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Walter Ari Babs 2026 (108,179) by Edward from USA
Mariah should definitely take at least 15 years to release her next album, perfection takes time, after all. In fact, why stop at singing? She could just speak the lyrics to us, and we'd have to imagine the melodies ourselves. So artistic, so emotional, so innovative. A true game changer. I can't wait for 2034. Her voice will be so rested.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 17:41)
this is a reply to message 108,175
Frustrated lamb (108,178) by BFF from United States
I think the main problem for Mariah in relationships is that (other than Luis Miguel and Derek Jeter) she tends to date men who are less famous than her and who end up playing a role of "fan" rather than equal partner. Luis Miguel was a superstar in Latin Music, and Derek Jeter's baseball career made him a star.

With Nick and Bryan, it sometimes felt like they "worshipped" her rather than seeing her as a human being. That probably feels good for a while, but at a certain point, it probably becomes stifling for both parties involved. I'm not sure what her relationship with Mark Sudack was like because that was kept really private. But I'm sure Mariah herself is very afraid of getting into another situation like the one she had with Tommy Mottolla, so I can understand the temptation to want to be positioned as an "alpha" in the relationship. I really feel for Mariah in this regard. I'm sure it's very hard to trust people and let her guard down.

Hopefully Mariah can get back to a place where she feels inspired again. It's really hard to watch years pass and see nothing other than Vegas residencies and Christmas tours. Things really just seemed to go very wrong around 2013/14 when she couldn't get "The Art of Letting Go" out the door in its original iteration.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 16:01)
this is a reply to message 108,177
Frustrated lamb (108,177) by MusicfanJ from Germany
No, you're not the only one. I noticed it as well. I completely see it like you've written. Since the separation of Tanaka, the spark has gone. He was good for her happiness. It's so sad that it didn't last. I also believe Mariah needs a partner who is really there for her. Being alone is never easy, but for Mariah it seems to be a even harder and not right. Remember when she was with Luis Miguel, if you watch all the old interviews during that time Mariah was shining like the brightest star. Her eyes and smile were telling everything. With Nick at the beginning it was almost the same. With Brian Tanaka she seemed to get her inner glow back again. Of course we don't know what's really going on. But even Brian doesn't look the same on the latest pics. I don't believe that he was only loving the lifestyle and money. Anyway, I want that happy Mariah back. I don't need another number one, I just want to see her truly happy.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 14:22)
this is a reply to message 108,168
Lead The Way (108,176) by MusicfanJ from Germany
What a heartfelt comment. It was really nice to read. I still love the Glitter ballads too. Wonderful lyrics, wonderful melodies. The 80ies up-tempos are also so good and underrated. Lately I enjoy the original Firecracker version more and more. And "Out here on my own" from that era is outstanding. It somehow "hits different" these days while listening. But back to your post "Lead the way" is one of her best ballads from her unbelievable music catalogue.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 13:46)
this is a reply to message 108,166
Walter Ari Babs 2026 (108,175) by T from USA
In the article about the new song there is no mention that the song that MC did with Barbra and Ariana is produced by Walter Afanasieff. Instead it just says the project (meaning the album) is produced by Walter and two other producers. For all we know the song that MC is on is produced by Linda Ronstadt or Peter Asher. Also I heard from my friend who works with people who work with Mariah that there is no new album scheduled for this year at all. Apparently the earliest a new studio album would be ready by is late 2026 or early 2027. My prediction is actually it will be ten years since her last one before we hear a complete studio album. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it's important to give her space and it's better that she gets it just right because in all probability it very well will be her last.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 13:33)
Frustrated lamb (108,174) by Zachariah from Croatia
It could be that. Just remember when you are in love and have that partner beside you - you think like you can conquer the world and overcome any obstacle. She is missing love, support and that certain other.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 12:29)
this is a reply to message 108,168
MC doing the Superbowl (108,173) by Zachariah from Croatia
Oh thank God that somebody said it. I was thinking am I the only one who was shocked by the lame halftime show, with constant bad lighting, words I didn't understand and this beef with Drake - I don't know nothing about that so I didn't get it.

They say that his performance was layered and it has a message but I guess I missed it.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 12:26)
this is a reply to message 108,171
MC doing the Superbowl (108,172) by BFF from United States
People really seemed to have strong opinions about Kendrick Lamar's performance. I didn't watch the Super Bowl at all and have no plans to watch the performance. As Mariah would say in her best Austin Powers imitation, "It's not my bag, baby."

