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Re: Defamation (97,620) (97,621) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
You'd be right if you were specifying that my law degree is in English and Welsh Law. But the United States Law is common law and I did read some of it. In any case defamation is a pretty simple concept: a false and/or malicious statement designed to bring damage to someone's reputation through either written or verbal communication (thus, libel or slander). Having read Law for many years, I am pretty careful with what I write.

I am interested to hear which part of defamation as pertaining to the United States I do not understand. I do treat most people as persons who have something to teach me. With exceptions made for obvious foolish here. So go for it.

It is interesting that those that libel me won't give me their details to allow my solicitor to argue it with them in court. Foolish people should think before they type.
(Friday 19 March 2021; 11:55)
Re: Defamation (97,619) (97,620) by Lady B from USA
Much like the ex-siblings, Andrew does not understand Defamation Law in the US.
(Friday 19 March 2021; 06:03)
Re: Defamation (97,616) (97,619) by RibbonB from USA
Perhaps her political opinion this time around is "anybody but dumb assed Donald", the epitome of a racist, hateful, narcissistic, white nationalistic, grifter. He also incited an insurrection based on lies.
(Friday 19 March 2021; 01:36)
Re: Defamation (97,615) (97,618) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Human kindness is overflowing, and I think it's gonna rain today.
(Friday 19 March 2021; 01:30)
Re: Defamation (97,616) (97,617) by Bill from the UK
For the record Nelson George's comment in his review of Mariah's album was that she was a "white girl who can sing", not a "white girl who sings black".
(Friday 19 March 2021; 00:15)
Re: Defamation (97,608) (97,616) by BFF from United States
I don't think Mariah is "anti-white", but I do think she's desperate to be seen as "down" and is constantly pandering to a kind of black cultural nationalism that was popular in the 1960s/70s and is now seeing a resurgence in the United States.

I really didn't care for the way she looked down on her father for being a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church and didn't like the derogatory statements she made in her book about how his funeral service was "too white" until she intervened. It made her come off as quite conservative and close-minded.

What I don't get is how she can position herself as some kind of "racial justice" advocate and vocally support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both of whom have made policy decisions that have had disastrous impacts on working class and poor black Americans (i.e. the 1994 Crime Bill and Mass Incarceration)vand poor/working class people of all backgrounds. But I'm sure Mariah's political analysis probably goes about as deep as "vote Democrat no matter who", so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

No one really talks about this, but black music critic Nelson George was the one who originally referred to Mariah as a "white girl who sings black", which was arguably the genesis of her desire to prove herself as "down". Statements like that emanate from the absurd notion that all black people sing a certain way and all white people sing a certain way or that somehow someone's skin color automatically determines their singing ability. I don't ever remember George apologizing for that statement either.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 23:31)
Re: Defamation (97,611) (97,615) by Anonymous from
Not cool at all. As I stick up for Mariah when warranted, I do so for Andy and that's not the case. Wrong to suggest such things.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 22:15)
Re: Defamation (97,610) (97,613) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, there's only one truth. There can be different opinions and points of view but that doesn't change the truth or a lie. What I do believe, Mariah is clearly not "anti-white". Her biggest idol is Marilyn Monroe. But maybe it bothers her that most of her non-fans think she's white. Mariah is so lucky with her talent and beauty, I think she can be very happy with it. I watched "Honey" yesterday and was still blown away by her beauty and the cool video after such a long time. What a woman.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 17:49)
Re: Defamation (97,608) (97,612) by Anonymous from
I'm still trying to understand, if Mariah is seen as racist and doesn't like white people then why would yourself and others who feel the same way still continue to support/be a Mariah fan. What am I missing here? Everyone can have differing opinions yes, but if I genuinely felt in my heart of hearts that Mariah is racist towards White, Black or any other race for that matter then I would stop supporting her in a heartbeat. This topic is sensitive and I'm not looking to argue, I'm really trying to comprehend why someone would support another that is supposedly racist.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 17:12)
Re: Defamation (97,609) (97,611) by RL from USA
Andrew was not sexualizing a 13 year old. That hyperbolic language is a huge problem and framing it that way is inaccurate.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 14:04)
Re: Defamation (97,608) (97,610) by RL from USA
I agree with Andrew. A lot of the language that is used today "your truth", "my truth" etc. is faulty. A lot of people scream racism when the just don't agree with something, or their feelings are hurt. That divisive language does no one any good.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 05:00)
Re: Defamation (97,608) (97,609) by We are lambily from USA
First of all housing discrimination is very common especially in New York, and I do believe some ethnic groups can say the same things about [the] UK. Even the former, disgraced, twice impeached, one term president have discriminated people in his buildings because of race.


