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B / the quality (54,564) by Marcus from Brazil
B, I do agree with you. Mariah needs to come back with a banger, there shouldn't be an iota of doubt in her crew that such single wouldn't do well on the charts. And somebody has to tell it like it is. Had Mariah asked me if "Infinity" had any potential, I would've told her it was a mess, plain and simple, the song is all over the place talking about a break up and then jumping to something else. Reading Damizza's chapter on Mariah, when he wouldn't play "Breakdown" and Mariah kind of confronted him, he said it wasn't working out for the format at his station, that he was playing "The Roof" instead. Mariah told him: "At least you're being honest", and they were very good friends because he was real with her, at least back then. The fact that Mariah approved what he wrote is an indicator that he was telling the truth. Mariah doesn't need enablers at this critical point in her career, she needs honesty. I'm pretty sure she would appreciate it.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 6:20)
Infinity (54,563) by Lee TS from USA
I wonder how long she is going to keep singing the song. Mariah has a tendency to ignore songs that doesn't do well. YME, TAOLG, the whole Glitter album just to name a few. For what it's worth I still like the song. It would've been nice if Infinity brought Mariah back on top for the noatalgia and to cash in on new receipts. Just a hopeful dream.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 5:55)
B / no break (54,562) by Lee TS from USA
Yes you keep mentioning Mariah being relevant enough to score another hit etc. but to me, you're putting your own spin on it. #Beautiful was 2 years ago, long gone and forgotten and it didn't make that much of an impact. I don't think most people remember that song whereas Blurred Lines reign supreme that summer. Sales are definitely down and music isn't selling the way it used to, but even in this climate Mariah's sales are terrible. Artists may not be crossing the million mark as easily but they're still selling way above and beyond Mariah's numbers. I don't know where you get Infinity is doing ok, if selling 30k (i don't know, rough estimate) with 2.7 million views and never heard on radio is ok then I guess. So if Mariah keeps pushing to release new music then maybe she should just do free mixtapes for the lambs. I mean, we just want new music right because nobody is buying it. 45, 46, 47, 48 - same difference she's already faced ageism and considered old. We can look to Madonna to continue trailblaze if she can achieve great mainstream success. Ageism doesn't only affect female singers, look at Usher.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 4:21)
Reality check (54,561) by Special K from USA
Mariah doesn't need to take a break, she needs a reality check and accept some truths about herself. 1. Mariah ain't hot. I mean she's alright but she ain't as hot as these younger artists. 2. Mariah is old. Not saying grandma status but she's older. The 90 's are long gone honey. Mariah has got to reconnect with those fans that grew up with her. You know, us old folks that are over 30. Here in the US Mariah should be ruling Adult Contemporary/R&B stations that play no hip-hop. She should be the Queen Bee on that format. R. Kelly, Faith Evans, even freakin Charlie Wilson get their songs played in heavy rotation. You don't see them selling less than 200,000 copies of their albums because those fans who grew up with them are still supporting them. Hell Barbra Streisand can drop an album tomorrow and her junk will go straight to the top. Also these wack ass videos have got to stop. Mariah's videos should be epic and mind blowing. To me, Mariah doesn't present herself as the legendary artist that she is. Like JD said Mariah should be on a whole other level. It's crazy to see her perform live on an awards show then someone like Kelly Clarkson performs after her and straight blows her out of the water. Mariah needs to get it together and have a bigger, epic vision when it comes to the career choices that she makes.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 4:07)
First time hearing Mariah (54,560) by Darryle from USA
The first time I heard Mariah was during TEOM era. I was 5 years old and I was at my grandma's house watching tv and the We Belong Together video played. I remember my mom walking in and saying I couldn't watch it because the shower scene was raunchy for someone of my age. Of course like most kids when someone tells you can't do something you want to do it even more. So I went home and watched the video behind her back. I've been in love with that song and Mariah ever since.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 4:00)
To break or not to break (54,559) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
I definitely see the point of fans who are suggesting that she needs to take a break. I mean, really, even at her lowest career-wise, Mariah was never out of the public's consciousness. Even during what most would consider hiatuses, she never really leaves, and the best and worst part of that is it's not by choice. No matter how determined she may try to keep a low profile, it doesn't help that she is Mariah-freaking-Carey, or that every December her mega-hit holiday tune never fails to bring her back to the charts and the global airwaves. If you really think about it, Mariah-reign will just never let up. This leaves no chance for people to actually miss her. The downside of always being relevant is that people will eventually get tired of you. Look at J.Lo. She has been everywhere pretty much since her stint in Idol, and yet she can't sell her music or her films like she used to over a decade ago. So in a way, even if technically Mariah is never on break, then I can see the possible benefits of her at least taking a break from new material. But then again, in such an ageist industry, I can also see the benefits of striking while the iron is hot (or at least, warm). Plus, as fans, we will constantly craving for new Mimi material. So if I'm really torn, I can't imagine how hard it is for Mariah, who clearly wants to go her own way yet still needs to listen to the powers that be.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 3:59)
Mimi L, YouTube views questions (54,558) by Matty from Vancouver Canada
Thanks for sharing the YouTube views info. Amazing. Do you have the rankings and view-totals of all "big 5" female performers/ singers/entertainers?