It's hard for me to get behind much rap music, specifically male artists. Too much of it is about excessive displays of masculinity and showing how hard one can be. There's no softness or vulnerability save for maybe a few artists. Common, Q-Tip, Andre 3000, etc are a few that come to mind as exceptions.

Mariah has done a good job of getting her rap collaborators to complement her sound, and her incorporation of hip-hop has been largely tasteful and done well.

But I don't usually listen to the solo stuff from Jay-Z, Busta Rhymes, Snoop Dogg, etc unless it has a decent hook from a good featured singer (i.e. "Run this Town", "Empire State of Mind").
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 12:23)
this is a reply to message 108,171
MC doing the Superbowl (108,171) by Robert-Anthony from United States
After that lame performance from Kenderick Lamar, there will never be another rapper who will get the chance to do the Superbowl half-time show. His performance was horrible. It was something you would see Pepsi sponsor at a summer concert series. I agree with Randy. MC would have more engaging that what Kenderick Lamar gave us for 13 minutes. I am so sick of his beef with Drake. Lady Gaga or Beyonce will be the Superbowl half-time performer in 2026.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 10:49)
this is a reply to message 108,156
MC doing the Superbowl (108,170) by Robert-Anthony from United States
2005 MC would have nailed it. I am hoping MC will shine again with her music, on the stage, and multiple Grammy wins. It may not be 2025, but next year possibly.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 10:37)
this is a reply to message 108,167
Lead The Way (108,169) by Zachariah from Croatia
I love that song. Glitter is a masterpiece. My second favorite album after Butterfly.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 08:48)
this is a reply to message 108,166
Frustrated lamb (108,168) by Shezz from Pk
There had been a steady decline in her stage presence and her effort and enthusiasm in the last 10 years but I can't be the only one who noticed the sudden steep dip right after Tanaka left. Whatever their relationship was, she seemed happy and had that spark in her eyes every time he'd be on the stage with her. He kept her excited and happy in life and on the stage and he was the one if I remember correctly who directed the With You AMAs performance. He was her partner in life and on the stage and he made her happy. It was the same spark she had in her early years with Nick. Mariah I think is the type who needs stability and a partner to be excited about other things in her life and there's nothing wrong with it. It's one thing to get over such a relationship in your 20s and a whole other in your 50s. I hope she finds her happiness and her way again.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 06:36)
this is a reply to message 108,162
MC doing the Superbowl (108,167) by Randy from USA
Edward I dunno. I think the music is what the audience will respond to. That set list is killer. Put Mariah on a pedestal and let the set, dancers, lasers, pyrotechnics do the work. Again let me remind you. Emotions, Dreamlover, Fantasy, Always Be My Baby, Honey, Heartbreaker, It's Like That, Touch My Body and Obsessed. That's crazy and then to end it with Hero, We Belong Together. It's got massive sing along appeal. Sure we're tired of those songs but the general public would love it. And I think this would help undo some of the thaw her out November 1 mentality.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 03:38)
this is a reply to message 108,160
Lead The Way (108,166) by BFF from United States
"I'd given up hope
Losing the faith that love
Could be mine to treasure..."

I've had this song on repeat the last couple of days. It's the perfect song for when someone unexpectedly comes into your life. You had thought about giving up and worried that you'd end up alone, but you can feel the winds shifting. That's the vibe I'm on right now.

Thank you, under-appreciated ballads of the "Glitter" era.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 00:58)
Frustrated lamb (108,165) by Brandon from USA
MC has a lot of people on payroll. They unfortunately have to keep her booked in order to get paid even though she does not seem to be into these shows. I hope after this leg she takes some time away and focuses on her mental wellbeing.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 21:32)
this is a reply to message 108,159
Daydream 30 (108,164) by TJ from Norway
I support that one. If you could include the unheard version of All In Your Mind on the third cd I would just be the happiest fan ever.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 21:08)
this is a reply to message 108,158
Rainbow 25th anniversary was a great release (108,163) by jaker20 from US
It has a lot of new gems in it. The extended Rainbow's End is one of the best remixes of last year, and I think it will slowly be a classic. If only Mariah put the same effort on Daydream, TEOM, MC OG this year.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 18:09)
Frustrated lamb (108,162) by jaker20 from US
That's how her career is right now: like she doesn't know what's going on or she doesn't care. When she performed With You a couple of years ago, it was at least a production. She times the chorus of the songs with the movement of the feathers, she walks where the dancer are in focus, etc etc. It was not dance choreo, but there was some production there and she's involved.

Now she just walks out and let the dancers do their thing. To me that's a sign that she's not involved anymore. The production and dancers are do their thing and she's given some cues while she's maybe watching TV somewhere or baking.

