and she just keeps switching devils when things go bad. She does have her issues that is for sure. She just timed the reality show devil poorly. So passe and beneath her, no pun intended.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 17:35)
Re: VH1 Divas (67,912) (67,914) by RibbonB from USA
I hope she sings well and makes a positive step onward.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 17:32)
Re: VH1 Divas (67,912) (67,913) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Excited to see who else will be on the show.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 17:32)
VH1 Divas (67,912) by Dennis from Underneath the Stars
Isn't it awesome? After so many years. I hope that she will sing few duets with other headliners.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 17:02)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,893) (67,911) by Lila from United States
Mariah's old team was paid to stop her from herself. This new team is paid to make sure she's right no matter what, at all costs. I was reading through some previous posts the other day. One poster posed the question/thought that outside of music/being a great singer does Mariah have any redeeming qualities and another poster or it could've been the same poster - I can't remember now but poster shout yourself out lol - talked about how Mariah has said constantly that who she is post Tommy is who she really is but how if Tommy had let that person be who the public saw, it's possible her career wouldn't have been successful in the 90's. Then there's the fact that none of these current antics could be carried out without Mariah's permission. Together it all makes me think, clearing any rose colored tint, that maybe it has to be admitted that the real woman, underneath the accolades and diva, is in actuality childish and doesn't think things through, and now that she doesn't have a team of professionals to put her in check, and instead a partner in crime who acts like a 5-year-old with no manners, it's being revealed.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:55)
Re: Moral of the story (67,908) (67,910) by RibbonB from USA
I hope the "big and bad" is not breakdown.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:35)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,902) (67,909) by RibbonB from USA
She was very stubborn then about not wanting to live in LA during her marriage, which was a point of contention I think. I guess money talks, but makes her look bad. But then, she couldn't move Stellar and all her crew into her NYC home. I bet Stella is a big reason for the move and her desire to remain in LA. She and Nick have joint custody, but she doesn't seem too concerned about that, because she keeps them out of the country on tour or on vacation. Hopefully that will change now that the divorce is final. I hope we don't see anymore videos of them playing school with Stella's daughter in hotel rooms.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:25)
Re: Moral of the story (67,884) (67,908) by Lila from United States
So true. I think, when a breakup occurs, there's fault on both sides but I also don't think Mariah compromises as much as she may think she does. I think she loved Nick but I also think she expected him to be stuck to her like glue. It does put a very big strain on the relationship when one person is asking for the impossible. That's why, unless something big and bad happens, I doubt we're going to be seeing the end of Stella for quite some time. She can do what Nick, previous boyfriends, and even friends cannot do, which is: be with Mariah 24/7 (or damn near). Stella is not a good manager but she devotes all of her time to being with Mariah, makes her feel like the world revolves around her, and the party will never end. It's kind of the same with Tanka.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:15)
Re: Mariah wearing a hat (67,861) (67,907) by B from USA
The Breakdown video was huge in the US. It was always in heavy rotation on MTV Jams.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:14)
Re: Re: Clear up rumors (67,889) (67,899) (67,906) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
She was staying at a rental property in Calabasas all this time. It was said they are renting it together. Her previous home in LA was sold right after she broke up with Nick.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:09)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,827) (67,904) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Wow this is simply sublime. AYNAF is one of my Fave MC songs ever. Thanks for sharing Martyn. There is such passion and conviction in this song. I just like be her vocals.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:01)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,893) (67,903) by RibbonB from USA
Lol the intended date was last March, 2016, apparently James gave her a "pre-knock" to sign, if you can believe those rumors too.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:01)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,883) (67,902) by Lila from United States
Besides the fact that she didn't look remotely attracted to James, I think this also shows that she did not want to marry or commit to him, regardless. If they were just going to have a symbolic ceremony, then Nick's supposed holding up of the divorce process wouldn't have mattered. It seems Mariah played a game and winded up playing herself. James was not going to promise to take care of a puppy together with her, without her signing this alleged prenup and it was only going to be a symbolic ceremony, anyway. So what was the problem? I still can't get over the fact that she moved to LA, full-time, for this man but she and Nick were married for 5, going on 6, years and she was very resistant to spending a great deal of time there, let alone moving indefinitely. I really don't get Mariah's logic.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 16:00)
Re: Miss you much at ... in carpool? (67,898) (67,901) by Licia from USA
I doubt it, but it would be nice surprise to hear it.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 15:53)
Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,888) (67,900) by TJ from Norway
Thank you for letting me do that.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 15:40)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,889) (67,899) by B from USA
She still owns her penthouse in NY and she also still owns a home in LA which debunks this rumor. She didn't relocate for him, she was either staying at her estate in LA or renting one.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 15:30)
Miss you much at ... in carpool? (67,898) by Ty from USA
What if Mariah finally sings "Miss you most at Christmas time"?