(Friday 12 June 2015; 3:17)
The first time I heard Mariah (54,557) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Was on the radio. They played VOL and LTT close together, might have even been back to back and I just felt this deep connection to her that I can't really explain. I was 12 and I begged my babysitter at the time to take me to a music store. Lol. We bought the debut album on cassette tape. I began collecting her music and the rest is history as they say. I'll never forget the first time I heard Selena either. I'm obsessed with music in general and love many different artists, but in terms of singers/musicians of all time? MC (still performing) and Selena (no longer performing).
(Friday 12 June 2015; 2:34)
PR (54,556) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
I think Mariah's PR team is doing a fantastic job. They are slowly toning down her image without trying to make a sudden drastic change. A drastic change would make people roll their eyes and be like "she's trying to hard". Mariah actually has a very amazing personality but she hides it beneath layers of diva act and while we as fans know that the diva act is just a wall she put up, GP don't understand that and the PR team has done an amazing job of making Mariah more accessible. Credit should also be given to Mariah who is holding herself exceptionally well amidst the storm she is going through. I agree with Stacey about the boobs out thing. I think Mariah always looks a lot better when the boobs are a little bit more covered. Like her Paris ensembles have her boobs mostly covered, one can still see the start of the cleavage area and that suits her more than the really low cut necklines. Bring on more of the casuals though Mariah only you can look so glamorous in them casuals.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 2:25)
Relevancy of Carey / B (54,554) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Mariah is still very relevant and B I couldn't agree more with you. I mentioned in one of my posts way back when that the problem in Mariah's case is that she already has 18 #1's so anything less than a #1 (or at the very least a top 10) from Mariah is dubbed a flop. I mean #Beautiful went to #15 which for any other would be called huge but people almost don't mention #Beautiful. The Hot 100 is just that, the hottest tracks so far and many of Mariah's singles which flopped did crack the Hot 100, which for others would be considered somewhat a success, but for Mariah the standards are held unfairly high. I say unfairly because in today's music industry even current artists are struggling to sell a lot and yet they expect Mariah (who in other cases they dubbed a "has been") to sell more. A lot of her recent singles entered the Hot 100 with almost no promotion. The fact that she can still crack top 20 with little promotion speaks volume. It would have gone higher. People think MC can't make a successful comeback, but I think they are wrong. With the right song, right plan and right promo, only Mariah (from her contemporaries) has the capability to make an impressive comeback and even score a #1 if not more. Now we can't expect TEOM level because that was a different time, but comparatively (adjusting for inflation and crap) she can still make a huge comeback, but she needs to get everything in line. Her voice is improving with each performance, I never doubt her writing capability, now the only problem is release/promo strategies because that's where most of her singles recently flopped. If she can get these right no one can stop Mariah from claiming back her throne.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 2:14)
Mimi (54,553) by B from USA
Mariah may not be topping the Billboard Hot 100 at the moment but she's still very relevant and that is what I keep saying. Yes, her album sales are down but so are everyone else's as well. Infinity did better than some of [...] latest little efforts but MC is made out to be an irrelevant has been because like everyone else in the industry she's having a hard time connecting with the few tweens that actually purchase music that is easily obtained for free. Mariah is the rare breed of talent that transcends age race and gender and she's still got a huge fan base she just has to wow us to get us motivated.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 1:15)