The lack of effort is reflection of her career right now. No effort, no releases. And from what we've seen, even walking is a huge effort for her. So maybe not even a phone call to collaborators because that's time consuming for her to dial the phone. Just none.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 18:04)
this is a reply to message 108,151
Frustrated lamb (108,161) by jaker20 from US
Well in fairness, it's not like Trey himself is in the same level as when I'll Be There was released. Mariah's circle of collaborators is so small and the same people from 30 years ago and they're all in it together.

And that's a downside of it. Because that also means she's not working with new talents, and getting inspired, she's not creating anymore. And her constantly hopping on to Vegas with no new material makes it worse.

She have the holiday season where she's basically doing the same thing over and over. She got the Queen of Christmas label, which she does nothing about. If that's another artist, they would grab it and release a new Christmas album every year, or release a music video of an old Christmas song, or release a new collab every year, and she can't even do any of that.

She's not even doing any new "act" or productions. Remember Bette Midler's shows? It's a show, there's an act each time she's on stage. Either getting into a basic choreo, or character, or creating a world of make believe on stage.

Some artists collaborate when they're blocked, or they remix some of their old songs, they reinvent their materials. Cher turned into a club goddess late in her career and it became her biggest hit.

Mariah meanwhile, she is not writing, she's not making new songs, she's not collaborating, she doesn't get into her show's act. She just walks out on stage and does her same old same old. Nothing new. She's just going through the motions right now.

She actually looks completely bored. I would be too if I'm doing the same tired thing over and over for the last 30 years. It's all about waiting for December and see how the Billboard charts will look for her, nothing else.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 17:53)
this is a reply to message 108,159
MC doing the Superbowl (108,160) by Edward from USA
Randy, with your setlist, I think Mariah from '94 to 2012 would've absolutely crushed a Super Bowl halftime show. Back then, she could at least move around and command the stage with confidence. But these days, I just don't see her keeping up with the fast pace of a show like that. Everything happens so quickly, and I feel like she'd just end up standing there, kind of frozen, like a deer in headlights. Plus, whatever meds she's on seem to have a dazing effect on her. That time has passed.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 16:16)
this is a reply to message 108,156
Frustrated lamb (108,159) by Jamie from UK
Problem with these stars are that all those around them are on the payroll and don't care as long as they are getting paid. I saw one clip of I'll Be There with Trey, his face was a picture trying to look unaffected by Mariah's lackluster vocals. You'd think he would be able to say something as they go so far back. But I guess he also doesn't want to upset the cash flow.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 09:38)
this is a reply to message 108,151
Daydream 30 (108,158) by Stacey from USA
I am trying not to get my hopes up for this anniversary, lol. I hope she does something similar to MB 30 3CD release. Release the normal album on CD 1. CD 2 should be Someone's Ugly Daughter, then CD 3 should be full of released and unreleased songs from extra sessions, etc.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 04:07)
this is a reply to message 108,153
Frustrated lamb (108,157) by Shezz from Pk
Supposedly (according to internet insiders) after the Vegas residency she and her team are solely going to focus on her music projects and biopic for the rest of the year with no more tours (hopefully). I hope whoever makes her do these concerts will relax a bit now. I think the iheart radio performance in march will be fine like her last BET performance.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 03:41)
this is a reply to message 108,151
MC doing the Superbowl (108,156) by Randy from USA
Ok. After Kendrick Lamar we need to revisit MC doing the Superbowl. I'm not a Kendrick Lamar fan (not my generation) so I was bored but this proves now MC could really do the halftime show. She can lipsync her way through it, look gorgeous and do her sway to Emotions, Dreamlover, Fantasy, Always Be My Baby, Honey, Heartbreaker, It's Like That, Touch My Body and Obsessed with sick dancers and of course a thousand costume changes. And if she had to do slow songs she could do Hero, We Belong Together to close out. Tell me MC wouldn't have all of America rocking to that playlist. I got excited writing it. But as a fan my secret wish playlist would be Someday, Fantasy, Always Me My Baby, Honey, The Roof, Breakdown, Heartbreaker, Loverboy, Side Effects, You Don't Know What To Do and GTFO - close out with Anytime You Need A Friend, Right to Dream, Languishing and Never Forget You. Her catalogue is sick.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 03:02)
Make It Happen live performances (108,155) by Robert-Anthony from United States
Are you referring to the Chambracelet album release day performance?
(Monday 10 February 2025; 02:31)
this is a reply to message 108,152


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