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 13:50)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey enjoys intimate dinner with backup dancer (67,896) (67,897) by Malcolm from Asia
I'll just wait for this mess to be over. Literally I'm feeling turned off by how Mariah is aprroving all of this like this is the same woman who are always imposing to everyone that she is just a musician all through out and will not depend on gimmicks. This is just beyond, it's f*cked up.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 13:42)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey enjoys intimate dinner with backup dancer (67,892) (67,896) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I've always admirered Mariah for being private and professional. I looked up to her almost my whole life, but does any of you know what went wrong? I hate the fact that she is now compared to Kardashians and to all the fake people in show business. I hear Mary Blidge in my mind saying: You're Mariah Carey remember? I wish she would remember and stop this weird circus. The image is ruining her talent and legendary music she made since 1990. Sorry lambs I don't want to be that negative and I have hope for a "happy end" or better era but at the moment the press and all the stuff around her makes me sad. The song "Do you know where you're going to" is saying what I ask myself.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 12:17)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,893) (67,895) by Licia from USA
Lol. On a scale of 1-10 I'll be a 20. That's why I'm not going to even watch. Lol.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 12:04)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,893) (67,894) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
"What will you do if at the end of Mariah's World, they show that James and Mariah actually got married on the date they intended (Mariah 1st) in Bora Bora." So in honour of Mariah, they renamed the month of March after Mariah? What a great idea.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 11:55)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,889) (67,893) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Licia, I want to know, what will you do if at the end of Mariah's World, they show that James and Mariah actually got married on the date they intended (Mariah 1st) in Bora Bora. And that all these stories were untrue. Haha infact I want a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 on how pissed you would be because I'd right about lose my darn mind. They are trying to build something up with all these crazy stunts. Surely right? Right? *super confused look* I mean why else would they do all these? And why would her team let her do these? I mean she does pay them to keep her image in check right? So if she goes crazy and pulls crazy antics, her team is paid to stop her right? Remember the infamous video of Mariah going off tangent on that interview during "Glitter" era and Cindy snatching the mic? Haha man I'm so confused right now.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 11:26)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey enjoys intimate dinner with backup dancer (67,891) (67,892) by RibbonB from USA
She seems to be on auto-pilot to sillyville. But I'm sure Stella and crew are rolling tape to get all of this for the reality show. Lol. I read someone's comments on TMZ, that "she is only half way through a ten story package", so they must have them lined up from now until the show airs. Please keep me informed of how the show does because I can't actually watch it. Give me a heads up if Roc and Roe will be on the show, I might check in for that. I hope she is OK.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 11:22)
Article: Mariah Carey enjoys intimate dinner with backup dancer (67,891) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
What is with this going out with Tanaka every darn night and calling the paparazzi? Even Kim K keeps it more low profile than this. Seriously if she really wants people to believe she is dating this dude, she'll need to down play it a little more because now it's starting to look really fake. I'm expecting staged "Caught kissing in the back booth" pictures right about any time now. This is beyond ridiculous. What has gotten into Mariah?
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 10:47)


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