B (54,552) by Licia from USA
Mostly all of my cassettes are gone. When I was able to buy my own music I bought every album or single on cd. I really needed to replace her first album because I played it so much it got stuck in the radio and I had to use scotch tape to put it back together. It still played pretty good. It just skipped in the one part where the tape was. My mom refused to buy me another so I did what I had to do to get my Mariah fix. Lol.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 1:14)
Next album (54,551) by Billy from England, UK
Mariah needs to spread her wings and venture out to new producers and sounds, find new people to work with like she with did Miguel, #Beautiful was so refreshing.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 0:53)
Taking a break or not (54,550) by Malcolm from Asia
I said in my previous posts that Mariah must take a break but as I read some post regarding of her not taking a break at this moment of her career, I think it is right but their is still a part of me saying that she can take a break to make a comeback on charts. But let's take Janet Jackson as a sample for that, we all know the public is missing Janet and even Billboard wrote an article for her to make a comeback but is it enough for her to top the charts when it comes the time she release an album? Well, we'll see and if it is successful I think it's time for Mariah to do it too. But as what I have seen on Rihanna taking a long break and comeback this year, I think it's not working at all. Only her first recent single is charted on top 5 (but Rihanna is known for making hit singles so it's expected to top the charts). Her second single only charts on top 20 and the recent one is a flop. If Mariah chooses on not taking a break, she and her team must fix her image first and if she not want to be misunderstood, address the things that letting the public to misunderstand her. Stop on pin-pointing of having 18 #1s and let the media mention it, lessen the diva attitude, stop using whistles on every song and use it if it is a must, stop using "Butterfly" as an outro on performances because it is becoming corny as the time goes by and most importantly, work on new producers and make some new beats. In other words, stop the old traditions and make a new one.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 0:47)
First time hearing Mariah (54,549) by Luke from United Kingdom
It was when I was about 8 and my sister bought Music Box. I always remember the upbeat songs from that album because she always used to play them. She also used to listen to it on her Sony Walkman CD player paired with her dodgy foam headphones lol. So I used to pinch that when she'd go out and spin around my room listening to it. I almost felt like I was floating while listening to her voice. Especially when I'd listen to Dreamlover.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 0:46)
First time I really heard Mariah (54,548) by NHYTG from nyc
I remember that moment very well: I was driving my car with the radio on. Suddenly I was captured by a song that was being played and it totally blew me away. It appeared to be Mariah Carey's Someday. I already knew her name and I had heard Vision Of Love and Love Takes Time but I never really paid that much attention to "the new Whitney Houston" because at the time I was a huge fan of Whitney herself. Still love Whitney very much but that day Mariah became my absolute favourite singer and she still is today.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 23:17)
Favorite Mariah moments (54,547) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I think my favourite sound/style was probably during her Mariah Carey-Fantasy moment. I loved the style, because it was something anyone could wear. It wasn't in a bling dress, and that sound was amazing. Fun and refreshing.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 23:15)
YouTube views (54,546) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
I got this post on another Mariah board and I thought to share it here. This is really huge and the statistics are from September 2014 onwards. Mariah gives us one reason after another to be proud of her. Slay. According to YouTube Insights, Mariah videos (official and fan upload) have amassed a whopping 678,435,579 views since September 2014. Her top countries in terms of views.