Wow, so Mariah feeling some type of way about [Divas Live] turned into [Mariah] hates white people. Such [a] disgusting remark especially considering how [Mariah] is so sweet and affectionate towards all of her fans from all types of demographics. I'm not gonna go into that whole thing again but see here is where it's a culture crash. And what matters at the end of the day is Mariah's biggest female inspiration asked her of all the females in the land to sing with her.

I don't know how things are in your country, but even in rape cases here in America in many instances only require a testimony from the victim to get justice if that's all there is. But you are a nobody, Mariah once again owe you nothing. The fact that the book [has] sold so amazing and the response [has] been spectacular. The book did its magic, now Mariah is so much more free. And ready for the next chapter in her life. [censored] Throwing inflammatory accusations, let me get Ed on the phone and sue [you] for defamation.

Everyone knows once you become famous let alone a legend like Mariah, there are parasites in every part part of your life, your family, your work and even among your fandom.

Pro-white? Yeah that's exactly what FBI just came out and classified as the number one domestic terrorists. Learn about white supremacy, learn some history, and stop coming with some Fox News hateful talking points.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 03:34)
Re: Defamation (97,604) (97,608) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I question everybody's recounting of a story for which there is no evidence. On the face of things, all things being equal, you might accept it and move on. However, for a moment consider the co-op board not wanting Black people in the building. Now, you and I, as long-time fans, will have read that she was turned down for purchasing Barbra's apartment many times over in the last two decades. I never, ever once read it was because of race. It's new. The claim is brand new. In a book full or really dubious storytelling. The story is white-people-bad.

Take Mariah's mother apparently calling the police when Mariah decided she had to wash up mid-argument with plates that were soapy unfortunately slipping out of her hand successively. It is alleged that Mariah's racist mother called the police not out of fear but rather smirking in the knowledge that the police would see a poor white woman suffering at the hands of Black people. So the white police rock up (Pat really lucked in there) and do not see the biggest female star of the time, they see a non-white woman. And arrest her out of racism. Obviously misreading how soapy plates can get, especially when you're mid-argument.

I question Mariah's claim that she was an innocent child when it never ever seemed that way before. What does she say on The Rarities? She wore lingerie singing on a piano at thirteen? Out of her own choice? Wow. Girl interrupted.

There is enormous evidence to suggest Mariah doesn't like white people. She gets upset that she is outdone by a white person on a stage and makes claims that the woman should have respected Black culture. How Divas Live became about race and not Mariah's voice being not up to par is rather depressing.

A memoir differs from an autobiography in that it is not, latterly, a recount of a lifetime, it a selection of events to tell a story. It still requires some evidentiary support where accusations are made. There is no free-for-all because you decide something is "your truth".

Can anyone honestly say they think Mariah is pro-Black then and have that mutually exclusive of being anti-white? Reverse that. If someone is pro-white, it doesn't mean they are anti-Black? I'm happy for people to debate arguments. But screaming stupidity at the top of their lungs does not an argument make. It is simply an excuse to have debate shut down because it is not liked. I exclude you from that, as you're always very fair and open-minded and so rather enjoy your viewpoints, even if I do not enjoy how you describe what you are seeing.

To my original point, way back when, I think Mariah should not have written this book. It is a spurious and salacious retelling of events, leaping into a bandwagon of current political strife, that has done absolutely nobody any good.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 01:18)
Re: A new low (97,605) (97,607) by We are lambily from USA
Lol, yeah there were some spelling errors but the point still stands. People tend to focus on that when they don't have a rebuttal.

Go to [Mimi] on your contacts and press delete. And go and educate on yourself on racial issues, and instead of always saying so many incorrect statements try to listen to people's experiences. It honestly seems like you have so much hate towards Mariah, what did she do to you? Lol, did she ignore your grotesque spirit out in the streets.

Ps: I personally believe she went [too] easy on her ex siblings, and she even admitted that once in a interview.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 01:14)
Re: Bey gets her 28th Grammy (97,594) (97,606) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Eddie, are there really videos where the US National Anthem lipsync failure is adjusted? I can't find any.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 23:50)
Re: A new low (97,603) (97,605) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Do you really go to some kind of college? Please post which one so that others may know not to send their children to it.

Please also post your personal details so that I may have my solicitor empty your bank account into mine. Silly child.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 23:48)
Re: Defamation (97,600) (97,604) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
Truth is constant, but how it is received and eventually re-told is relative to who it is presented to. The same way the Earth is an oblate spheroid but will always still be disputed by flat-Earth believers for whatever reason they have. Just like how several witnesses to a phenomenon may re-tell their experiences differently. The late Olivia de Havilland sued the producers of Feud for what she felt was an inaccurate portrayal of her in the miniseries, but her case was dismissed on the grounds that no one can ever own history.