1 - United States - 114,603,023 total views
2 - Brazil - 61,603,482 total views
3 - Philippines - 47,893,449 total views
4 - United Kingdom - 34,725,223 total views
5 - Mexico - 17,588,399 total views
6 - Italy - 17,171,873 total views
7 - France - 16,961,443 total views
8 - Japan - 16,771,600 total views
Of the "big 5" female artists, Mariah is ranked #2. Astronomical number of views.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 23:12)
MC's style in Paris, opinions (54,545) by Stacey from USA
MC style in Paris has been amazing. It just proves she doesn't have to let the "girls" hang out all the time to look sexy. That blue dress was just gorgeous. I honestly would love some more looks of her covering up. I know, there will always be some who say dress the way you want. But, it's always bugged me how her style choices tend to overshadow the amazing talent she possesses. Anyways, whoever is helping her pick her clothes, hire that person like full now time, lol. Let me just say this: namecalling of any nature has no place here. So just stop it. Last time I checked you could only find goats on a farm not a messageboard. Peace.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 22:28)
First time hearing Mariah (54,544) by Bill from the UK
Great topic. I was 10, my brother was watching the MTV Countdown, and it was the school holidays. I walked into the room in my bare feet, ice lolly in hand (and one to give my brother), and stopped in my tracks as I saw Mariah lying in a field singing Dreamlover. I was mesmerised. I saw the cassette single in a local record shop, but didn't have the money to buy it, and I remember when Hero came out, I had the money, but the local record shop never had it in stock because he couldn't order them in fast enough. When Without You entered the charts here at #1, my parents took me into the main town so I could buy the cassette single. I remember adoring the sepia cover and loving Never Forget You just as much as Without You. That cassette was my first Mariah purchase ever and it holds pride of place in my collection to this day.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 22:26)
No breaks please (54,543) by Xavier Peoples from United States
I agree with everyone who says that Mariah shouldn't take any breaks. People's attention spans are getting worse and worse and if one stays out of the limelight for too long they will be forgotten about. I know some of you think that it was good for Janet to take all those years off because her fans are now looking forwarding to new music from her, but I don't think this will help Janet's new album do any better than her last few albums. A lot of younger people probably don't even know who Janet is. The older Mariah gets the more she will experience ageism so I think she needs to work as much as she can now (unless she has something better to do of course).
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 22:13)
Mariah's musical direction (54,542) by Xavier Peoples from United States
Am I the only one who thought that MIAM was maybe a little too mature sounding? I feel like every song on there with maybe the exception of YM(E) has an old school feel to it. Even "Thirsty", which tries to be contemporary, sounds very dated. I know people think some of her songs like Infinity might be too immature for her, but I think I might disagree. Just because MC is getting up there in age doesn't mean she has to start doing a bunch of old school music. After all, Mariah started out from the 90's. Not the 60's and 70's. As much as I love songs like #Beautiful, I really wish she would release some bangers. I was telling my sister that I wish Mariah would have harder more innovative beats on her next album. I think most of the beats on MIAM are kinda weak. Like, Dedicated is by far my fav song from that album but I feel like the beat of that song is so weak. I actually really like Infinity, and I hope that that song is an indicator of the direction that her new music will go in.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 22:04)
Next album (54,541) by Giovanni from USA
Mariah definitely needs to bring it with the next album. She needs to record good quality music. She should find herself and reinvent her sound. Work with some great producers and put together a great album.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 21:28)
First time hearing Mariah and being a lamb (54,539) by ktktkt from Philippines
I've been hearing Mariah Carey since 1993 when Hero was popular but I'm not really paying attention to her that much. In 1995-1996, OSD was very popular, overplayed in the Phillippines not I did not understand that it's a song for someone who passed away. I liked [...] more especially the "do wo woop" intro. I only really got hooked to her when I heard Emotions and O Holy Night on the radio. The whistles in Emotions intrigued me the most and the high belting in [...]. I believe that was 1998-1999 when I heard that from the radio but I don't have a computer to search or any Mariah Carey casette tapes or CDs back then. When I first used a computer in 2001, I've searched the songs and the album. Luckily, one of my classmates let me borrow her cassette (Daydream) and the rest is history. I still have her cassette with me.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 19:54)
No to breaks (54,538) by ktktkt from Philippines
She needs to be everywhere as it will help more people and potential new lambs to recognize and support her new music (if ever). She needs to be more visible as much as possible. Could have been 30 #1's if she didn't take a break after TEOM era. (Though TMB went to number 1, it's because of the popularity of TEOM.)
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 19:25)


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