The memoir is exactly what it is - a scrapbook of memories as recalled by the author. Their recollection may very well be biased or even faulty, so fully knowing this, why should we expect documentary-level accuracy from Mariah's retelling of her story? This isn't to excuse her for possibly twisting and tweaking some things around here and there to fit her narrative, but we knew damn well that this was something she was going to tell the way she wants to, for better or worse, and yet we didn't need any form of coercion to buy the book anyway.

Of course anything put out there especially for public consumption is subject to questioning and commentary. The great thing about this freedom is that it goes both ways - so we might as well spend as much time questioning Mariah's family members' claims as well. If we're gonna be skeptical and investigative then wouldn't it be just fair that we extend such energy equally to all parties involved, especially if the goal is to get to the truth?
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 23:42)
A new low (97,603) by We are lambily from USA
I'm pretty much numb from the crap that comes from your mouth. But Andrew that was a new low. Let's start from the top. Memoir: "A memoir is a narrative, written from the perspective of the author, about an important part of their life."

Second of all don't come here with your condescending attitude and start demanding stuff. Mariah doesn't owe you anything. Especially as someone who is a self-professed fan "see how I didn't write lamb". We know the deal about her siblings, two parasites who would do anything to get a check from Mariah. These are Mariah's recollections, and just based on everything we know about her ex-sister and ex-brother, I believe her to the fullest. Mariah doesn't gain anything on lying but they do.

And thank you Leo, pro black doesn't equal anti white. But Andrew of course for someone who is so racially ignorant and the lack of sensitivity around your language when speaking about these topics you have no clue on. I'm honestly appalled by your comments. Whether or not you do it in a deliberate way, it's really sad. And for some who has definitely used racist language before and have said questionable things, you of everyone in this board should definitely not call anyone racist. Have several sits down.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 21:56)
Re: Defamation (97,601) (97,602) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
True story. Nothing to do with what I was talking about. But true story.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 20:00)
Re: Defamation (97,598) (97,601) by Leo from LAMBville
Pro Black doesn't equal Anti White.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 18:29)
Re: Defamation (97,598) (97,600) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
There isn't a "her truth" or a "his truth" there is only *the* truth. Too often now people talk about their supposed own truths as if these claims cannot be questioned. All claims actually can be queried and lack of evidence means that those claims are highly spurious and should not be relied upon.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 13:23)
Re: Bey gets her 28th Grammy (97,593) (97,599) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
"She could release an audio recording of her bodily noises played on a loop and still have it praised to the high heavens."

Future me here remembering that she fully knows this with her lyric in her song Partition - "I sneezed on the beat and the beat got sicker."
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 04:13)
Re: Defamation (97,588) (97,598) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
Look, it's her story. She can tell it any way she likes to. It may or may not be the complete truth, but it's her truth. Anyone with the proper resources, platform and connection can write and release a memoir if they choose to. It just so happens that Mariah has those at a much larger capacity than her siblings or her mother. It's their right to be litigious and we respect that. But as a fan who has no real clue of what transpired between Mariah and her family, that's exactly the reason why I really avoid talking about the validity of her claims in the memoir on here, because I really am in no position to comment on it, much less sift what I think is true from what isn't.

I have been fortunate enough to have been educated by my biracial friends about a thing that isn't really talked much about called centering. Biracial people often struggle with it as a part of their issues with identity in a society that always wants to simplify things by putting people in boxes and categories. Someone like Mariah, who grew up in a predominantly white neigborhood, who feels more centered towards her black heritage, was criticized for being not too white nor black enough but also somehow benefitted for being white-passing in her career - you could see how this messes things up for her even up to now.

I'd say that at worst she likely has identity issues and maybe even internalized anger that do show up every now and then. She's gonna eventually have to deal with them at her own pace, but until then, that's still different from being outright racist.
(Wednesday 17 March 2021; 04:04)
Re: Bey gets her 28th Grammy (97,594) (97,597) by Stacey from USA
I know, how can I call myself a Mariah fan and not remember that. *Hides in shame* In my defense it has been 20 years.
(Tuesday 16 March 2021; 23:32)
Re: Bey gets her 28th Grammy (97,594) (97,596) by enwar00 from usa
Wait, Mariah sang at the Super Bowl before? Did not know that. When?
(Tuesday 16 March 2021; 22:21)


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